Merkel greated by Germans in Thuringen

The masses shouted "Fuck off", "Liars", "Traitors", "Volksverraeter" (traitors of the fatherland). One sign said "Whoever votes CDU, votes for unlimited numbers of fake refugees".

She also said: "Wir haben gezeigt, dass wir bereit sind, Menschen zu helfen, die in Not sind. Das war ein gutes Stück Deutschland in einer humanitären Notlage." ("We have shown that we are willing to help humans who are desperate. This is a good side of Germany in a humanitarian emergency situation.

Is it ok to follow Merkel and shout bad things at her during every of her campaign rallies?

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>Merkel greated by Germans in Thuringen

Beautiful typo.

It's better to shoot her dead

Blau oder gefickte Frau

>Is it ok to follow Merkel and shout bad things at her during every of her campaign rallies?

I don't know? Don't you guys get locked up for talking about the war?

Here in NZ we can literally throw shit at politicians and you wont go to jail (Has happened numerous times in NZ)

People have tried attacking Trump I don't see why that narcissistic bitch isn't fair game

I am amazed this picture got published. Is this some fringe German news source

It is N-TV, they aren't that bad, just a bit naive.

I am amazed that her party did not make her out as a liability by now. From what i see, it is boiling very hot under the calm german surface.

>Whoever votes CDU, votes for unlimited numbers of fake refugees

Are people literally retarded and think that this is not what litteraly every single party supports?

>Is it ok to follow Merkel and shout bad things at her during every of her campaign rallies?
Absolutely not. They should be throwing rocks and molotovs at her.

>Are people literally retarded and think that this is not what litteraly every single party supports?

Sorry, Ahmed, but the AfD doesn't support unlimited numbers of fake refugees.

But you probably still vote CDU because "they are the only cool, young, and bestest party". No they are not. The CDU and their stooges the CSU, are part of the problem.

I literally disagree with most of the AfD's political demands (climate change denial, increasing pensions, increasing gibmees, abandoning the Euro etc.), but because they have the only sensible position on immigration, I will vote AfD.


Obviously I mean establishment parties but nice Achmed joke there buddy it gave me a hearty chortle

Can't your country just die already.

You had a chance, and the Fuhrer fucked it up because muh ideology rather than muh logic.


It could have been glorious though

Das is Pflicht!

>You had a chance, and the Fuhrer fucked it up because muh ideology rather than muh logic.
Last I checked the Anglo world banded together with the commies to kill Germany. No?

Good luck germany

>Believes in global warmin/cooling
The best were lost in WW2.

and that in the most communist shitstate

Töte sie, bitte!

Letting women run shit was the worst idea the west has given into. Watch for a spike in hiv in Europe. Then they'll be like, oh damn, that sucks. And Gilead will get gibs from euro cucktries. Honestly when I think about how stupid Europa is I kinda don't give a fuck if they get run into the ground thru their own stupidity.

I'm in favor of an ironic campaign encouraging voters to lie about their intentions. I'll be working on a new batch this weekend.

Is it ok to follow Merkel and shout bad things at her during every of her campaign rallies?
>is it okay to speak out against your leader, so you can properly express your beliefs
Yes, Hans, that is exactly how you live your life, actually. I know being force-fed cuck garbage your whole life has turned you into a slime but a part of you most likely still feels fury over the pity that you are, SO YES YOU CAN FUCKING CRITICIZE YOUR SHIT PM.

I am not a moron. I believe in data that has been published of temps until 2017. Even if you do not agree with the conclusions, you need to understand that the temp readings and CO2 readings are dramatically up in the last 5 decades. This is due to overpopulation, we are reaching (or have surpassed) the carrying capacity of our planet.


Literally this. We got played by kikes and had to give half of Europe to the commies.

My family is from the fatherland

great grandparents fled when Hamburg was bombed.

They found living with emu's and crocodiles to be a good trade off. Can't ever see why


>climate change denial, increasing pensions, increasing gibmees, abandoning the Euro
It's all great things you dumbass

well, the crowd's not lying.

>Merkel will be our Führer for the next 8 years
>There is nothing we can do about it
Americans have no idea how lucky they are with their 8 years maximum.
Somebody please nuke Germanistan.

Literally. Every. Word. You. Said. Is. Bullshit

Its not. its a natural occurence were living in the deep end of an ice age you wonderful retard.
Remember Al Gores hype? what happened of that?

Its nothing fucking unusual and we have jackshit to do with it.
You better worry about Fukushima and that the three melted cores are somewhere deep in the earth still glowing and nobody can find them.


>we are reaching (or have surpassed) the carrying capacity of our planet.

not we, they. africa's population will be easy come easy go. same with india. they'll die back again and all of humanity will be better off for it.

> naive

What did Germany mean by this?

