In the last 10 years...

In the last 10 years, 74% of ideologically or racially motivated murders have been committed by White Nationalist groups like the Neo-Nazis and the KKK

Less than 4% of ideologically or racially motivated murders have been by Antifa

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying antifa is the military

Be afraid

And yet most of them were registered democrat voters

We are

What about regular murders?

cool source dude

who commits all the regular murders?

>No proof
>Ignoring Muslim terrorist attacks
>Also Ignoring 9/11


whites kill for ideology

blacks kill for shoes and chicken


>In the last 10 years, 74% of ideologically or racially motivated murders have been committed by White Nationalist groups like the Neo-Nazis and the KKK

Bitch, the KKK is five toothless yokels and ten undercover agents from 11 different agencies all trying to trick each other into bombing a courthouse. They are completely irrelevant.

Oppressed persons of color.

>when was 9/11 again?
>current year minus 2001 = x
>in the last x years, whites are evil evil evil

proofs or i don't bump thead

Proof right here.
I honestly don't know how you people can keep tricking yourselves into believe that you're the victims


Also, antifa didn't become mainstream until January of this year after Drumpftbbrraappp got inaugurated.

I know it existed before that but the news wasn't saying that word until then.

Give it time. They'll end up beating some old veterans to death on accident.

Fucking embarassing to equate veterans with commie rabble. Americans killed nazis for 4 years AND COMMIES FOR FUCKING 50 YEARS.


What about regular murders?

Not counting Mexicans lighting up black folks, right, user?

Go fuck your self

Yeah, that's how statistics work when you use subjective morals against one group, but not the other.
The vast majority of racially motivated murders are committed by blacks against whites, but they're not counted as hate crimes, because the people who make and enforce hate crime laws are both biased and insane.

Last time I checked, the US killed communists too.

thank you, now i see the light.. i cant believe the president would ever speak ill of a group who was only a little bit violent! antifa related violence simply doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things

in fact its justified because these so called white nationalists are campaigning to slaughter all minorities, not just for their own pride which is being constantly chiseled away by modern culture at an exponentially increasing rate... it all makes sense now..

I'm pretty sure the alt-left doesn't look anything like that.

Oops my mistake, it's actually not just Antifa but ALL extremist leftists, who actually only make up 2%

The war with the Communists was a Cold War, and the Communists never gassed anyone

Let me guess, you voted pro-Brexit?

>He says with no source

i said proof faggot. do you want me to kick your ass?

Lol, and I'll post you a source from stormfront on why the white race is the race.

You suck at this.

7/10, made me reply again.

Also ignoring that antifa = commies

>The war with the Communists was a Cold War

>acknowledging that you're posting a strawman fallacy

Also, the Korean and Vietnam War were cold?

Wew, learn something new every day.

>no source cited in the article

wew lad

That is a way better representation.

Korea? Vietnam? South America? IDIOT

Here's ANOTHER source for you
But keep believing you're the victim

But they hate the army as much as those Westboro faggots do.

>Eric Holder: "Hate crimes only apply to white people"

>But keep believing you're the victim

>Post random quote without source
B-btfo xD



You don't need to point out that retardedly obvious difference. The real fault comes in the fact that the US was not "alt-left" and the Nazi's were actually "socialists".

Not to mention we spent a good amount of time in Korea and Vietnam killing commies.

also still no source

keep trying you dumb pinko fuck


Nigger, this is propaganda

Communists did shoot scores of people in mass graves through. Starving people is what the Germans did to Jews and was what Communism did to their own people while sending them to the Gulag. So you're right. Commies didn't gas people. They were less humane.

Provide stats
What about the last two years?

Was Sup Forums unironically too stupid to realize that it refers to WWII and America fighting Hitler (depicted on the left)?

So... Is the artist trying to imply that our military sympathizes with antifa?

How delusional do these people need to get before they implode from the size of their own over-inflated egos?

>in the last 10 years

How about we extend that timeframe by another 10?

are you so stupid you believe communists who want to destroy america are fit to depict american war heroes?

Schrodingers antifa - simultaneously violent malicious thugs hellbent on killing grandpa GOP trump supports and also libcuck SJW commie cucks who cant fight, are trannies, and manlets. Which is it, faggots?

Yes, but you see, he stated that America was the "alt-left"

And he leaves out the fact that America has never been radically right or left as a nation, except maybe during the revolution.

The point is antifa claiming to have been a part of that fight when they're anarchist pretend commies who up until yesterday hated the military

>larping as military
Way more of us in there than there are of you, even if you think otherwise

op has never heard of isis

not even white honestly horrible shitpost

i only come here nowadays to try and defend my white brothers but that doesent even work anymore because i can be black as dog shit on dirt and i will be plastered white for helping them or the new thing is labeling me alt right for helping them. the left wing is mad pussy my nigguh like when i see these nigguhs in person i always think if i was a bully i would fuck these faggots up thats why they only jump cuz they pussy.

When a white guy kills a black, they automatically try to push the "dats raciss" bullshit and it goes down as that in the books.

