Here's a crazy and radical idea from a black guy to prevent your fears of demographic change in America...

Here's a crazy and radical idea from a black guy to prevent your fears of demographic change in America. Why don't you white boys just have lots and lots of white children?

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jews have rendered us infertile through toxins put in everyday household items

Because we make sure they will be sufficiently supported with the resources we got.

Why don't you have zero and zero black children?

White people don't like to use welfare and jobs are not good enough, and white women are not trustworthy enough, to risk their livelihoods

>Why don't you white boys just have lots and lots of white children?

Because you will rape and murder them.

women are gross. I'd rather stay here in my mom's basement in this safe space.

>Saving the white race
But m8 there is no go back, it is already over for them.

Too boring. Need to sate the bloodlust first.

The modern white guy is just seen as a default beta in the eyes of most woman. They see a black guy and they just assume he's hung as fuck and will have a more intense and raw personality, meaning, he acts like a fucking douche. The media has just been pushing this shit down there throats there whole lives until they just see it as "the cool thing to do" to go and just fuck a black guy.

tl;dr White women love BBC thanks to jewish brainwashing

Whites have been meme'd into not reproducing. They've been fed a steady diet of childfree nonsense, environmental guilt-tripping, non-environmental guilt-tripping, and (I hate to say it) miscengenation propaganda for like the past 50-60 fucking years and basically told to split up their families. That combined with AA/welfare and the fact that they don't have kids unless they can support them, and later in life, means that they have fewer kids. Then the UN tells them to import a bajillion immigrants and PSYOPs them into accepting them, vilifying everybody who doesn't want them to be replaced or displaced or bred out. "Yay, white people" is the most politically-incorrect thing you can think.

I'm a mongrel myself and not even a white supremacist. It's just abundantly fucking obvious that they're being subverted on purpose and it seems wrong.

As soon as we get rid of No Fault Divorce.

No, you need more than that. You need to meme the nuclear family, family in general, multigenerational households, childrearing, siblings, motherhood, babies, and domestic life, HARD. It's not just no-fault divorce. It's a They Live-tier onslaught of "DON'T BE WIVES OR MOTHERS." It's kludicrous how hard you're being shilled.

You need to meme the opposite on every fucking level. Magazines, blogs, movies, advertisements, music, celebrities, fashion, social media-the whole fucking shebang. You wouldn't think women just copycat that shit, but they do.

hey, is there any chance you could tell your she boons not to treat their vagina's like clown cars? there are two sides to the coin:

>White women completely fucked in the head useless who thrive from one -ist to the next -ism
>and black men who will fuck anything that will pop out kids that he will never raise because he is a shitty human being; fathering low IQ little bastards who go from school to prison

you're nearing a 73% household failure rate. niggers by the boat load are turning the vanilla continent to chocolate, and they all seem to have 4-year old brains in adult bodies. clean your room.

Here's a crazy and radical from a white guy:

Why don't you FUCK OFF

here's another crazy idea: why don't white people just exterminate niggers and jews and live forever happy? just a thought.

there's this pesky thing called taking care of your children which costs money which limits the number you can have. nothing that nignogs need concern themselves with

Ummm how about we hang the traitors in media and government and education that are telling white girls not to have kids til they go to college and get brainwashed into ending "whiteness"?

we are, and the birth rate is growing.

but it's like trying to fight the zerg because of immigration, and our capacities are limited.

because whites insist on a first world lifestyle, which means forsaking multiple kids for wealth. it doesn't help AT ALL middle class jobs have been heavily outsourced.

Here is my poll

No, you're just a beta that's too ugly and too shy to get a girl friend so you blame it on the Jews.

HERE'S A PROTIP: Be more confident. Girls really don't give a shit about gigantic dicks, because they can't even tell the difference between a 5 inch dick and a 6 inch dick. They care about men who are confident.

Have you seen white women? Fuck that, I married and had kids with a Greek.
An Adonis and a Godess vs snowflake whiny bitches.

Jesus christ if you're that confident go bareback a tinder date and tell us how much child support ends up being

Because we would feel guilty about it later. But maybe some enterprising mexican who doesn't feel remorse could make that birthday wish come true for white people, just a suggestion of course.

Whites will become the new thylacine

Brilliant argument, this guy. Everyone give him a round of applause

And let me reiterate how important it is for you guys to adopt multigenerational households. It's one of the prime reasons why you guys are going to be bred out.

It doesn't matter if nuclear families have a high failure rate. As long as there are aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas, grandpas, and siblings, the kid still gets raised. Mom and dad can even be total fuckups or die. Grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, and older cousins and siblings all exist. Hispanics, Asians, and blacks all have this to some degree.

You're not supposed to boot your kids out at 18, either. And not everybody has to go to college. And it's okay for adults to still listen to their parents. And young parents aren't the end of the world. And it's okay for your kids not to have affluent lifestyles as long as they're loved and fed. And abortions suck.

Seriously, just meme "MARRY AND REPRODUCE" and enforce common-sense immigration laws and it's fixed. You'd be piggybacking on people's natural drives.

We are "K" and you are "R", look it up.
Protip: Eventually, the mice eat all the grain.


Good job OP

Greeks are white, you cuck.

>tfw white people are still the majority and this board is worried about losing it. What about the people who are already a minority? Scared of losing that sense of fake superiority?

because feminism
because liberation
because fuck the patriarchy
because wimmin
even the sperm gave up and retreated the field.

Yeah? Well, guess what: Mice don't have J-selective mice rubbing their fucking paws together and telling the k-selective ones to give their grain to the r-selective ones when they starve, and they don't have a fucking meme campaign against k-selective mouse babies.

You guys need to zerg. There is no way around it. Please. Islam is zerging and it's scaring me.

>overpopulation? shieeet
>who cares about quality of life nigga
Kek you're all the same. You can take an African out of Africa but you can't take the Africa out of an African.

that's the logic that caused the boom after ww2. well there aint enough resources for that. or food.
so limit your brood to something small so each member can grow up knowing more than >And it's okay for your kids not to have affluent lifestyles as long as they're loved and fed.

because love doesn't make food grow on trees. (((money))) does.


Because we're taxed to death paying for the bastard spawn of irresponsible niggers and we refuse to fund our children with the tax dollars of other hard working whites.

The best solution is we stop paying taxes to prop up the irresponsible promiscuous parasites your people have become.

Wasnt there a recent study that said Whites are making a significant rebound?

I'm inclined to respect your numerals, but let me put it bluntly:

My descendants are going to be smushed between a bajillion allah ackbars on one side and a bunch of Asians on the other if you don't zerg. If you're not going to, you can at least stop feeding immigrants and giving them free shit.

Fuck off burger. You haven't seen Nigeria. White countries are no where close to overpopulated, but they son't need more population either.

YOU are the brain washed one. The issue is not birthrates but the lack of racial segregation.



I'm white and have no trouble getting laid.

>1 post by this ID
the answer, for those who care, is that we don't want to turn life into a breeding contest. there are other ways to stay in majority.

Imagine being so autistic that you took that post seriously

>Why don't you white boys just have lots and lots of white children?
You'll find out when we're gone.
Good luck with that

okay ...
fake as fuck.