Kimmel: If We’re Taking Down Racist Monuments, We Should Take Down Buildings With ‘Trump’ On Them
Sup Forums BTFO
Kimmel: If We’re Taking Down Racist Monuments, We Should Take Down Buildings With ‘Trump’ On Them
Sup Forums BTFO
Oh man really got him!
Like fly a plane into them???
>The guy who the NAACP gave an award to is racist.
>The guy who has a Jewish daughter and a Jewish son in law is a Nazi.
I don't think you want the state annulling property rights, when you're in the opposition mister kimmel.
Really need to bring back death to traitors
Jimmy Kimmel isn't just a naive liberal he works for the elites and knows what their plan is
Kimmel is kind of a dick. The skit of them mocking kelly anne conway is horrendous.
Imagine if some unhinged person killed Ivanka.
Would that give Trump and his admin the mandate to shut down all these libtarded celebs?
Just irks me that these people are trying to stir up a civil war, when they wont fight in it, they will escape with their money to Europe.
Conan and everyone else need to shut the hell up. Seriously. Politics stays out of talk shows. Blame the jewish media,Hollywood producers.
*fify* kelly anne conway is horrendous
Kimmel is just a liberal lap dog. He'll say whatever they tell him to just to stay in power
>We Should Take Down Buildings With ‘Trump’ On Them
Tump isn't racist though, so no.
yeah that'll really stop everything totally! wow!!!!
Keep your hands off our monuments Dumpf!
I wonder if Kimmel's ancestors owned a slave ship(s)....
Dude Kimmel literally used to be a Republican and he sold his soul for money
That's literally the next logical step for lefties. They've used up all the bad words on him, multiple times.
ISIS doesn't hate Trump as much as them.
man, what happened to Kimmel? he used to be pretty middle-of-the-road in terms of politics, no? I mean he was never Colbert-tier. the only late night host I can even remotely stand is Conan.
But Mexican and Islam are not races.
If it ever happens, the MSM and (((shit stirrers))) are the first to be taken out, no matter where they go.
Don't worry about them not getting justice.
Jimmy Kimmel completely lost his balls, what a cuck, lapdog for the establishment
Don't waste your breath they're not interested in fact or reality.
Conan used to be my favorite show. I was an edge lord high schooler and when he made jokes about Bush I thought it was funny. It was tasteful , like jokes about his goofy mannerisms or a joke about no WMD's here or there.
By the time Obama came into office I was done high school. I remember the show went way down hill after the NBC drama. He also never once made any jokes at all about obama and praised him non stop. That was one of my first red pills
you forgot
>the guy who married an immigrant hates immigration