Is she /ournurse/ ?
NOT Sorry About Charlottesville
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Look at that whore. In a better world a girl like this wouldn't be caught dead wearing such disgusting things in the view of others.
She is a good example of why we need to repudiate all the "gas all the kikes" LARPers. We are supposed to kill people like PN or Pamela Geller who actually speak up while 99% of whites insult and ostracize us?
k dude relax
shes got a point
geller is awesome.
>gets DC government to censor stuff
>wearing such disgusting things
I know, man, I can't stand shorts/pants on women either. The hippies started that shit. Those damned queers.
This bitch is a fucking psycho, lol the average fucking conservatard is 300 libs. You are not going to win in a civil war against us. Also look at the propular votes, in case you didn;'t notice TRUMP LOST the popular vote. We not only outnumber people like this cunt, we are smarter than her.
>TRUMP LOST the popular vote.
Doesn't even matter because we have electronic voting which means the election results are automatically invalid no matter what.
Those Mexicans and deceased "voters" aren't going to be fighting with you. Neither are most of you limp wristed faggots.
> smarter
> anarchist
pick one
TYT demonstrates otherwise my sage
Patriot Nurse is pretty great. First heard about her through Tactical Response, all great people.
oh my goodness.
what a woman.
I'll bet you're at least 30lbs overweight and wear baggy cargo shorts when mummy takes you out shopping for your monthly allotment of frozen pizza and hot pockets.
Obvious bait is obvious fuck outta here. Who do you think is falling for that? lol
photoshop does wonders
>stroke my cock you loser
Says the fucking National Socialist larper. You're such a cringe inducing little faggot.
How original
>tfw too smart to win the election
That ass is photoshopped idgaf what anyone says
>Go looking for trouble, be likely to find it
This is old people wisdom and doesn't apply to pol and antifa.
>I intend to do something bad, that will protect me
That's how it works for you guys
Patriot nurse is my prepper waifu
Its disguating
can we stop posting laurens sister HURRR HILARIOUS we get it but move onto the next meme already
YES I just saw this bitch go fucking nuclear
This bitch is the queen of the alt-right. She's fucking ready
Who is she, what position of power does she hold, why does she have any more importance than anyone else with a webcam and an account on a free video website.
>Won the popular vote
>Outnumber them
I wonder who the fighting forces are.
>t. muhammad
because she's a trained nurse while everyone else in le alt right is just an entertainer or intellectual
can you see the kikes in this video?
>because she's a trained nurse
Explain again how this is a position of power or influence that will have an effect in my life. I'm a cloud architect, should my impotent, unimportant musings be posted on Youtube to be mulled over by the illiterati? Why?
cause when the war happens she will be the one who saves my life
>cause when the war happens she will be the one who saves my life
She can't fix the class 4 neuroblastoma that's making you post retarded shit vainly attempting to elevate nobodies to a position of significance.
i will hunt you down and kill you ... slowly ... I will then broadcast your horrified screams, as I rip out your entrails, and choke you to death with them. You and your friends dont stand a chance. I have over 654 confirmed kills (all hand to hand combat), and thats just the ones I told the Generals about. There were many others. I have millions of rounds of ammunition, and state of the weaponry, stuff you could only dream of: handheld railguns, sonic disrupters, vibrational knives, sonic swords dont have a chance, kill yourself now , its about a six hour flight, I am leaving for the airport right now
1v1 me for leafking
she will heal me after we fight and your existence comes to an end at my hand because you didnt have any based nurses patch you up
She's pretty much what an actual Conservative is though judging from most of her videos. Most of you faggots just call them Cuckservatives.
k keep me posted
I agree with her points but I'm sick of the "oh we're not nazis"
They still try to prove to the Left they're not X or Y, it's pathetic.
