I gotta say, I'm proud too.
I gotta say, I'm proud too
I want to eat cake and get apid for it.
This gross old bitch looks like a man.
christ she has not aged well. looks like a grandma trying to look hip after slathering makeup on herself
>eating cake whilst complaining
It's like a Dostoyevsky novel
So ... they're bravely willing to selflessly ... do whatever they were already going to do ... ?
so brave
when will you guys learn
lol retart
So she's trying have her cake and eat it too?
Literally having your cake and eating it too. This timeline is bonkers.
Sup Forums
>not getting the joke
The only thing nazis are truly afraid of is #JumpAgainstTrump
so the cake is euphemistic for her vagina?
She must be going for meta knowing most people are idiots.
Like samatha bee's tv persona vs her wanting to keep niggers out of her children's schools.
Dare I say powerful?
Morans are a diamond dozen around here, user.
Poo poo in my fanny LAL amirite ladies
tina fey = the public
spoon = the media
cake = kike lies. they taste sweet but rot you on the inside.
yes, yes you may
she conquered; fat-shaming, The patriarchy, and NAZIS Facshits in one spoon full
Drawfags make a drawing of her eating cake while crying.
If I have to explain the joke...people doing stupid shit to align themselves against the alt-right.
>cake against hate
What does this even mean? I think we totally broke the libtards.
Damnit, not the cake
Dumbledore would be proud.
Wow I just farted a little when my dick twitched this absolutely euphoric thread is getting me so excited I completely forgot it's one in a gorillion
You truly know you've been defeated when you're taking pride in staying home to drown your sorrows in cake.
Evil corrupts your features eventually.
LMAO, did this bitch get AIDS or something? She looks like Skeletor in a trap wig.
>gross old bitch
SAD! She was almost kinda cute in a nerdy way on 30 rock
>Celebs are 'taking sides'
>Maybe she browses, and is saying you can't have your cake and eat it too applies to both sides; indicating she may be a centrist.
>Maybe "we will sit like an effendi and eat"
I'm getting mixed messages.
why are leftists so devoted to pop culture
Where can I buy this anti hate cake?
>having cake
>eating it
trump hasn't even built the wall yet and this lady has already hit it
>mixed messages
this is now a woman hate thread
Trained. It's "followers" for a reason. This is a new type of war.
They didn't grow up with actual parental figures
I never watched the skit. What was the point of Fey eating cake and why does it make that weird looking Jewish lady proud?
this will surely end racism
Wow, so brave. I literally can't even right now...
>>Celebs are 'taking sides'
Celebs are doing what their vast majority female audience finds palatable. Men are leaving Television/Movies in droves which leaves only one market to cater to, even if it means only talking about politics.
absent or negligent parents.
television, internet, and media raised them. why do you think it's such a nostalgia focused culture? they are crying out for a childhood they never had
Knowing Tina Fey's brand of humor, I can almost guarantee the bit was designed to parody the trope that women mope and eat ice cream when they're depressed, but the funny part is supposed to be that she turned it into activism, hilarious right?!
P Much this desu senpai.
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
why the fuck does tina fey look so fucking ugly in that pic
>Anti-Hate cake? What about regular cake, don't you have any of that?
>Larry, you need to stand in solidarity with us, there are literally Nazis marching in the streets!
>Look I don't want to get wrapped up in all this, I just want some cake, please?
so brave
women hate thread? women hate thread.
>posting nic cage...
Don't you SEIU pussies have your own fag board? Just because Your Kind falls into mental lockstep and parrots the `ideas` being illustrated by your group, we do not.
Your Yehudi mind tricks have no effect on us.
well I have a limited amount of reaction images
Let them eat cake
what pic doesn't she look ugly?
>Make emotionally unhinged women stay inside and get fatter
Solid plan t b h
That is my fetish.
Fuck is going on with her eyebrows, jesus christ
I, too, have written a deliberate spelling mistake.
Kek underrated
I was thinking this...most of us know it was leftist propaganda, at the time exposed by edmund burke, but still...
i am really afraid for the future of this country
She's secretly /ourgirl/. She's admired Trump for a long time, and the dog-whistles and half-hearted criticism make this obvious.
The left can have her, she looks like she's going through chemo
It's parody. She's making fun of you. Eating cake and posting on the internet isn't going to stop hate.
entire argument disgarded
>tfw we have already won
oh wow so brave thx tina you just saved all the minorities
Yes, this is the America I'm proud of! The America where I can find solace in vapid celebrity culture and television, and forget pragmatic politics!
we're never gonna stop winnin' either
Some people don't take spelling for granite. Ever think of that?
I literally have no fucking clue what's going on here. Eating cake ends hate?
She's looking more like Palin everyday. Sad.
They know htey are fucked. Did you notice that bit about militias? That was fear. They are trying to display comfort on TV.
they can't actually be this retarded can they?
Write it in stone my friend. It will be the death of you.
But is cake gonna stop Nazi's from marching across the country???
Didn't think so
I thought it was Colbert from the thumbnail.
Yes user, yes.
You better leave my Tina alone! She's always looked oddly cute to me, and at 47 she looks much better than the average white woman her age.
>mfw one of my long time celebrity crushes is now being picked on by my Sup Forums brethren
So... let them eat cake?
Tina Fey is alright desu. She wrote one of the more likable conservatives on TV in 30 rock and there was an episode of Kimmy Scmidt where she attacked SJW outrage culture
She has been married to the same dude for 17 years and has two white children which is more than most of this board has done.
I think she is a liberal but not a lunatic or anything
Also wtf is that picture supposed to be? Why save such a thing?
Obsessing over ANY fucking celeb E or otherwise is not an America I'm proud of. All celebrities should be banned from any interaction with fans on politics
>tiny fey
Bulimia is no laughing matter, nor something to be proud of.
That bitch's a tranny folks
It's the only way they can argue.