
I get Liberland every time. The closest real country I get is Uruguay.

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>pick mostly conservative answers
>get told I'm Korean now

Sum sing wong here with the test

shheeiit i was aiming for natsoc

I actually thought of moving to Switzerland at one point. Still seems like a pretty cool alternative to stay in Europe but not live in EU.

Traditional values, authoritarian state and economic freedom.

really not much of a difference other than skin color preferences.

Got Iran aswell.

wew lad


i got it too LUL

im starting to think islamic caliphates replacing these western governments wouldn't be the worst, all i have to do is pay a jizya instead of living a horrific sodom and gomorrah nightmare

So you are basically a neo-bolshevik? Nice

Got best Korea.

I only I had the money to, I would've gone there already.

Kek, you used the term neo- Bolshevik just yesterday. But I share the sentiment

I just got her, c'est pas possible


Nice, I never even knew this place existed



Another evidence that nazis = salafists.

>Liberland, officially the Free Republic of Liberland, is a micronation claiming an uninhabited parcel of disputed land on the western bank of the Danube, between Croatia and Serbia. It was first proclaimed on 13 April 2015 by Czech right-libertarian politician and activist Vít Jedlička.[3][5]
>The official website of Liberland states that the nation was created due to the ongoing Croatia–Serbia border dispute.[6][7][8] There has been no diplomatic recognition of Liberland by any country from the United Nations.

Gee, I hope these faggots get things done already, so I can move in. Last thing I heard is they were being fucked in the ass by Czechs or smth.


Fuck off leftypol

ITT: All of us learn about Liberland.

lets move to iran sven


good or bad?

I got a country which have high IQ

Wew lad

>twf i love Iran now

Forgot pic fug

What's the catch?

Was hoping for Iran but OK.

So fucking based.


Then China, Saudi Arabia and ISIS

Same. I have almost no knowledge about anything relating to Uraguay. I'm assuming shit-tier 3rd world

It turned out I'm Korean too



it's like a dream come true

>What's the catch?
>Ur a gay
Seems alright to me.

"the Switzerland of South America"

If you have progressivist views, you get Liberland.



If the quiz asked "do you hate Arabs and jews" then entire Sup Forums would get Iran

Got the same, senpai.

>freedom intensifies

Based Motto


>88% white
>45% Christianity (far more than any other)
Only problems are official language being Spanish (understandable) and seems kind of communist-like. Also a huge contributor to the UN...

we all esports champions now!

I guess it ain't called Sup Forumsand for nuffin

the fuck is Liberland??


>pick the most logical and common sense answers
>you get based Nippon

Why am i not surprised


Same, wtf? First place Liberland, second Uruguay and Switzerland...


get me over there

the guy always calls the cops on the people that go over there, funny thing is on his video showing liberland and 2 new movers they were asked to leave. Guys a major faggot that needs his nation being made only a shitty looking house exists on the land. Theres an online forum for discussing shit bitcoin is the national currency but noone lives in the wasteland

I got liberland, even though I said marijuana, prostitution, and some other degenerate crap should be illegal

hey guys where can i learn serbian


Oh lord...

Wow, I got Poland. Nice.

wtf Is this even a real country?

Yeah wtf

I answered exactly how everything already is in the US to try and get my shit to match, maybe you can't even get the US in this test.

polen 51 state when

Home sick, Sven?

I got Singapore

1. Saudi Arabia
2. Iran
3. South Korea

Welp, I guess I should convert to Islam or became a K-Pop star. I no longer deserve to be called White.

Aye Poland like my heritage

Yes, we sure are. Also i'd like to be called Aschvenmed now


This is not quite what I had in mind

Pretty cool country but the only swiss person i can name is melonpan


Is this, dare I say it, /ourgovernment/?

Got America.

>Pick mostly anti-free answers
>Get America


>mfw I got Liberland

Ey Iran.





Your answers
Uruguay 10
Poland 9
Japan 9
South Korea 8
Denmark 8
Singapore 8
Argentina 8
Switzerland 8

Liberland. Didn't know it existed.


Redpill me on Uruguay. It is the top real country I get. Are they Ancap or is it just weed?

Took me a while to get it right.

I'm half Nord Italian and half Uruguayan. I have been living all my life in both countries and i can tell you what Uruguay really is. First Uruguay is far the whitest countire in the continent also have the most advance economie in south america, the best infraestrucutre in south america again., and the best place to live in if you're dumb enough to think that go to live in south america is a good idea. What i think is this., Uruguay seems more like a european countrie than a southamerican one but still a 3worldshithole. BTW there aren't migration problems like you have there so you will not see niggers and muslims walking down the street., And the Uruguayan people is extremly racist. Sorryforenglish


Got Denmark.

Not that surprised actually.