She doesn't hold "any position of power"
she is no more important then anyone else
but thats just it isnt it
why do you give leverage to anyone, just because they hold a position of power
why is anyones opinion more valid then anothers...
the answer: the truth , it shall set you free
and so regardless of postion, or intellect, or race or gender, those who speak the truth, they are powerful, by their virtue
your arguement against hers is essentially "the appeal to authority" in reverse
if what she said is false, by all means establish this fact
otherwise your arguement is false, on the basis that it seeks to nullify her testimony by the errant claim that "she is nobody"
well, my name is nobody, too
>look into the distance
>sucks mouth
>say half sentenxe
if you cant look into the camera and summarize your point within 5 seconds you dont deserve to have an audience
>Be black
>Get sick
PatriotNurse will see you now.
>Dead by morning
It's not LARP you dumb fuck.
Lol assuming you aren't a troll why do you guys always post so fucking aggressively and salty?
The mental image when I read your posts is a 5'6'' 120lbs dweeb in Seattle with tabs open in reddit where you constantly report shitposts on Sup Forums
When will you ever run out of energy, little fag? No one fucking likes antifa. No one.
>well, my name is nobody, too
Yup there's millions of nobodies, myself included, and watching videos of the musings of people that don't matter is an absolute waste of time.
I want to breed Jess
Well yes and no. We dont need to repudiate anyone. Im not sure I would go so far as to "gas all the kikes". But all the kikes need to stop being offended by that bullshit, and stand up for freedom of speech.
My father told me:
If a man offends you, but he did not mean to offend you, but you take offence anyway, you are a fool. If a man offends you, and his intention is to offend you, and you take offence, you are an even bigger fool.
Half the losers on this board shouting "gas the kikes" are niggers and spics, the other half are larping. Stop caring about it, its just a bit of ethnic banter.
We dont need to purge anyone. Nazis need a safe space to seig heil, niggers and spics need a safe space to larp as nazis, and we all need a place where we are free to say whatever the fuck we want and not give a damn about it.
feels good man
Well jesus not only did you waste your precious time watching her video, but you spent even more time commenting about it.
Is someone holding you at gunpoint? Forcing you to watch and post? Should we call 911 for you, or can you just get up and walk away anytime you dont like it.
Maybe someday us nobodies will somebodies, then you and I can surround them!
I know youre a troll but in case anyone agreed
>ad hominem, statistically most veterans are white and conservative/right wing
>statistically conservatives have more guns and fireams knowledgd
>country people who grow the leftists foods are right wing
>enjoy starving while in a big city with race riots breaking out. Blacks wont care if you voted for hillary lol
How the fuck is this allowed? she needs to be permanently banned from youtube. Give her some jail time, that will put her back into reality.
I googled jess southern , that isn't her. Whats her real name?
It is, there's just another Jess Southern that's more famous.
>United Nations
Neck yourself.
>Trips means neck yourself thrice.
Ok Achmed
This. I see women wear this crap in my town all the time...i swear prostitutes wear more. Absolutely shameful
not my nurse!
Some of you guys take this whole traditional thing too far
>relax senpai
i subbed
Teaching our women to respect themselves and not dress like whores is going too far? Less than a century ago this would have been completely unacceptable. I suppose I should expect a lolbertarian to spout such degeneracy.
hey man fuck you
those were the brainchildren of the cocaine and disco crowd
alright i'm sticking to white girls
Lauren says she's a degenerate so idk why people continue to post this person.
She looks like a mo' fuckin' kike.
She's going to get fucking fired. Someone's going to recognize her, and she will be fired. Although the medical industry is full of right-wing shitheads (they think profits matter more than human lives) this bitch is fringe.
She's going to get fired and replaced by some black Affirmative action nurse hahahaha.
People are so fucking stupid. You have a nice ass job but you run your fucking mouth on YouTube.
Hi Mister, can you drive me home?
>Get sick
You meant shot
>Teaching our women
Lol you have no woman
lol! You sure got me! Oldest trick in the book right there. Don't you lefists ever get sick of vomiting up the same tired phrases literally millions of times? It's not funny, it doesn't bother us, it just wastes everyone's time.
Lauren is just jealous
Praise kek
God Almighty, that ass