in case you didn't know an islamic terrorist killed 13 people in spain yesterday and injured 100 more.

I think the left is spamming the board with anti-trump threads to try and drown out any spain threads because the left supports refugees and islam and it looks pretty bad for them when an islamic refugee goes and KILLS 13 FUCKING INNOCENT PEOPLE INCLUDING LITTLE KIDS

Other urls found in this thread:

This the dude that rented the van

his name is Driss Oukabir a morroccon migrant who was initially living of all places fucking france.

I like the bit where the police went and killed 5 muzzies afterwards

They also found a second van, and from what I read they even tried a third attack. Or was that the people from the 2nd van? I don't even know, I'm drunk as fuck to cope with this shit.

second attack

>tfw my brother is going to barcelona today

hoy habra uno en Madrid.

>such a beautiful horizon

with our muzzies, yes.

his 18yo brother did it
he went to the police

I don't know. CIA warned about an attack in Sagrada Familia, and I'm a bit worried since it seems like they planned several attacks in different places. Hopefully it's all over now.

Yep, another fine detail. "Let's spread the face of the guy who didn't actually do it world wide". Fuck MSM

My guess is, after your cops shot those guys the rest of them will stay put for a while. Or maybe not. Either way, I hope for the best. Probably you will be safe for another couple months.

well you know what makes them stop

I was on holiday in spain like 2 weeks back standing exactly where some of that shit took place

He was complicit you roach, that moor is as guilty as his brother.

Don't make me hungry. I love bacon, but since my money is running out I'm snacking disgusting Quinoa chips (can't recommend those at all, but Quinoa grains are pretty tasty for cooking so I tried the chips, bah) and drinking cheap wine. Also, personally I prefer beef over pork. Hmm, maybe I'll get some beef later today when my blood alcohol level drops too much.

We don't know yet. If my brother would ask me to rent a van for him, I'd do it anytime without putting too much thought into it. Yeah probably he is guilty too, knowing his brother is a radical, but it needs proof. I'm not really into putting innocent people into prison.

Would you also give your brother your documentation just because he asked?
All moors deserve death anyway, being alive is crime enough.

I would give my brother anything he asks for, and I did a couple times. Blood is thicker than water. And family is more important than anything else. White Christian family btw, but we got values. I could well imagine that that muzzie brother did the same without double-checking what his brother was gonna do with that fucking van.

the left is really pushing that vehicle attacks are linked to the far-right

>Van attacks have become an increasingly popular form of weapon for both far right and Islamist terror groups.

Imagine my shock when out of touch elitists try to pin everything on wrongthink...

So 'injured' could mean becoming a quadriplegic, or a vegetable. Better off dead. Lel.

I'm glad I'm quite athletic and quite big. Unless I am very close to the initial impact of a terrorist attack I think I have a very good chance of surviving and barely being hurt at all.

I feel a bit sorry for Spain as a whole, they seem fairly quiet and like they just want to keep to themselves for the most part. Unlike Germany and France that want to spray their leftist shit around like diarea. But I really don't know how true that is.

part and parcel of having to share a desk with laurie penny.

relax guys it was a truck of peace and friendship, he just accidentally swerved into pedestrians

No one cares terror attacks are normal in europe now.

I am canadian currently in barca.. i was there wuth my wife.. it was fucked.. we came here for honeymoi. And avoided france out of fear thus woukd happen.. than our first day here this happens.

We have been trying to implement a register so that our cops can access data on people entering Spain to make sure no jihadists are entering the country. The European Comission has approved our plan, BUT won't let us apply it yet.

You cant even properly spell diarrhea (US) or diarrhoea (UK). Why should anybody take you seriously, kiddo? Opinion descarted.

delicious meat?

Post nudes of your wife.

So, not all Riff-apes!

I was there and honestly it was so crowded if u were in the middle of the street u were pretty fucked.. he was swurving around hitting ppl also. We were lucky we had justt crossed the street and were on the side when he came speeding down the middle.

