In this video we hear Ezra Levant discussing house Lauren had a falling out with Rebel and she took hush money to keep quiet.
I would have taken the money too I think, would you guys? This dude apparently isn't holding up his end of the bargain...
In this video we hear Ezra Levant discussing house Lauren had a falling out with Rebel and she took hush money to keep quiet.
I would have taken the money too I think, would you guys? This dude apparently isn't holding up his end of the bargain...
Other urls found in this thread:
oh look that fag with the weird name is shilling on pol too
did you just wake up britfag?
quick shill on pol
outrage! kill the jew!
reminder: the two faggots aiming at rebel are the ones who called it hush money - _THEN_ recorded ezra repeating it with "air quotes" on tape and claim it's "his words" cheap fag jew trick
You're pretty quick on damage control lol
all this because, for all his talk and based ideas, tommy robinson doesn't know the first think about jewtricks and a trust op
he fucking let two unknowns in, and for no reason at all, none, except for some stupid emotional attachment formed in 12 minutes? wanted to keep them on
not "that's nice, here I'm hiring some people"
they have these fags ready to go to take down and set up new media faggotry
oh look, he has a $1.99/yr proxy
btw I'm just a 30yr old neet who saw Lauren retweet a guy about something, went to his page and saw this story, then posted it. lol Not a shill. Just a loser who browses Sup Forums.
>I would have taken the money too I think, would you guys
Sure. If the kike is too stupid to get their employees to sign NDAs before he hires them, why not?
Dude who pays you seriously you are so emotionally invested in this. lol I'm just sharing a story on Sup Forums and you are sperging out 10 seconds after I click the post button.
>(((Ezra Levant)))
Sure thing bud, let's trust the Jew.
im wondering if thats what southern signed
In the video he eludes pretty blatantly to the fact that he paid her off and I'm sure she signed an NDA but only during severance. Just kind of interesting, nothing of consequence. It's weird how almost all jews act in the same subversive way though. Is it in their blood? Really weirds me out.
>she signed an NDA but only during severance
Yeah, this. Why on earth would you not get your employees to sign NDAs when you actually hire them. I thought jews were supposed to be smart.
You see that first post damage control? How are they that fast at replying to these threads? I clicked the post button and that guy had that posted in seconds. lol
>is it in their blood
It really is.
At first I thought maybe it was a residual of Talmudic teachings, which would make more sense but atheist Jews are just as bad if not worse so I'm just leaning more toward the idea that there is something in their biology that drives them. Like blacks and violence/rape is a result of their low IQ and high Test levels.
the hush money was to stop evidence of Tommy Robinson commiting crimes getting out
never trust a gay
Ezra is pretty much the mafia, as is legacy media.
>muh why did they accept hush money
Yeah, because we all want to be involved in an (((accident))) on our way home.
It's like dogs: you breed dogs for fighting long enough and fighting becomes a part of their nature or vice versa for docile retrieving dogs.
>Jews bred to Jew for thousands of years
well the content of the Talmud was a result of the content of their blood (really their brain)
That has to be the most logical conclusion for me. How else does one have a biological predisposition to subvert, control, steal and lie. Good point
did everyone already see the latest vid about Faith Goldy getting the can from RM? because she went on a Daily Stormer podcast? I eagerly await her starting her own channel
Link pls. Was it actually a DS podcast or was it one "associated" with them as I saw her describe it?
Ignore the yellow-flagged cunt. Glad I didn't miss it.
wait so these two homosexuals are actually liberals who were trying to shill AGAINST ukip and Nigel Farage, and Ezra Levant shut it down and the gays then become butthurt?
Ezra Levant is representing our interests in this situation
It was a DS podcast and she literally said " I salute you guys for what you're doing "
and then started talking about cultural marxism.
So she just went 88 suddenly and decided to do it on a small neo nazi pod cast with garbage audio quality of all ways to do it.
Even the guy hosting the show was confused like " wow im in your debt for life for coming here and saying this this is so unexpected wtf "
1 hour 2 minute mark
The way I heard it it was about someone Farage was against, so probably Carswell or Susanne Evans, likely Evans. This was post-Brexit when Ukip was fracturing
Show your flag you dirty finn