Arizona Territory anons, get in here. Bretty gomfy state except for Tucson and Nogales.
Other urls found in this thread:
Chandler reporting in.
Greatest state, North Phoenix here
Reminder to vote Kelli Ward. Fuck Flake and FUCK MCCAIN
Northern AZ reporting in
Tucson not allowed. I'm calling Mexico and telling them they can build the wall north of you.
get into the AZ /k/omrades page on fakebook if you haven't already. You better like guns if you live here.
Also infiltrate the bitchmade AZ antifa pages on FB as well, just to keep an eye on them
What's wrong with Tucson? ;-;
>be me
>live in Tucson
>liberals everywhere
>no friends because of liberal saturation
Liberal faggots. All homegrown, from commiefornian or abroad.
t. born and raised in northern AZ
oh dude Flag is nothing but ultra liberal whites and native drunks but the land itself and surrounding is some of the best on the planet
There are still plenty of right wing people in Tucson, the campus isn't everything. Tons of great hiking around Mount Lemmon. Definitely go to their Oktoberfest. Fucking fire canceled it this year.
pic related is from Chandler born and raised
yeah, lucky because of the landscape you live around
Isn't Williams based, though?
the only good thing about this state are the girls and gun laws. get me out
Moved to AZ from MN. Best choice I ever made.
I thought she went to Chapparal?
>Tempe checking in.
AZ fucking sucks.
I go hiking quite often. Haven't been on Mt Lemmon since before the fire. I discovered the Green Mountain trails a few months ago and they are my favorite so far in the Catalinas, especially upper Green Mountain trail (btw fuck off everyone, the trail is full).
>pic related is from Chandler born and raised
That's just, like, your opinion, man.
If those things aren't keeping you here, you're not straight
Oh and watch out for skinwalkers while hiking, especially stay away from the northeast part of the state near tribal reservations and don't pickup hitchhikers around there
yeah Williams is a nice place much like most areas surrounding Flagstaff, im also curious about Peyson because ive been through once and thought it was a really nice town, seasonal with a ton of open space and forest. Anyone live there know how it is?
>pic related is from Chandler born and raised
what's the backstory on this girl?
Based Arizonian confirmed.
oh wait you're right
It's full, cost of living is high. Don't go there.
this meme should die already
bummer, funny enough one of my professors was going on about how arizona is projected to get population flooded in the next decade or two
anyone going to the Trump rally?
>He don't think it like it is, but it do
>how arizona is projected to get population flooded in the next decade or two
holy fuck we're full. gas the transplants states war now!
send me some real estate publications for the Williams area that I can post around various places in Tucson
central phoenix reporting in. want to go to Trump rally but worried I'll get shot. Also, I'm enjoying In-N-Out rn. Very good.
>what's the backstory on this girl?
Can't tell if serious, it's Emma Stone
>this meme should die already
Figures a skinwalker would make the thread to lure victims. Let me guess, I shouldn't worry about it?
We've already been population flooded, same goes for other Western states. I wonder who could be behind this
>using kikebook at all
Tempe here, ASJew sucks but one day I won't be useless for Trump
>Can't tell if serious, it's Emma Stone
i don't really keep up with (((Hollywood)))
wanna see a skin walker where I need to go n shieet
>tfw live south of Phoenix, but north of Tucson
Yeah, I want to go too, but I'm worried about driving for an hour only to end up getting annoyed/attacked by Antifa. They demonstrated in Phoenix before, and they've blocked traffic in AZ before. We know they're here.
Yuma user reporting in.
He's with our glorious state
That's not even Arizona, faggot. It's pretty much California's primary foothold in the state, with Flagstaff and Tucson being the backups.
So you're saying I'm not a TRUE native of yuma? Well I can sure as hell tell you I'm not from Scotland.
Picacho, lol amirite?
Don't call others a fag when you're too much of a bitch to go to a rally because you're scared of effeminate and weak antifa
Hell yeah. Scottsdale reporting for the rally.
North Phoenix checking in. 80 degrees and comfy on the patio.
North Phoenix checking in. 80 degrees and comfy on the patio.