Still waiting for the nudes bro.

>Quinoa chips

woah woah woah nigger ISHYGDDT

Keep waiting akmed

How old are you and how much money do you make?

The left makes me sick. One person gets killed by a white guy and they start screaming about how it was an act of terrorism and how all whites are responsible for it, 13 people get killed by a worthless shitskin and they say nothing. Absolutely disgusting, leftists should be ashamed of themselves

Damn. Things like these make me want to do some stupid shit.


Thinking about that, How are they responding too this then ? LOL! a truck killed 13 opposite of 1 race mixer.

so did they catch him?

He didn't do it, he just rented the van. Read the news, bong.

He looks like a typical British or French.

Yes. Apparently he wasn't the one who drove the van. He was caught in another city by the police and said his documents were stolen days ago.

wtf ive got shit to do and got off the internet for 24 hrs and this much happens?
it nevet happens when im paying attention

This territory belongs to france only in paper. It's the ducking Maghreb.

Castbro, could you tell the reaction of the media, the left and politicians there?

Are they in the #notallmuslims mode?

If I'm honest, it was a pretty lackluster happening. I was a bit disappointed that the stuff from the portuguese military base wasn't used.


i was a sentimental person before, but i am more logical now

the islam problem is similar to the trolley problem---either kill the muzzies or let several thousand innocent people die

i choose to kill the islamist pigs over innocent kids

Not the media, at least not the most popular outlets. But there's people on Twitter shaming others who dare to blame Islam or even offer solutions and ways to prevent this.

antifa here. Did you know a lot of our comrades are in Syria right now killing ISIS? Google is your friend, dingus.

Well, you can see literally everything on twitter. But... you know, twitter is twitter. In the media or politicians they are not going for #notallmuslims at least not for now. I'm watching the TV right now, and they are blaming Saudi Arabia and the mosques they funded in Spain.

Honestly I get the feeling that something went wrong. There's some speculation that the driver pussied out at the last minute since he could've
killed/injured a lot more people in a place like Las Ramblas.

Then there's the ones from Cambrils who were planning to attack Barcelona as well, but they were stopped. And there's also that mysterious explosion from a couple days ago. All in all it seems like there were supposed to be multiple coordinated attacks, but something went wrong or they underestimated our cops.

>I think the left is spamming the board with anti-trump threads to try and drown out any spain threads because the left supports refugees and islam and it looks pretty bad for them when an islamic refugee goes and KILLS 13 FUCKING INNOCENT PEOPLE INCLUDING LITTLE KIDS

This + the Aman indictment. Sad part is they probably care more about the indictment.

nah, spainish people have less tolerance towards immigrants specially muslims and jews, this thing just give a valid excuse for beat muslims

There has been a huge uptick in bullshit meme threads for a while now. Every day you see many, many natsoc threads, threads that speak to the "collective politics" of the board and other garbage. This place is compromised.
Can't we have a cultural enrichment general? I mean there will be more. Try to stay safe everyone. If you live in Europe you are not safe.

That's actually kinda true. We'll see what happens now.

Mosso here, can (un)oficially confirmed that Alcanar explosion was indeed linked to these attacks. We had them under our radar but apparently they rushed the execution.

You think it should have been something similar to Paris in 2015?


Putos hijos de puta de mierda. Mucha fuerza y pilladlos a todos.

Yes and no.

Yes in terms of organization.
No in terms of firepower. They had nowhere near the amount of weapons OR explosives (most of what we've recquisitioned is nothing but fermented dung primed to explode)

Thats what I noticed yesterday when the happening threads were in full swing. There was a surge of AMA threads, charlottesville threads, how can white boi compete threads and all the other bullshit.

>Van attacks have become an increasingly popular form of weapon for both far right and Islamist terror groups.
There have been no van attacks by far right groups as far as I know.

