White Supremacist Strips In Terror


>i-i-i-its j-j-j-just a joke d-dude i-i-its just f-funny p-please dont hurt me!!!

so this is the average edgy Sup Forumstard


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This guy is 99% of the people here.

i wonder what his reddit username is

That's why I love that video so much. He's a fucking idiotic manchild.

Top kek

Shoot him for dissertation, lmao.

That's me

so this is the power of the white race

>just a prank bro
Sup Forums in a nutshell.

haha it's true. Sup Forums shown for what it really is

so this is the power of the white race

lol that was embarrassing what the fuck were you doing

>poor little white boy

This sums up pol

Oh, look, It's another batch of lefty shills being gleeful about ganging up on a line guy


>He's a fucking idiotic manchild.
>lol nazis are bad
>denies armenian genocide

Nice shill thread

That's some good cringe. Worth a chuckle.

Fuck TYT hes like 17, kid was scared. Came out for the shit show and felt threatened.

>Fuck TYT hes like 17
Basically Sup Forums

Don't jump him yall!

Then why was he in jail and not juvie?

This is worst than fags having anal sex on the streets in broad daylight?

He knew what he was getting himself into and did it anyway, the madman. You don't need to get offended on his behalf.

>it's like cosplay, it's fun

are you not having FUN on Sup Forums tonight?

Fucking hell, at least commies and anarchists stand by their convictions. This is what happens when you base your political beliefs on memes instead of rigorous theory.
Charlottesville continues to be a rolling disaster for the right wing.

So this is the power of....niggers

Also looks like OP needs a little of this

So far the Alt-Left have more balls than the Alt-Right. They're getting shit done.

I bet is this 100% real.

>implying he even went to jail
>believing everything you hear

The state of the Alt-Left

Buzzfeed was correct the whole time.

It really is, when trump is impeached noones gonna do shit

Reminds me of what happened when soviet russia fell, or what ISIS does nowdays. Truly erasing history is not the answer and never will be.

Antifa has the entire (((news-entertainment))) apparatus.

It will be your downfall. Fake news isn't talking about the great number of times communists caused and instigated violence. Lie after lie, DNC puppeteers funding both sides are only hurting their own credibility in the long run because observers like me who try to be impartial are paying attention to what's really happening behind the scenes. This is why Trump won. Figure it out.

lol if i see any of you tiki-nazis in the US after i immigrate there you get punched in the throat :)

Jesus christ, their imitations of us are SO bad

Behold, the master race


>scare someone with violence to the point where they lie about their political views being just a prank
I'm sure that will make him a leftist

It's literally and unironically me

this is straight up medieval

all that's missing is them throwing tomatoes at him

Nah dude he just didn't have any deep convictions. He was there to get some kind of catharsis by punching a lefty, he maybe expected to get a bloody nose at worst. But to be honest he probably didn't even expect that. The reality of the situation, the resolve it requires, and the real stakes of attending the rally probably didn't even enter his head. I can't speak for him, but from the video I saw earlier (not giving the Young Roaches any views) he really did have an "oh shit" moment when he realized that other people were taking his views seriously, so he was probably meme nationalist.

This is literally why the term LARPing was invented.

Paid actor.

please shower before entering the pool
also we piss routinely piss in kosher wine, just so you know

quit calling them white supremacists when they are simple nationalists

well, when push comes to shove...if they arent in a vehicle or have a gun to shoot up a pizza palor...theyre pussys