What is your robot stance on Marijuana?



I don't know, I've never smoked weed.


what do you mean robot stance? Like does my stance on robots differ from when I'm not on Marijuana? Or that if I was a Robot, what would my stance be on Marijuana?

lol ops, I copy and pasted a thread from /r9k/

I've never smoked marijuana, and have no intention to do so, regardless of legality (considering it's been legal in my state for almost 3 years now), but only faggots and self-righteous cunts are into marijuana and the culture surrounding it

I'm addicted to synthetic cannabinoids. I can't really judge your weed use. I have sympathy for drug users, as long as they manage to still be responsible. I've got a job and am in a 7 year relationship. I don't let the drugs change who I am.

I get high daily, admittedly for fun sometimes, often for little things; I'm a sperg-lite. I smoke to relieve anxiety in social situations which are irregular, such as before seeing a group of family, or after a big meeting at work.

MA rules!

I used to be a gram a day smoker, but I been clean for a few months cause just graduated and need to find an engineering job.

Oklahoma will have medical marijuana on the ballot in Nov 18, if it fails Im gunna field offers for out of state jobs. If it passes, I might actually love this state. Would prove that the populace is more libertarian than conservative bloc

>addicted to synthetic cannabinoids

Oh, well.. I'm on medical myself, it helps with an autoimmune disease. Without it, life would go back to being quite painful. So my stance on weed has changed, used to be against it, now I'm for it because I think it really can help some people, and compared to opioids or other things.. at least it won't kill you, and the addiction potential is a lot less and just psychological/habit forming.

A better drug than alcohol, especially now that vaporisation technology exists, but you'll be targeted by sonic weapons hard if you piss off people and the only dirt they have on you is you smoke weed.

If you hear voices whilst you're completely sober, they're on to you. Don't worry, you're not insane, the technology to make sound like a laser and point it at your ear exists.

This is the only good argument against weed I've heard, people will fuck with you more often. At least it's not coke.

I'm a 1-2 gram a WEEK smoker (well vaper to be more accurate). Don't like being baked all the time or reallly really baked, just enough to handle pain is all I like.

Causes infertilization and that's why it's being pushed for legalization.

i wish i never smoked weed because i'm addicted now, but i think it should be legal or at least make bongs legal so people don't have to resort to smoking out of soda cans and shit

It is a medicine at the end of the day. I have smoked a few times in the last year, and years ago i smoked a lot of dabs and flower

I've only smoked it once and it didn't do anything for me except give me a panic attack.

Contrary to popular (here) belief, it's one of the few drugs that's not degenerate. It's an effective, nontoxic pain reliever and it's good for your brain and nervous system, as long as you don't give it to your kids.

>make bongs legal so people don't have to resort to smoking out of soda cans and shit
I know that feel. Don't fucking touch cans, they are made with tinny metal that causes fucking brain diseases and lung disorders. Next time use an apple or get a quartz one-hitter disguised as a cigarette

Lets me identify and filter out leftist scum from my life.


You sound like an idiot. There is nothing leftist about a harmless alternative to alcohol poisoning.

All my friends while growing up were potheads. When the medical pot wave hit, they claimed it was for medical reasons that they now smoke it everyday. Then they tried to say it was addictive in their arguments, while never being able to stop smoking it for 15 years. These people are a fucking joke. Latching onto whatever narrative they can to continue their addiction. And it's the reason why I can't stand listening to any pothead talking about legalizing it.

Weed is a nigger drug that turns white blue pilled.

Being baked all the time with frat best friends (and no responsibility) is best lifestyle ever, clearly not for everyone. I also loved going to my engineering classes high and being smug knowing I skating thru STEM stoned and normies (especially minorities) have issues with their gen-eds

>tfw your school boasted about biggest freshman classes every year since you entered (i.e. school enrollment keeps rising to record)
>tfw your school boasted about biggest minority classes record every year, to the point it was over 50% minorities enrolled
>tfw no blacks in your engineering college
>tfw no native indians in STEM despite literal free college

Never mind the plastic lining that retards corrosion.
Tire pressure gauges, plumber's fittings, clay, hollowed out sticks/branches work nice too

Just accept it and legalize it. You faggots have got to stop being so God damn rigid in your thinking. Ok you think it's degenerate. Fine. Don't smoke it. See how easy that is to handle? Don't worry, Hitlers ghost still loves you.

>bongs illegal in Australia

that's fucking awful, what about vapes though? I use a dry herb vape myself now.

Tried it a few times. It's nice in the right setting and I can understand why stoners are stoners. Regarding the political aspects frankly I don't think it's worth the time and resources to police it and punish those who use it. Kind of... turn a blind eye type of thing.

JWO mind poison.

It might not kill you, but it'll keep you from moving on with your life and achieving anything.

>but only faggots and self-righteous cunts are into marijuana and the culture surrounding it
maybe its just that everyone you know is a self-righteous faggot, and you only see it when they do something you dont do.
maybe YOURE a self-righteous faggot for posting your worthless opinions to begin with

Many people become addicted and it's not much better than alcohol in this case

my stance is that I wish I had some right now.

>someone doesn't smoke weed after smoking weed every day
>they are irritated
>someone doesn't drink alcohol after drinking alcohol every day
>they fucking die

As a fellow Canadian I'll promise you'll grow out of smoking weed when you turn 16 and start to think about adult issues. Kind of like when you were 13 and bragged about drinking a beer, it's not that impressive in your 30's.

You'll grow out of it, as all children do.

I can do months without this shit. And it doesn't change who or what I am. I do like to smoke one once in a while and it is basically a weekend activity.

You are a nigger for doing weed but should not be put in jail. If I were king I would male all drug addicts live together in a shitty area just for them.

It'a degenerate unless it's medical and should be illegal for recreation in any civilized society

>day of the rake when?

Just don't smoke in public, and I don't care

It's for niggers like you.


I don't like, I'd probably never do it. My brother was a big pot head and so were his friends. But I guess I can't stop you so what's the point in asking?

Also it smells terrible.

Smells bad and fills my brain with fog. A thoroughly unpleasant experience that I don't understand how anyone enjoys.

im smoking some man im so high

>how can i intoxicate myself without having to drink

How about doing neither?

You had to let a nigger in the pool didn't you now we are closing it due to AIDS and possible stingrays

>I had fun once. It was terrible!

It ruined my life.
Kind of.


my stance on marijuana?

i usually just sit down

But it wasn't fun. That's the point.

I love it but cant smoke anymore because it made me a wizard and thats bad apparntly

Reasonable. But realistically, if your friends didn't smoke pot they would probably be alcoholics. Any addiction has prerequisites, and no sane person wants to be an irresponsible addict.

Really makes you think

Still should be regulated like alcohol,
If weed is smoked by people whose brains are still not fully developed this may cause some issues.

>much better


>I do like to smoke one once in a while and it is basically a weekend activity.
Thats not the definition of an addict.
I know people who smoke a fuck tone everyday and they keep saying this "im not addicted, its just fun! Why should I stop?"

>the less you need
The more you get.

Im really high right now

i HATE losing control over my consciousness.

Weed, and all recreational drugs should be legalised

inb4 called degenerate by virgins on Sup Forums

That's a New Zealand flag.
Can assure you bongs are legal here lmao
Weed is basically legal as well in that it's everywhere and most wont charge you

Police wont charge you, I mean.