>Arabs can't be alt ri--
Arabs can't be alt ri--
so junior officer in Syria is just shilling for this loser. Sad and sage!
They're half a decade late to the party on this. Who pays these idiots and why are they so ignorant?
American Civic Nationalists support Syrian Civic Nationalists? Whaaaaattt?
>stable governments have become an icon of the far right
>The alt right are all racis-
Western Asia
Nah dad Assad's actually an Anglo.
>beady blue eyes
>studied ophthalmology in London
>his hot white wife has British citizenship
Any enemy of the international/jewish clique (Iran, NK, Syria) is good in my book
The only people that like this mudslime sand monkey are the mentally disabled people from sg . If you go in there and read a few post you should be happy that they have a containment thread.
that's not the census on based assad
Checkmate Saudis!
Assad looks like how I imagine the ancient Phoenicians would have looked like.
He's also anti wahabism/ISIS and is probably pretty anti jew, I would support him over just about any middle eastern leader
Wtf I love Assad now.
alt-right is just a blanket term for anyone that opposes western neoliberalism now
I cannot for the life of me believe there is a section of Sup Forums that unironically chants Arabic slogans and worships Hezbollah and Shiite Muslims. I thought it was some kind of satirical joke until I realized these people were dead serious, and talk about middle eastern cuisine and picking up Syrian girls. They have their own weird brand of memes too. You gotta see this place to believe it. It's unironically a sandnigger outpost on Sup Forums
>Please stop fucking with my country
>he's a .......CHRISTIAN?!?!
>I cannot for the life of me believe there is a section of Sup Forums that unironically chants Arabic slogans and worships Hezbollah and Shiite Muslims. I thought it was some kind of satirical joke until I realized these people were dead serious, and talk about middle eastern cuisine and picking up Syrian girls. They have their own weird brand of memes too.
damn now you got me interested
>Sup Forums isn't for national sovereignty and isn't against Israel
The Alt-RIght is pro-white because it fights for the survival of the white race. But also, we are generally identitarian, where we think people should live in their own land.
The neocons and democrats are using Assad as their boogeyman scapegoat in the Middle East. All the accusations and obviously fake war crimes that they are trying to pin on him are laughable.
Meanwhile ISIS and Mossad are running rampant and doing whatever they want.
Takferi faggots will burn before death and in hell. And so will those who financially support you.
Ba'athism is much closer to National Socialism than Civic Nationalism
"icon" hahahahahahahahahahahahha this guy is a faggot. so is that faggot larper rich kid spencer who pushed the kremlie shilling. what a bunch of fagggots. no one gives a fuck about him, or syria
It's an enemy of my enemy is my friend sort of deal. He kills sand scum and occasionally we get to see a video of it and laugh, that's the extent of his support
He is a Baathist. Basically it is Arab socialism, which means oil wealth and no feminism.
It is a good strategy but it is National Socialist, not Alt Left.
Alt Left is the intersectionalism of all anti-western violent movements.
ISIS, antifa, violent communists, and islamic terrosism are all examples of the alt left.
Use the term alt left from now on.
There is a reason why Assad's speeches are rarely if ever translated and shown in the West.
No one would believe the narrative that this guy is a warmonger or that he would ever intentionally hurt his own people.
Assad looks more white than fucking Mussolini lol
>ancient reddit meme
How coincidental
wow why wont these racist white supremacists stop supporting democratically elected arab leaders were trying to overthrow?
When will you leftypol fags understand that your god damn retarded D&C tactics has the opposite effect here?
You're attempting to divide a board which was always divided, up until the point when you retards started shilling during the 2016 campaign, essentially forcing every Sup Forumsack who used to hate eachother to fight you as a common enemy.
You are the glue that holds Sup Forums together, but you are too fucking retarded to see it.
As a result of your shitposting, most Sup Forumsacks blocks out all view points that are left of their current stance. Before you came, these ideas would have been discussed.
But since 80% is bullshit, the 20% legit view points are disregarded as bullshit as well. So not only are you the glue that holds Sup Forums together; you are the fuel which drives Sup Forums further right at an incredible speed.
I'm not even mad about your shilling and subversion. Incompetence just fucking annoys me
Anti-interventionism is "far right" now?
Anti-ISIS is "far right"?