When a nigger kills a white person, they put it down as a simple murder, even if he put "fuck white people" on social media, but saying that it was racially motivated obviously falls into the whole "dats raciss" category.

statistics really lose merit when you know people "randomly" being beaten to death or half-death during one of antifas ritual city burnings arent counted

both, antifa's victims are women and old men

Forgive me I was just in a Communism general and the need to state the obvious is quite demanding there.

this is what normies think the situation is. They legit have no idea what antifa has been doing for the last 6+ months and they legit think that neo nazis have been going around stomping people in crowds. As far I know charlottesville was the first time they've shown their faces.

this is what's actually been happening but has not received national news coverage. the normies actually think these guys are innocent.

all of this happened because you retarded stormfront faggots started larping around as nazis. the real skinheads have now latched onto your cause and are going to ruin everything. Normies do not come here, they do not see what we see, they only see what they are shown, and whats more when you confront them on this they lash out at you angrily and refuse to even watch or listen the PLETHORA of examples you show them. its basically gg at this point.

>Two major news sites
>Not a legitimate source
LOL, but since you persist I'll just post this little article which neatly tears down your entire argument

The only not retarded person in the thread, thank you sir

guess they forgot we have a lot of blacks killing white people in this country. But that doesn't support their premise so they ignore it.

>Was Sup Forums unironically too stupid to realize that it refers to WWII and America fighting Hitler (depicted on the left)?

>a bunch of drug addict communists attacking a peaceful, lawful assembly of American citizens exercising their right to free speech is the same as the US army fighting the Germans in a war


Wait what, so if that's the case then why do you wiggers need shields, helmets, and sticks? You can't fight these cucks with your bare hands? You're pussies.

And yet more than twice as many whites are killed by other races than the other way around, every year.

How do you not see the irony of admitting this?

Why is murder the only metric? And is attempted murder or grievous injury considered?

Just because white nationalists are actually successful when they do something doesn't mean the opposite side is any better. It's like saying the Palestinians are not violent because they are rarely successful at actually killing jews.

> providing no stats
> not knowing blacks commit murder on white at a disproportionate rate often as unprosecuted hate crimes
>not knowing blacks are disproportionately leftists
>not knowing about vietnam, korea, cuba's situation etc,
>thinking staying in the eu when you cant even elect the officials in charge while you let other poorer nations feast upon you for sustenance
>he says with no source

The kkk was invented by democrats (aka the left) so fuckoff OP.


>posting literal propaganda as your source

The leftist intellectuals, everyone.


who else?

>And now, I'll start spouting racist garbage without posting ANY sources at all
>That'll prove I'm not a White Nationalist KKK Nazi


This post best post

>news sites
>primary sources of information

why are you still going, you're not posting anything that shows where your percentages in the OP come from

the alt left is all about you are however you see yourself.... so alt-left sees stormfags how they see themselves

That's the beauty of you shitters who believe in alt left, you create your perfect enemy in Hitler, you imagine he's perfect so he is



Then they became republicans. Show me a single KKK member today who identifies as liberal or Democrat. I will venmo you 100 bucks.

>White man murders black man with swastika tattoo: obvs a racially motivated murder.
>Black man murders a white man with gang tattoo: obvs the white man deserved it and there's no racial motivation at all.

>In the last 10 years, 74% of ideologically or racially motivated murders have been committed by White Nationalist groups
This is pure bullshit. Israel does it everyday in the west bank.

I don't see the satire here. The black is probably the aggressor.
Not even memeing, imagine if the nazi was frowning and the nigger was smirking. What would it mean then? The message is predicated on a smirk?

not op but

"These threat assessments match the relative rates of violence from Muslim extremists
and right-wing extremists – an umbrella category in the scholarly literature on
extremism that incorporates anti-government and racist violent extremism. Definitions of
ideologically motivated violence differ widely, but right-wing violence appears
consistently greater than violence by Muslim extremists in the United States since 9/11,
according to multiple definitions in multiple datasets."

OP is right. Sorry reality doesn't fit into you losers' worldview. Really, get a life.

You know, I may have never learned to read, but it depicts trump pointing at WWII forces equating them to the alt-left, which unironically doesn't make sense. It would have made more sense to make its a USSR soldier from WWII, and it would actually be poignant

This is fucking cancer... How are you still alive? Why do we allow retarded people to survive off of the system? Wasn't a Republican congressman assassinated by an ANTIFA supporting shill just 4 days before the advent of deus challenger? Fucking Kill Yourself. I am not being ironic... I want you to murder yourself.

Easy statistics to produce when you also argue that only whites can be racist.

>So, yes, antifa is not a figment of the conservative imagination. It’s a moral problem that liberals need to confront.
>Second, antifa activists don’t wield anything like the alt-right’s power. White, Christian supremacy has been government policy in the United States for much of American history. Anarchism has not.

Because a specific group of activists should be held on the same level of accountability an entire loosely defined ideological concept.


Get your gun nigger. Let's do this.

After what this country has done to the nigger, do you blame them? Give them reparations.

Larping meme flag faggot,
Where are your facts? Your numbers are straight bullshit.

He looks like Maisie Williams after he's shot.

You got so triggered you had to post your assassination porn that you fap to faggot.


I didn't say anything racist at all...?

>not funny, go back and make it better
i need laughs, it shows potential


holy shit that would have been a way better comic

Since apparently you retards don't consider THREE SEPARATE ARTICLES from THREE SEPARATE MAJOR NEWS SITES as valid source, here's ACTUAL WITNESS TESTIMONY proving you wrong

>for you