Is it racist?
Is it racist?
lol no
it just became known as the slave oppression symbol so that there wont be another civil war again
>Not even the real flag of the CSA
>Just a random battle flag that gained popularity among racists during the Civil Rights era
Yes of course it's racist. Fucking stupid hicks should learn their history and fly the real one if they want to display their heritage. Everyone who flys the flag is a racist.
Yes obviously
It was a flag used by an oppressive backward white supremacist state that allowed slavery to exist.
what's wrong with being racist though? legit give me an answer
Flags do not hold opinions.
The Jews dont like it.
>Nazi flag
>Red means the blood of the people, and the swastika represents Hitler's racial view of the Aryan race
>Flags don't hold opinions
Nigga wut?
if anyone who loves the south ever bothered to read the declarations of succession then this idiotic question wouldn't be necessary
I would like to say definitively no. However I can't really say that. The flag is of course the flag of the south and a part of it's history and character. But you can't ignore how it has so often been used as a symbol of the KKK and other racist groups. And of course there's the fact that it was used by the CSA which (detestably) fought for independence mostly so that they could maintain their slavery based economy.
Why? So I can listen to some edgy teenager drone on about racial superiority whilst using flawed research? I'm good, senpai.
Kys for even asking
Every flag can be considered racist if you ask the right person.
They are symbols that can hold different meaning to different people and none of those meanings are more/less valid.
Flags are just objects and being offended by an object is infantile.
so I used to be all nah this flag is just a symbol of rebellion against an overgrown and abusive government and that there was nothing really racist about it and then one day I walked into this house that had rebel flags like this everywhere and I was like lol this guy gets it and then I noticed all his books and magazines were black women loving white cock and how niggers were inferior and I sorta was like... maybe this thing is kinda racist after all.
But to be honest I don't care because it's a symbol of people who are pro-white and I'm white and even though I'm not racist I really dont care enough to get involved with protecting minorities from white people because if I did they'd probably call me racist for trying to be the middle ground. So fuck em all, nothing I have to worry about, I'm white, I'm the best race in the world.
Yes, and that's a good thing.
Yeah, I walked by a confederate flag the other day and it leaped out at me, calling me a nigger while attacking.
>I'm not racist
>I'm white, I'm the best race in the world
Yankee here. I think it looks great.
However, if you walk around with that on, like a tattoo, belt buckle, on your car, etc; you better actually be from the South.
It's aesthetic tbqh
It's a fact dude. I didn't pick the winning team, I'm just on it by chance. Are you gonna tell me I should be mad about it?
Nah it's just a flag, inanimate and harmless.
The people who cling to it like it's some sort of important statement are racists tho.
>winning team
>dumber than chinks
>weaker than niggers
What did they mean by this?
Not him but racism is the belief one race is superior to another. You can be pro white without being a white supremacist.
>smarter than niggers
>stronger than chinks
your move kid
"white" southerners are either inbred if they are ethnically pure whites or mixed with native american or african genetics. the blacks seem to be just as inbredded as the "whites" in the south
>Is it racist?
No. It's popular among racists. Get the difference?
>Chinks and niggers team up
>They're already doing this by owning most of Africa
What now?
No. But some people are.
one thing mmos and video games have taught me is there's always a best race for something.
if you believe we're all perfectly equal at everything you're just stupid
Just found the irony a bit amusing. Almost as if one would say "I'm not gay, but I'd let another guy fuck me."
lol... don't go to africa and let them all murder each other. they seem pretty good at it.
>Stronger than chinks
>Lose to rice farmers in Vietnam
Kek, says the basement dwelling land whale
Americans are truly the cringiest beings on this planet
that's pretty much what I'm saying, yeah
Accepting there are advantages and disadvantages to races is not the same as claiming superiority. If you claim superiority then you're a racist. I'm not even trying to be malicious here.
>murder each other
The dumb nigs are just going to be the fighting Uruk-hai of the 4D chess champions tho.
Nope. All the South wanted was to live by their own laws. The North usurped the Southern States' rights and legislature. Slavery was just an excuse to go to war.
Many Southerners were against slavery. Read The Impending Crisis of the Douth and How to Meet It. It is a southern book written before the Civil War that argues slavery causes capitalism to fail. Most of the South did not own slaves, only the stupidly wealthy did.
Fun fact: The first slave was -owned- by a black.
The war was fought for two main reasons. One, do states have rights to govern themselves as originally granted in the Constitution. Two, can a state choose to depart the Union as there was nothing in the Constitution stating they -had- to remain.
2nd fun fact: Lincoln wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa but he was executed before he could enact his plan. Look up Liberia for more info.
That flag symbolizes striving against foreign occupation and that a war was fought in the past. That's all.
Kekkity kekkity kek, talking about cringe flying a fucking fag flag.
no one lost anything bruh, we just decided people should fend for themselves. south korea is still there and is still basically worshipping USA
guess you didn't think of that?
Yes, the French and Americans both lost the war in Vietnam. Need I say more?
Yes and the rebel states got annexed back again by the yankee federal army.
I don't get your point.
if its not racist then why does Sup Forums love it?
Maybe. Maybe not. There is nothing wrong with being racist so who the fuck cares.
The blacks enslaved their own kind and sold them to decent honest law abiding buyers. That was the law at the time.
Blacks are still enslaving their own kind.
Americans are asking to turn against their own history because blacks are telling them too.
Why the fuck would you bow down to that?