I mean jesus fucking christ what world is this? The left had been whining about leaving the ME alone for decades. Now there's actually some traction on this ONE situation being up to its own country and their people, and then it's a fucking problem.
>There is a reason why Assad's speeches are rarely if ever translated and shown in the West.
>No one would believe the narrative that this guy is a warmonger
The left wouldn't accept that SADDAM HUSSEIN was a "warmonger" even though he literally was not only from Iraq but also selling weapons to other rebel groups and inciting them to terrorism and worse.
The left has been screeching about Iraq being mishandled and Saddam is as clear a nutjob tyrant as you can get. Again, if they had a consistent bone in their body why the fuck wouldn't they be alright with Assad who's by all accounts nowhere near Saddam in insanity, alone?
Assad is fighting the same people who blew up the Twin Towers. By that, I mean arab terrorists controlled by jewish globalists. As such, as an american trained to vote for the Lesser Evil, Assad is clearly the lesser evil compared to letting Syria become yet another failed state spawning islamic terrorists. Although that's precisely what the zionist jews in Israel want, because the more radicalized unstable failed states around them the more the GOYIM have to look at Israel (the only stable nation in the area) and support them, which is why zionist jews like Kushner and the AIPAC think tanks in Washington support al-qaeda and the islamic state.
And North Korea is an icon of the far left.
Now, would you rather live like an arab in Syria than a gook in North Korea?
yes because there's literally a proxy war going on between Russia and America in Syria, in case everyone has forgotten
Those people hate Jews so much, they ignore the serious problems of Hezbollah and the Iranian theocracy
>"No way, Iran denies the Holocaust? Surely they can do no wrong! /ourguys/!"
>Alt-right, alt-right, alt-right, alt-right, alt-right
This is how the (((media))) is going to harp until all whites are dead.
>the serious problems of Hezbollah and the Iranian theocracy
Only a kike lover or kike does.
hezbollah basically only commits acts of terrors on kikes, so they are good in my book :^)
and /sg/ is helping bomb isis
by does I mean would give a shit about that
>Stable govt
BC he is holding his own against the synagogue of satan trying to destroy his based country. Fuck ISIS and the Zionist funding them.
It would be if the US wasn't a kike slave that handed weapons out hand over fist to every terrorist group out there.
Thas rite
>Syrian Civic Nationalists?
The Baathist government stands for Arab nationalism, so it's more like ethno-nationalism than civic nationalism
God trips must be right.
shut up Goy
Trump is Hitler,
Putin is Hitler,
Assad is Hitler,
Isis is love,
Islam is Peace,
Commis are the saviors
>Assad has became an icon of the putin shills and (((alt-right))) cucks
ba'athism is literally arab nationalism. nothing wrong with that.
>t. abu john ibn mccuck al-takfiri
Fuck this pedo worshipping scum, a muslim being an icon of the alt right would be like a Jew being an icon of the Nazis.
>tfw leftist secular dictator became icon of muritards
And just who do you think lured all those idiots here to serve that function?
Nice D&C. he is literally socialistic ethno-nationalist
Like, hmm yeah exactly, like this one guy that we love that much
How was his name again ?
>How was his name again ?
>purged chechens
>purged khokhols
>purged tatars
>purged ax*s members
These people are the only muslims with of respect.
They fight with honor and bravery, and protect their own.
They do not invade other people.
They build modern societies without losing their souls.
Learn from them.
Long live the resistance and respect to the lion of damascus.
>only the US can sell weapons to other countries
I'm strawmanning, I know, but your point is not far from it. Sadism was killed for supposedly having weapons of mass destruction, not for selling arms. It's immoral to sell guns to known killers, but not illegal as far as I know.
I knew that you would right this down
You forgot
>purged the kikes
Stalin was the only real redpilled commie
>being several years late for the Can't Mossad the Assad meme
Normies, not even once
>Sadism was killed for supposedly having weapons of mass destruction
Weapons bought from the US.
> not for selling arms
His selling them and funding other insurgents was cited in the UN meeting that led to the war.
>It's immoral to sell guns to known killers, but not illegal as far as I know.
It's illegal, in the sense that anything on the inter-nation level is a matter of law, to be a state supporter of terrorism. The US uses this convention to execute its own citizens (which is illegal since there's no due process, unconstitutional). Obama famously murdered several US citizens with drones.