Why do people hate White people?
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Cause they are just so goddamn supreme.
>Why do people hate blue people
>Why do people hate orange people
some people just hate what they aint.
success breeds jealousy
Envy. All the other races are jealous of white civilization. Ever wonder why Spics, nigs and slimes hate us but not chinks? It's because the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese built their own societies that were on par with the West. Brown people did not.
We fucked the world up big style
Because they are told to and doesn't know how to be objective.
By letting the darkies live?
>Chinese, Koreans and Japanese built their own societies that were on par with the West
The truth is that whites is not mixed and spiritually pure.
they hate us cause they aint us
Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese got tons of help from White people.
I don't know
Their countries seemed relatively civilized before we chimed in
It was a genocidal shithole.
Because all niggers must hang
Europeans conquered or subjugated almost all nations/cultures/people on the planet in a relatively small amount of time.
Jealousy is a bitch.
Because they've turned into hopelessly mindfucked Jew owned consumer-drone worker-bee retarded cattle who support the death of all human nobility. Because they value Reality TV, niggersports, and Taco Bell infinitely more than Tradition.
And that's all the leftist academics teach, anti-western rhetoric.
You never hear anything about the Islamic Slave trade or slavery in China.
Success breeds jealousy. Period!
The funny thing I see is the sheboons that see racism in everything walking around with blonde colored hair. I think to myself, you hate White people, but you want to look like them baka.
people dont hate white people because people who arent white arent people
They hate us, literally because they ain't us
Until the invention of gunpowder (which was also Chinese), eastern asia was the center of the world, inventing paper, rockets, the compass, umbrella, iron smithing and paper money.They also explored around the 15th century and were the first to set foot in South Africa under Admiral Zheng He. The East lived in cities and houses, not the mudshacks their shitstain counterparts did at the time. The West certainly did eventually replace the East, and did play a large part in the East's modern development, but the Orientals were no savages.
not all of us, just you England, just you. Everywhere you went, you stirred up some shit, claimed some place was yours and genocided people to make a place for yourself. Everywhere you went. Anytime in History.
When some shit went down somewhere, you can be sure England was involved.
^^^ let's focus on that tiny fraction, 300,000 of the 30+MILLION that were taken. oh and fuck those whites for not castrating their slaves like the rest of them did. How dare they not be as barbaric
Because people hate what they don't understand. And other races just can't understand how we are prone to drug abuse, how we constantly go around fucking other poeples shit up, why we are so obese, how our IQ's are so much lower and how our dicks are so small. They just need to learn that others are different and accept us on our merits.
east asians are the only other race I respect.
Look at chinese history from ten years ago and see how accurate it is fuckwit. they lie.
>And other races just can't understand how we are prone to drug abuse, how we constantly go around fucking other poeples shit up
as if faggots from every race don't do shitty shit. kys
>t.jealous shitskin
protip: literally not one of the things you said is true
>They also explored around the 15th century and were the first to set foot in South Africa under Admiral Zheng He
Why didnt they fucking settle or colonize anything ?
There is no winning here for you White People; colonization is the deux ex-machina of justifying why you all are the worst race on the planet at the moment, maybe even all of human history. Any time you try to talk sense to racial minorities about identity politics and PC culture, you will be shut down. We will throw this excuse at your face till we are satisfied you feel like the racist garbage we all know you are deep down. And if you still want to have a civil and constructive discussion about these issues, we’ll bring up slavery for good measure as well.
African kings and their willingness to sell off their own people to Europeans had a huge role to play in the mobilization of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade? Nope, not in my reality they didn’t, so fuck you White Person! We all know white men become cops just so they can shoot unarmed black men. I will ignore anything you say that goes against this narrative I have convinced myself is the absolute truth. I expect all living White People today to feel guilty for what their ancestors did 200 years ago, but don’t expect the same collective guilt from any other race and what they did to one another.
>hundreds of millions poor in Asia because of whites
>hundreds of millions poor in Africa because of whites
>hundreds of millions poor in Latin America because of whites
Gee, I wonder why.
I have European citizenship, and that makes me feel a little sick tb.h. There is nothing I hate more in this world than the idea of white people living luxurious lives while other races suffer. White nationalism and the idea of white nations have to die. I'm against violence, but the white race has to go away, slowly but surely.
Good job demolishing this straw man user!
It's fun
Shut up Kike.
they just want to take everything the white people have built
They jealously is very real.
Its the degenerate mind of jealosy
Probably because of colonization. The British, French, Spanish and Portuguese Empires all did the most colonization and slavery in their time, but people seem oblivious to the fact that half of the empires I just listed aren't even white. White people aren't responsible for slavery, it was an institution that was around long before the white man existed. However, white people played a crucial role in ending the practice worldwide.
Be grateful to the white man and to live in a majority white country. With the exception of a few Asian countries, I'm sure any country with a majority of any other race would be hell for you.
The more important question would be: "Why do some white cucks hate other white people?" Thet's the thing that baffles me. If only all the whites would unite and wipe the shitskin filth off the face of the earth, but noo we're gonna be cucks and let them mudslimes wander our streets, kill our people, fuck our women.... I fucking hate humankind now.
Inferiority complex. No one likes to be reminded that they suck all day long.
> thet
That. holy fuck!
>oh and fuck those whites for not castrating their slaves like the rest of them did.
in retrospect that WAS a really terrible idea
>Envy. All the other races are jealous of white civilization.
The main people who hate white people are other white people. Actual Africans, Arabs and Asians either like us or don't give a shit about us, very few of them hate us.
For some reason in White society the idea of the White race has become linked white Conservatives, so Progressives oppose the White race, even though they are White themselves.
I don't understand why this has happened but it is real.
They are Jelly.
It really pisses me off when people can't look at the whole picture. they are brainwashed to think that had blacks been left alone they'd be in an advanced state with flying cars, etc. referring to >marvel.com
it's stupid, yeah.
>absolutely zero advancements for millennia
>but they would have totally turned into a highly advanced society in those last two centuries if we didn't go there, I swear!
still, those other cultures knew perfectly well why they castrated their slaves. they didn't do it to be evil fuckers or whatever but for entirely logical reasons.
Well we have the largest cocks of any race