Spanish cops have already killed 5 muslim terrorists (or soon to be) just a few hours later after the attack in Barcelona.
Expect more soon.
Hey cucks, look what spain is doing to muslims
summer isn't over yet.
Cops are raycist.
Quads aside, we need to pump those numbers up.
Watch the left blow this out of proportion and say that spanish is racist
White supremacist nazi KKK cops
Our leftist vermin is already saying that it was a "disproportionate response" and the barcelona attack shouldnt be used to attack refugees and muslims or say racists comments on twitter.
Ummm, racist!?!?
>after the attack in Barcelona.
Wait. What...
I was in Barcelona just 3 weeks ago. It's kind of weird to think about a shitskin could have killed my whole family at that point ;_;
didn't i see something about how muzzies were planning to attack horse races over there
They decided it was five after the smoke cleared...
Hasta lavista salifista
Ah, I see it now in the news. It's strange how out of loop I have become, after I stopped trusting the media, and stop giving them any attention.
Yes, you could have been killed there.
There are only tourists and moroccans thieves stealing from tourists in Ramblas after all.
Can we just deport all of them from Europe?
Fucking Moroccans. Everytime I hear some terrorist related news from Belgium or Birmingham, it's always some Moroccan dude involved.
I swear those guys still intend on conquering Europe. They are so buttmad Europe has prospered while their country is still shit. They want to finish the job their ancestors began.
Good. Kill more.
i heard the muslim fuck who drove the van is still at large.
also heard that he successfully fled the city by killing someone and obtaining his car.
any confirmation yet for that?
>Spanish cops have already killed 5 muslim terrorists (or soon to be) just a few hours later after the attack in Barcelona.
>Expect more soon.
How fucking stupid are the muzzles. There is one simple thing and that is don't wake the Spanish. Does history not teach them what Spaniards are capable of when mad enough.
hasta la mierda, muselman.
Spain, the sandniggers of Europe, get tackled by the sandniggers that conquered their shit tier land.
Bwahahahaha. Even fucking subhumans don't like you, niggers
>spanish is racist
>But Mexicans are a minority
fucking lefties, man.
I reckon spaniards are brown enough to crack down on arabs without being labeled racist
Fucking glorious!
Based Spain
>be spaniard
>get car'd
Keep up
Only the American left will do this. The left here will try to but get laughed and mocked at.
And rightly so
108 more to go to make it even
>Be a filthy subhuman
Cyber attacks against ISIS still happening?
I don't live in France. Check flag.
>Expect more soon.
> Anonymous (ID: nqToGvAU) 08/18/17(Fri)09:07:15 No.138012432▶
>File: 1496321097730.jpg (80 KB, 525x551)
> (OP)
>Hey cucks, look what spain is doing to muslims
We need to clea our country of goatfuckers scum
>suicide vest ?
you should have shoot them in the legs !
Buy a proper flag poor nigger
it's in france too
dumb nigger
I heard they covered the bullets in pigs blood. Crazy but it's Trudeau
based spain
Proves news where do you get this information from
I can say an alien landed on rome this morning without nothing backing it up its bullshit
Ta gueule on est à 10000 km de la métropole, la culture et la manière de vivre sont différentes.
Reste dans ton trou de merde à te faire écraser par des musulmans pendant que je bois un bon rhum à la plage.
Moroccans and North Africans in general (with Tunisians being a minor exception) have the most ridiculous inferiority complex regarding themselves and Western Nations. They boastfully talk about how Barbaries enslaved Europeans and made them their bitches. But if you retort with how said raiding resulted in them getting colonized by the French and Spanish they'll get majorly assblasted and threaten you with a beatdown. Worst unapologetic fucks I've run into. Will lie to your face and then proceed to insult and even threaten you further if you call them out on it.
Yep, morocco is gypsie/nigger tier
Just kill them all.
i guess those anti-tourist commies got what they wanted...
We also had problems with these shitskins over here:
Beware everytime you see the last name "Mansour", "Sansour", "Sarsour".
It's always some islamic shitskin behind that name who wants to conquer new territory.
It shows a french flag mon ami. Where r u? Reunion? ( a fucking paradise btw)
Why not just kill them?