Even the one "attack" in Charlottesville involving a car is not a terrorist attack because the driver didn't claim it as such. When you carry out a terrorist attack, you make sure everyone understand the reasoning behind it. The Charlottesville derp said he got spooked about being attacked and tried to escape. Under no circumstances is it even remotely comparable to Islamic vans, trucks, and cars of peace whether in terms of circumstances, execution, or the aftermath.

they seem to have had the right number of people to carry out something similiar.

If the house explosion is linked to them, then they would have had to act fast... which explains why 4 of the cell we're killed wearing fake suicide belts.

Aussie 7 year old is missing

>mfw still terrorattack free

thats a gook

Good luck mate, manteniu-nos informats

Jo marxo a dormir ja, porto 26 hores seguides donant voltes per barcelona.

Puc avançar-vos de forma (no)oficial que tenim 2 detinguts més, tot i que de moment aquests no s'esmentaràn per les notícies.

That is the running theory. We really have no idea how they intended to blow all that (literal) shit up. Those bombs take up a hell of a lot of space to be minimally effective.

Gràcies per la vostra feina i ànims

Thank you for the info. Rest well; you deserve it.

>Can't we have a cultural enrichment general?

why not just start one if you want it?

ISIS FLAG Lines up once again as the map of the affair.

The Symbols are surrounding the certain locations that are pictures with keyphrases and names on buildings that pass the hint.

There is a safehouse where they are planning this all around the Olympic Village.

It's already happening. Las ramblas is open to the public again and they've all got their phones out taking pictures of themselves at the vigil. These attacks are becoming so fucking commonplace that the tributes afterwards are now social events. This happened in Manchester after the arena attack. People turned up at the vigil there for weeks afterwards. It became a point of multiculti propaganda. We had people with mega phones talking about Manchester's great cultural enrichment (literally curry recipes) and women turning up in Union Jack hijabs.

It's not working. All I'm seeing is threads on spain. Anti Trump threads and shitty and stop once people post those stat picks of violent minorities and Mega-File stuff

I don't see it, burger. You need to draw it for me.


its fucking lit with morons. My question is, why has no cell so far targeted the minute silence?

I would never attend one just incase the initial attack was only fodder to gather a large group of tourists together to further cause chaos.

There's a bomb threat in Madrid right now. Still unconfirmed.

I know that feel.
But for how long?

>you now remember those "we're not scared, we won't be divided" morons trampling the vigil in Paris because someone coughed

Fucking France is spilling over.

The Left would defend Satan himself before they would take our side.

Sup Forums has been compromised for a minute. This happened way before CTR or shareblue.

They know. Move to the next place.


Can anybody give me a list of names, please?

I hope ISIS kills all fucking spics. Fuck Spain from Serbia! Then, when they're done, they should move to Germany, Italy, France and Britain.

As much as people here hate it youre right
Doesn't prove or disprove complacency with a terrorist

Mariano w-where are we going?

Why do you blame all Muslims for isolated events like this Sup Forums? Would you blame white people for the Charolettesville attack? There are over a billion Muslims on the planet and %99.999 are peaceful.


>muslims did this
>why dont you like muslims?
canadian shitposting should be an e-sport

What happened in Virginia wasn't an attack, he was being attacked and retaliated... As far as your question, I'll hold all muzzies accountable for one muzzies actions since as a white man I'm held accountable for shit that happened in the USA 200+ years ago. (Even tho my mom was born in Germany and my dad was the first on his side to be born in the USA.)
People want equality, well here you go.

But these people were most likely mentally ill, which is why you don't see the millions of other Muslims doing this shit.
Therefore, you shouldn't associate a billion people with the actions of a few assholes.

>What happened in Virginia wasn't an attack, he was being attacked and retaliated, that's not what happened.
>since as a white man I'm held accountable for shit that happened in the USA 200+ years ago
You're accountability is limited to lost opportunities caused by affirmative action and diversity hiring, not really that much.

>which is why you don't see the millions of other Muslims doing this shit
Iraq, Lybia, Syrien, Afghanistan, Saudis, Pakistan, Egypt etc.