ITT legendary Sup Forums artifacts

The hand drawn cover of the first chapter of The Adventures of christ chan

collect these artifacts before were hated again

wow maldraw your like really popular on twitter these days good for you!

Go away

What did he mean by that?

what did he mean by this

This faggot doesn't know threads get deleted,
wew what a fucking moron, probably rebbit plebes

he was in the thread at the time spamming blow up mosques and shoot muslims so he can screen cap it for his autism. i seriously hope one of kimmys nukes goes off course and hits malaysia killing maldraw

Fuck him just ignore him, he's just another nobody, fucking attention whore,
sage and move on

threads got archived you fucking jap dumbfuck
if it got deleted the mods are involved
and for that specific thread mods only deleted it after it got to bump limit
fuck off with your fake news

We can still tell its you mike.

Why do you call everyone Mike Pence, you retarded fuck?

Fuck off, Malaysian Mike. You non-white nigger lover.

you resorted to buying twitter followers, AHAHAHA, youll never receive a dime you malayasian poor fag. too much of a pussy to show your flag or even reply on twitter, get a job chink, no one will ever pay for your shitty art.

wow thats sad

> too much of a pussy to show your flag
> doesnt show flag

nice trips. he has like 120 real followers mostly troll accounts. the saddest part is that he donates to his own patreon to seem relevant, those $45 must be his lifes savings, he probably isnt aware that patreon collects %5. why would anyone hire some autistic chink that draws on photoshop 1 on a shitty 10 year old laptop, when /ic/ has professional artists using top of the line drawing software/hardware.

Your comics might have been bearable Mike were it not for the insufferable niggererdry that accompanied them.

I haven't forgotten how you reported all those HWNDU threads.

im not the one shilling my shitty art here 24/7 pretending its not me, happy nigger?

thanks malayasian
may your poverty last a life time

nice fake news and character assasination retard dumbfuck
these comics are going to haunt your pathetic life forever

The South will rise again in KL.
This board likes Christ Chan. Well at least the Jesusfags do.
Be 95% moar chill mike.
For truly you are a glorious jungle nigger sperglord.

we know its malcuck, you simultaneously tweet while shilling on Sup Forums, you had your chance to get some shekels and ruined, you only have yourself to blame. must suck being an autistic poorfag, I bet I can buy your whole family for $500 LOL.

>suicidal basement keyboard warrior nigger thinks he has money
dont kill my sides like that

damn you just cant stop shilling this piece of shit can you? how many times do you have be told it sucks before you get it?

get the fuck out Malaysian mike you kike
no one likes your shitty comic




sure thing mr. $45 HAHAHAHA, you still use photoshop 1 KYS poorfag.

until you kill yourself obviously stupid retard fuck
be more asshurt its fun to see you squirm like the fucking bitch you are

Fuck off Mike you piece of shit. Sad thing is you can't even fucking draw

$45 is much much more than what your mom gave you per month silly basement meme warrior nigger
your neo nazi friends are being killed left and right, lemme know once youre ready to go hang yourself live on camera sad fuck

he draws better than your salty oaki loving ass

what a cute doodle did a little girl draw it?

>he doesnt like my obviously shitty comic he must be retarded
why are you hiding behind a confederate flag? we all know where you are from, how much longer are you going to waste your life on a comic literally no one likes?

stop projecting your insecurities mike, your mud hut doesnt even have a basement. $45 alot of money HAHAHA maybe to a poorfag like you. I bet your laptop is so shitty you cant even run a pirated version of photoshop cc on it HAHAHA.

Lemme see your work dumb nigger

5 people supports it on patreon. Shove your asshurt up your ass and go hang yourself already salty nigger.

>5 people

drawing is for faggots and everyone knows you donate money to yourself. even chris chan and autistic tranny draws better and has more supporters than you HAHAHA.

you sound awfully triggered at me mentioning $45 is more than what your poor mother gave you a month to keep your degenerate ass alive
did I struck a nerve?

>5 people support it on patreon

whoa man. thats impressive, how long have you been shilling this comic for? i swear its been like almost 2 years

>everyone knows you donate money to yourself
proof? everyone knows the haters of maldraw spouts shit out of their asses for being told to hang themselves for being degenerates.

Triggering your bitch pussy ass isnt shilling, dumb no job nigger.

who the hell can live off $45 a month in America? LOL, only becauae you eat rice and corn husks to survive doesnt mean we all do LOL.