Do you feel no guilt for what you did to this man?
Do you feel no guilt for what you did to this man?
Only thing I feel guilty about is not being there to finish the job
Ohhh noo, that poor (((thing)))
>Do you feel no guilt for what you did to this man?
That agender para-humankin is not a victim. Xir chose the path of violence when xim joined a violent mob that assembled to enact political violence on a peaceful assembly of people they disagreed with.
Initiating violence is making a deal with the devil. A Faustian bargain. When you initiate violence you are giving your opponent no reason to not also use violence. Violence begets violence and violence escalates. That is the nature of the beast. Nobody innocent got hurt in the crash.
Top kek that was the retard who ran directly at the car from behind and got sandwiched against another car as /ourguy/ reversed. Purely xis fault.
Do you feel guilt for what you did to the republican congressmen playing softball?
Commies aren't human
What was the purpose of throwing Nazi salutes and saying Seig Heil? Because the moderates were steering away from the Left before these faggots acted like actual Nazis. What a dumb fuck move.
i have seen that tattoo before
what it this thing they are pushing inside the ambulance?
"Think about what you're saying"
Brought to you by The Cuckdrens Television Workshop.
Like Senator Cancer McBrain?
That's a man?
>What was the purpose of throwing Nazi salutes and saying Seig Heil?
Most of the people doing that were either feds or antifa false flaggers.
>freakshow smashed rear window with bat
>got backed into and rolled between car and truck
Literally his own fault. He ran at the back of the car and jumped onto it beating it like a retard. All he had to do was stay on the sidewalk and he's be fine. But his dumb ass was pretending to be Stalin's red army and nearly got smashed.
Damn shame Darwinistic forces didn't run to completion on that walking mistake.
He saw the backup lamps and his comrades bashing in the side windows. He had every reason to believe that things were not going to work out in his favor.
Oh, and also 72%
Sorry man. We're a party of peace.
Did you feel guilty for the crime stats of minorities you continue to ignore, which means you support the crimes and ignore the victims?
Terrorists aren't people
No, voters and citizens.
> [[[[[[[{{{{{{"""MAN"""""}}}}}}]]]]]]