h-how can we recover from this?
H-how can we recover from this?
Didn't Trump monetize his own presidential campaign?
You don't you fucking Nazi.
You're on the wrong side of history fash.
Is there anything more degenerate than being a footfag?
Maybe pay an army of mercenary Centrists-traditional Conservative moderate patriots-the majority of Trump supporters.
At least they're not hiding it anymore.
Let the enemy keep fucking themselves over.
They're making fools of themselves right now and we shouldn't get in their way.
They're practically writing all of 2018's campaign commercials for us.
Remind them that (((team resist))) consists primarily of violent alt-leftists
>Jews are behinid immigration, BLM, Antifa, feminism, fagotry
Oy vey anti-semite!
Let them out virtue signal each other.
lel they hate them because of Palestine.
>1% donors
Are these people seriously this retarded? Trump had a self funded campaign. Hillary was the Wall Street candidate who also took money from foreign governments like the Saudis. Fuck the left holy shit.
Is it just a meme? Honestly there's nothing hot about a foot. It's like being attracted to an arm pit.
you mean fund? yeah, but the media gave him more coverage than anyone else during the primaries so he probably didn't have to spend as much as the others. kek
i kid you not my lads, i've been reading the twatter of the person who posted that pic for the last 10 minutes and i still can't even figure out if it's someone falsflagging or if libshits really just do completely lack self awareness. it really is so hard to tell at this point, i really think the election turned them insane
decide for yourselves: twitter.com
kek she keeps adding people
When does the shield of minorities and women come and say they are pro trump like with gamergate?
isn't top 1% just newspeak for bourgeois?
There is no need to recover. The left is burning itself out.
Everything is bad on Trump's side, everything is good on their side. When something goes against that idea, they ether ignore it, or it becomes an amazing feat of projection and they fault the other side for it.
>1% donors
Reminder that the statue of liberty is a masonic tribute to lucifer
I've been laughing about this too. Not long ago they were burning the American flag and chanting "America was never great". Totally disgusting and dispicaple people.
quit fucking up good giantess fetish porn with leftist bullshit
Don't they know the jews are on their side?
yes, like "globalist elite" is newspeak for Jews.
Very well could be one of our agents dropping a very subtle Redpill
Delete this. Don't let the fucking normies know
you should read the replies under his latest tweets about taking down monuments. suddenly the left is concerned about robert e. lee and jackson being "traitors to this union and nation"
#TeamEdward 4eva n a day
read the twitter account. it is impossible to tell. if it is someone from here, he's playing the long game. but honestly, leftists really are this clueless.
MODS spam
>The 1%
>But not corporations. Corporations are our moral givers
It's time to Impeach trump for his possible collusion with Russia
>white skittles
I wish I would have grab a pack of them when they were around
>international "allies"
So what you're saying is she's a literal traitor aiding foreign nationals against our government?
>says a a general of the CSA was a traitor to this nation
Really. Makes. Me. Think.
>They think the 1% is on our side
How fucking delusional do you get?
Just make the same posters replacing the white guy with antifa communist.
It's not that fucking hard. Let's be honest the left are just as violent as the nazis. They should be easy to demonize using their own propaganda back at them.
>no humans on team resist
So what from should we recover?
No trump, no KKK.
Workers of the world unite!
Recover? Isn't this a compliment?
>implying we weren't thoroughly btfo'd by this
it's all ogre for us bros, stop denying it
maybe a pedo but that's about it.
>1% Donors
>Trump had the least support of the elite while Hillary was the human embodiment of graft and payoffs.
Like most leftist drivel, bereft of honesty or even remotely true to life.
you've never had a job in your life
>that pic
Not gonna lie, I lol'd.
he thinks he'll be some kind of important party apparatchik, not slaving away in some dirty ass factory building tanks or whatever.
Ummmmmmmmmm sweetie. Literally all of the proletariat get to be in the party like that's how socialism works. That's what Lenin (pbuh) said...
When will you leftypol fags understand that your god damn retarded D&C tactics has the opposite effect here?
You're attempting to divide a board which was always divided, up until the point when you retards started shilling during the 2016 campaign, essentially forcing every Sup Forumsack who used to hate eachother to fight you as a common enemy.
You are the glue that holds Sup Forums together, but you are too fucking retarded to see it.
As a result of your shitposting, most Sup Forumsacks blocks out all view points that are left of their current stance. Before you came, these ideas would have been discussed.
But since 80% is bullshit, the 20% legit view points are disregarded as bullshit as well. So not only are you the glue that holds Sup Forums together; you are the fuel which drives Sup Forums further right at an incredible speed.
I'm not even mad about your shilling and subversion. Incompetence just fucking annoys me.
>Implying that's not a merchant's nose
>merchant ship
If only we could meme the statue of liberty being racist since its white