>T. Skinwalker
Kelli Ward must win the primary. Spread the word and get people to fucking vote the primary.
Didn't see this thread. Bumping from : Several graduate students at the University of Arizona are forming an action committee to combat "white supremacy."
In an internal email a link was attached to an open doc that many around the country are modifying/editing. This is coming from professional sociologists, women's studies scholars, etc.
I want people's opinion before I drop screen shots of the actual email itself.
Is this what /they/ actually think?
U of A is a cesspool lmao.
Smells like shit, bad roads, leftists everywhere
t. Tucsonan
More like Jew of A amirite famalam
Who's going to the rally? Will antifa be there? Are people going to carry?
never noticed bad smells around town, personally
but the roads are in mostly shit condition
>Are people going to carry?
hahahahaa do you know where you are?
xavier prep dingus
Question: Im going to be going to school in the Scottsdale area and was wondering if I would have to worry about a lot of obnoxious liberals there or not
>resist the (((1%)))
>but hate nazis
I don't get it
arizona is shit
mental gymnastics
postmodernist types generally don't want you to try to "get it", they just want you to accept it as valid
She only just went there for a bit and didn't graduate from there, I was at the Valley Youth Theatre when she was around and went to Xavier only after she had already left... so yeah she didn't attend that long.
You better be armed to the teeth.
Enjoy your bubonic plague riddled fleas
I went to UofA. let me tell you it's a Marxist shithole. I was full-blown SJW when I was there and even was a TA for a gender studies program despite being an engineering major. I took Chicano studies and Islam electives. It was bad familia. glad I got out, Panda Express on campus was dank though.
gonna bring my moist nugget to open carry
Tucson does have it's high points, and thankfully the city isn't some hippie dump where you can't walk around armed without getting weird looks. Just stay away from the ghettos and it's nice place. Although I would move if that was an option.
What kind of question is that? It's Scottsdale, everyone is fucking obnoxious.
>I was full-blown SJW
>I took Chicano studies and Islam electives
Please tell us you're LARPing.
unfortunately, no. it was subconscious virtue signaling/me trying to get into medical school which I did so it was worth sucking Marx's cock. realized it was fucked when I missed a students pronouns and they ratted me out to boss. That redpilled me. it doesnt realize it turned an ally 1488. young, dumb, full of Obama cum.
>when I missed a students pronouns and they ratted me out to boss.
When did this happen? lmao
>Glendale reporting in
Just a heads up. AZ Antifa was created by Darin Damme from KTAR news. It's a troll page to get people riled up about antifa
>me trying to get into medical school which I did so it was worth sucking Marx's cock
totally unnecessary
My cousin went through medical school without cucking himself. He transferred to UMC to do his residency in 2010, uncucked the whole time.
So are we doing this rally? Went in November and it was "lit" as the kids say. warning: took 2 hours to get in and that was before he was president
most antifa pages are parody pages, I reckon
sure thats obvious when you're older and more knowledge/hindsight. to a young kid in a liberal background, maybe not so much
Perhaps some. But Darin Damme got quite a bit of keks out of that page when he first made it. He even had "camacho" call in to the show and talk about how ex navy seals are training them and shit. It was pretty funny.
Reality check is his show. He's pretty libertarian and drops a lot of redpills. Won't acknowledge the JQ or race realization tho. But probably the best you'll get on regular radio / news. He fucking hates McCain tho so good on him.
>Won't acknowledge the JQ or race realization tho
You have to steadily work on redpilling the masses up to that point before you drop those bombs.
>So are we doing this rally?
Yes sir. Wear white Polo shirt and khaki pants - public uniform of alt right. Leave the sieg heils at home and don't bring anything self defense if you plan on actually getting into the rally.
>go to UofA
>science major
>no commie shit crammed into my head
Feels good
Do weird occurences happen in Arizona?
Are there folk creatures of Arizona? What is the spookiest place, or a monument?
mogollan monster I guess?
Stay safe and anons. The local comrades are really amping up social media recruiting attempts for this rally. At least online, I'm seeing a lot of normies nibbling at that outrage apple. Watch for "pros" on both sides trying to put you in bad situations.
>The local comrades
you mean George Soros and company