"Carrying capacity of our planet" is amount of energy we receive - for totally free - from sun. And we aren't even at 10% yet.
This maltusian crap is completely unscientific and was made up by sick fucks.

Its not relevant here.

Point is the AfD is too busy destroying itself, and german voters are like sheep and not able to think independently, safe for autistic chimpouts.


Forgive my ignorance but I don't understand

>AfD is too busy destroying itself
Tell us moar

Fukushima is relevant to the whole world since very about 20 metric tonnes of extremly radiated seawater is poured back into the pacific.
The ocean is dying and nobody cares.

I agree, it's the minimum requirement

>The masses shouted

So you get like 5 people and that qualifies as masses now. The AfD has lost 66% of its highest dreams at this point in the polls.
They're a giant whatever.

CSU voter here. AMA

Excessive factionalism, permanent infighting, inflated egos.

Basically everyone in the leadership is suffering from chronic backstabbing disorder.

>Literally. Every. Word. You. Said. Is. Bullshit
No, it is not. The temperature readings and CO2 readings are publically available. There isn't a single scientist who denies both have gone up. The debate is why and how this will develop in the future. Only some non-scientist shills say "uh uh uh, temp and CO2 readings are all wrong, the worldwide conspiracy against oil and natural gas is manipulating the readings".

>Is it ok to follow Merkel and shout bad things at her during every of her campaign rallies?
Yes and its ok if the people throw rocks at her to give her some of the culture and enrichment she invited on OTHER people.

truth is, the party is against refugees. the only person dicating we can take in more refugees is this woman and the spineless base cowers before her out of sheer fear that they might lose their power.

Yes it is

>"Carrying capacity of our planet" is amount of energy we receive
No, it is a question of resources and effects on the planet. It is a combination of how much arable land we have, our influence on the climate and the resources that are available. At some point we will reach the carrying capacity (or already have surpassed it) and then there will be a large dying off unless we find some other planets to settle. And with NASA saying we can't even go to Mars, we ain't going to settle anything any time soon.

The Afd is going the same route as the NPD.
Theyve been infiltrated by copious amounts of state agents and other plants to make them look bad and even more retarded.

Thats the way of any "right" political party here.

The problem is that the refugees are already here and most of them will stay here. In 10-20 years either they or they offspring will have created ghettos like Moolenbek. All of them with german citizenship.

RIP Bundesrepublik 1948 - 203x

You didn't even get the starting date right. Why would I trust you with the ending date?

>how much arable land we have
Literally doesn't matter.
Food is just form of sun energy packed in a way that human can easily digest.
There are way more efficient ways of making food than letting it grow on its own in open spaces.
>our influence on the climate
Matters even less.
>resources that are available
Most important resource -- energy -- is abundant and enough to support at least 100 billions of humans.
All other primary resources are nearly infinite.
Problem of scarce stuff like rare earth metals can be solved by efficient recycling.

>dictating shit
She's a puppet like every "leader" of this corrupt world.

thread should have stopped here...

>Food is just form of sun energy packed in a way that human can easily digest.
>There are way more efficient ways of making food than letting it grow on its own in open spaces.

In-house farming is nice and dandy, but you need a shitton of energy and all kinds of other resources (including rare Earths) for the equipment to grow in-doors.

But I agree, arable land is probably not the biggest constraint.

>>our influence on the climate
>Matters even less.
It matters in so far as it renders quite a lot of land unusable for human use in Africa, India, South East Asia and Latin America. You do know that nobody lives in the Sahara? That is because of climate change back 5500 years ago - before then half of humanity was living there, then they all moved to the coasts and the Egyptian civilization started.

>Most important resource -- energy -- is abundant and enough to support at least 100 billions of humans.
I do not think so. Coal may be abundant, but it will run out as well. You also need running water for coal power plants - something people forget, you can't just plaster coal power plants everywhere. Same with nuclear. Forget renewables, they are never going to support 100 billion humans.

>Problem of scarce stuff like rare earth metals can be solved by efficient recycling.
And that's why we literally do not recycle any rare Earths right now? For instance, lithium. people have been saying we should recycle lithium batteries for ages - nothing happens. The most we do is get some platinum and gold out of electronics, that is it.

I mean sun energy, not coal.
Earth is showered by about 3850000 EJ of energy from Sun, while entire human civilization uses only about 600 EJ including electricity, food and all other non-electricity energy.
Most of this Sun energy is just dissipated/reflected back into space w/out any use.
And its not that hard to utilize it. Covering oceans with genetically-modified plankton farms for bio-fuel would be decent start and would increase our energy supply 1000x for almost free.

>In private I'll do what's necessary
What, like paint your nails and go shopping?

>election posters in English
Anglos are actually straight up retarded.