Ask yourself this. Suppose you're a black man and you get a flat tire on the highway at 3am. You walk a mile until you reach two gas stations. One of them has a pickup truck with that flag on it out back. The other has an identical truck, but no flag.
Which do you choose?
We all know the answer, and that's all that matters.
Sup Forums isn't racist
>but muh freedom to own slaves is our law we wanted
I don't give a fuck
I pick the one that has cheaper gas
Lost means we don't have a presence there anymore, but oh wait we have like buttloads of military bases and troops stationed there 24/7 soooooooooooooo...... yeahhhhhhhhh.....
does it burn you up?
we don't have bases in vietnam
Which one accepts EBTs?
No it isn't. It's perception as racist is due to American citizen's ignorance on what the Civil War was about or even what it fucking was.
The one that's easiest to rob.
the one with the truck w/ the confederate flag of course. the driver blames the black people for being on welfare
Everything soon will be, the OK hand sign is now racist.
If by racist you mean "pro-white", then it's extremely racist, and I am proud to be a Southerner.
>striving against foreign occupation
>against the current occupying force
top lel
>South:We secede
>Yankees: Ok
>Yankees we invade, we own you again
>Hundreds of years later
>Here's a flag of a foreign power that doesn't exist anymore as a symbol of fighting against foreign powers.
Good logic though
southerners are literally peasant tier compared to actual whites
That doesn't make the flag racist though.
So are brown bag lunches and sandwiches with white bread.
who needs to do research when you live next to niggers, it's like an exhibit
The States Right's to own slaves?
It was the Virginia battle flag. Those Who fought under that flag supported slavery since slaves was the major tool of income for the south
it's a symbol
symbols do not possess inherent meaning they are imbued with them
>The States Right's to own slaves?
I'm not even American and I know that is only a small part of the civil war.
no, but it's stupid.
Are u asking if the Dukes of Hazzard was racist?
this. rednecks were a bunch of lazy fucks that couldn't even pick their own cotton. they deserve niggers and the destruction of their failed statues
It's redneck.
It's the south land.
I got no beef with that.
No it's not
Shit bait
The North had slaves too
They only mentioned slavery in the context of "our sister slave owning states" and not as a cause for secession
It's not
Are you asking if the Dukes of Hazzard was racist?
>Southern confederate states
>We don't wanna be in the gang anymore
>Fuck off we'll fight you if you don't stay in the gang
>Ok we stay in the gang :'(
>200 years later
>butthurt losers still butthurt and cling to symbols of losing as a 'point of pride'
I lived in the south and have never seen anybody fly it for any reason other than "southern pride". I wasn't even aware of the racist connotation until I went up north.
Says the fucking Communist
>southern mongs not being aware of things
Well par for the course desu
you should, because do you want to live in a society with no upwards mobility unless you were born to a certain family? or look a certain way (attractive) or have money? a society ran by assholes who wish to impose their autism on everyone else? a society where schools are tiered where only the wealthiest familie's children can attend "prestigious" state schools. a society where public funded state schools are only for the privileged?
because thanks to gop politics, that's the way we're heading
The flag is about freedom from tyranical governments.
It was about economics. Slavery played a part but only later on in the war as justification for the heavy losses
"Oh, we're doing it for this noble cause" instead of
"Oh, all these kids are getting killed because the North is losing money"
The people on here saying it was all about slavery haven't gotten past 9th grade history yet
It's just a flag and if you're offended by a flag and not the ideals a small portion of its owners have then you're probably retarded.
>descended from the crown's rejects
Not at all. It's our country's history and shouldn't be wiped from memory.
>Freedom from tyranical government that wiped out the bearers of said flag.
Nice symbolism you go there.
it should be ridiculed and laughed at. it's like respecting ebonics as "culture"
>descended from the crown's rejects
>wiped from memory
They still in history books doe.
how can it be wiped from memory you moron? you know things like the internet exist right?
It's good for marking out the LARPers that should be out of the gang.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words and flags will never hurt me.
Meaning if ur offended cos someone has southern pride then that's ur problem not theirs
"Racists" are figment of the libtard imagination.
The south didn't really give a shit about Slavery especially the soldiers. The soldiers didn't even own any slaves, they just wanted to protect their homeland and not have the north telling them what to do.
It would be funny if it wasn't so true
Fuck off Commie faggot. It's the Democrats that are trying to push their shit on us. We want to be left alone
State shit is failing. Privatization has better results. The kids who go to Catholic schools are better educated and have morals. And private schools are not expensive. If nobody but the rich could afford them they couldn't stay in business.
yeah it sure has made the south the prosperous shining beacon of western civilization.
Down South is it the culture
No. The slavery part was just that, a part. The reason the South went to war was just like what is happening now, only in a different way. The North had been bleeding the South dry for years. The slave part was the final straw for the South, which ia why its so prominent on the declarations.
Just like now. The small, wearing down of white people constantly. There will be a straw in our lifetime too.
ignorance isn't culture, it's stupidity
I don't think anyone cares about the southern flag thing, It just so happens that a certain subset of loonies like to use it. It's the flag of a fallen power, reminder to all of the consequences of resisting federal power.
No but it's the flag of the idiot rebel traitors
News flash, traitors, YOU LOST. This flag should be outlawed but not because of stupid racist bullshit but because it represents the traitors of the civil war.
Anyone who doesn't love this fucking country should try living somewhere else, go to fucking australia or canada or some shit you fuckheads.
You lost the civil war over a hundred years ago, get over it.
Fly the 50 stars and stripes or get the fuck out!