What say you /pol
What say you /pol
Delusional idiot.
I don't think anyone needs to be told why this is insane.
I dunno i thought there were some rational points made...
Such as?
The claim that no common "white" culture exist is downright insane.
And then defending "black pride" on the basis that their ancestors forgot to tell their kids from where they came and therefore "black culture" exists is idiotic.
There isn't one though
A white personfrom the Bronx is not similar in culture to a white person from Estonia or even from Texas
White pride celebrates culture from all European nations the same way carribean parades celebrates culture from all carribean nations.
How are you this much of a shill
Also, why do carribean blacks have culture but American blacks do not? American blacks are retarded. Even blacks in the carribean know that race mixing is wrong.
There obviously is a shared European culture, that is just the nature of things.
Europe's history is not one of isolation but of coexistence and war.
Especially since the Estonian and Texan might have the same ancestors.
Anyone who argues otherwise is ashamed to admit that they have forsaken their true white culture that their forefathers fought to preserve
They're right, up until the third paragraph.
All races in a "multicultural" country have had their culture diluted to the point of nonexistence. Slaves weren't forced to be Christian, they usually voluntarily embraced it (probably because they were slaves and xtianity says that you'll go to heaven for being good anyway.
White people in the US don't think of themselves as German or French except as a quick experiment to see their ancestry. They don't know any traditional German songs, they don't eat or drink traditional German or French food or beverages (wine is Greek and Beer is Sumerian), they just eat a mishmash of food from 20 different cultures.
The same goes for blacks in the US, and many third or fourth generation immigrants from South America and Asia. Even many Indian tribes now eat a mix of Native and various european foods.
So yes, people with a distinct cultural heritage from Germany or France should celebrate German or French pride. People who have had their culture diluted to the point of nonexistence should celebrate pride in whatever fucking trait they choose, whether it's skin color or your hometown or your fucking accent.
There is white american culture. It's just doesn't get utilized by self hating swastika freaks.
An argument beaten by stating I'm European. I only want to live among other Europeans.
Actually it's probably better to use white pride in Europe but instead European pride.
Thx homo bro.
> white pride is retarded
That's correct. So is black pride. Skin color does not distinguish between people, good and evil standards do.
Dividing on color has always been a leftist ponzischeme and we should not go along with it. If we allow leftists to take all groups outside white males, they will always win.
There were some cable TV shows not long ago that had celebrities do some kind of ancestry test.
While the results may have been doctored for entertainment purposes, but the science exists.
We can trace ancestry. Ghana, Sudan, Tanzania; wherever.
This might be a non-argument due to lack of scientific understanding, which is easily fixable.
I might not create pride, but it will create understanding.
Let's say pride in European heritage and culture. That sounds great to me, while pride in African heritage and culture ... well you make up your own mind about that.
Nobody's skin is white.
Roman Law
Greek Logic
Christian Ethic
White Culture.
But that is plain wrong.
There are statistical differences between blacks and whites.
Dude, we do not want any other people than whites. These other groups should go to their own fucking nations.
That's the whole point of preventing white genocide.
Alright, I did this, and they told me where their ancestors were from, and that their ancestors lived a much better life in America and were thankful.
What is your response?
I'm not obligated to listen to some slut. I'm proud to be white because every other race is either subhuman, a bug, or a jew.
What are you even saying?
DNA tests exist today, just because 60 generations ago you had ancestors in Africa means nothing.
Look at some DNA tests of Europeans most of them have near 0 similarly to Africans.
id say the jews are know for keeping their transactions well documented. ask them and youll know which african country the blacks came from.
No pan-European culture? There have been several. Maria Gimbutas's hypothetical matriarchy, the Indo-Europeans, and Christendom. The first is lost and probably never existed, the second exists in common myths that every schoolchild learns and the languages we speak every day, and the third is still around. If you speak a European language or have integrated non-oriental Christianity into your worldview, you are engaging in European culture.
White people can all celebrate having successful countries and building up science/philosophy/art wherever we grace the world.
Our culture is literally just being not a bunch of fuck ups if left to our own devices. We also are susceptible to jewish tricks, so part of white culture is to hate the jew.
This would be correct, but it makes the incorrect assumption that there is no solidarity between different white groups. Slavs and Irishmen are different, but they can still band together with a common pride.
As valid as those point are (for most part -- not all Afroes are ignorant of their derivation, nor do many even care... otherwise their ancestors would have gone back on Marcus Garvey's boat).
But, how about that being "proud" of MELANIN (or lack thereof) is a pretty fucking low bar to set oneself... and is an effective admission being a failure in life?
Just spit-ballin'...
White is not about skin color, you utter complete inbred moron. It's about the european ethno-culture.
OPs pic says they have no pride because they don't know where they came from. Doing a DNA test would fix that. Maybe helping them find their original people so they can have pride could be helpful in some way.
The person in OPs pic is just looking for a cheap out to defend black pride.
these are the same faggots that would endorse gay pride where youre literally proud of getting dicks shoved up your ass but white pride is not ok?