I feel like we just went from 0 to 10 in less than one day.
We went from posting funny memes pointing out the stupidity of SJWS/feminists/libfags, to hundreds of furiously angry white men carrying torches, quoting Hitler, and literally beating commie faggots in the streets.
It went from low-key LARPing to actually fighting the degenerate filth in front of the entire world. This is accelerationism. This is putting the pedal to the metal with no regard for "optics" or "public relations".
Now, of course the media have weaponized this event against us. But we're real now. We were not real before. We were just invisible internet people. We're real people now. We physically mobilized and went all the way. The world knows we exist now.
What comes next?
Josiah Jones
these digits say that we have only had just a taste in the upcoming feast
Brayden Thomas
We keep winning
Colton Morgan
Kayden Roberts
I am as well
The fact that the whole media, corporate establishment and deep state went into complete fucking overdrive over literally nothing shows that they are really rattled. I've never seen as many shills here as we saw in the two days after Charlottesville, including during the election.
>when you are taking flak it means you are over the target
Brody Gonzalez
To be fair, it is objectively true this was not good optics.... I think?
The media had obviously pre-planned this, probably as a Soros operation or some shit. They want to build a new narrative about the "dangerous right-wing" and "Trump's America" and "White racism" or some shit. Of course we are going to have MANY normies hate us.
We will also have a new influx of curious people googling and YouTubing us. Richard Spencer's followers increased by like 8,000 in just a few days.
If we learned anything from the election, even when the media thought they had hurt Trump, it always came back to bite them and it made Trump stronger.
BUT, we also have to acknowledge we would basically be 100% fucked without Trump. His statements at the press conference made it acceptable for the alt-lite and the twitter-sphere right-wingers to get behind us.
Matthew Torres
I don't even think its particularly bad optics desu. Just look at how popular compilations of BLM and other protestors getting run over on YouTube are, they get millions of views. You average normie conservative really doesn't care that some fat antifa bitch chomping out and blocking the road got splatted
It's not great optics because it took attention away from the actual big story of the day - that of the mayor and governor illegally shutting it down and violating Unite the Rights civil rights, but its not the shoah that concern trolls pretend that it is. No one really cares
Nathaniel Harris
There is one thing I'm happy about, and it's that people are talking about these groups that were hidden in the underbelly of politics for so long. People are actually debating about whether ANTIFA is violent or not. People are discussing about the idea of white/black privilege, whether their is a side of the left that goes "too far", whether it's fair to whites for suppressing their voices... a lot of lefts are pissed that these debates are even coming to light. The underground beliefs we have pondered on for so long have finally gone into mainstream public and It's great.
Nolan Wilson
this is some gay roleplaying
Angel Peterson
We must be smart about how we step from now on
Andrew Fisher
This is putting the pedal to the metal
Ethan Martin
>the lefts pissed that these debates are coming to light
I think more than the nazis or the car incident, this is what they are mostly upset about. The entire paradigm just got shifted, like EXTREMELY shifted. It's a whole new territory, and it happened over night.
Joseph Martin
USA is heading towards civil war.
It will be right wingers vs the State. Right wingers are going nuts despite GOP controlling the House, Senate, Congress, executive branch and supreme Court. Literally everything they conrol and they're getting angrier and more discontent. At some point trump will get impeached or the right wing agenda will be massively thwarted somehow this beginning the white man's chimpout
Isaac Parker
Premature ejacklatio gives us a bad name. ve should learn from this
Hunter Peterson
I was faltering but Trump calling out leftist violence vindicated everything
And the "white lives matter" chant at the statue was fucking great. Just imagine how fucking terrified leftists were
Michael Gutierrez
The best chant was "ANTI-WHITE"
Zachary Cooper
More memeing, more torches, more violence. It will not end until whites are secure.
Brandon Nelson
LUL if you actually believe this.
Mason Ortiz
There's support everywhere but everyone must play their cards correctly. It's okay if you're a Nazi but don't be a cringy dumbass about it, be professional. If you see a LARPer, kick their ass on the spot because these people are the ones that causes the most damage.
Hudson Brooks
>tfw you can rest your tits on your belt and be ultra-comfy with extra support
Wyatt Harris
No, you are taking completely the wrong tactic here.
Charlottesville was a disaster of epic proportions, highly eroding the right-wing's credibility in the eye of normies.
We don't want more violence, we want less. We want to win political battles, not turn everyone against us.
Noah Hill
They are in terrified, for the first time in living history they are losing their grip on the narrative and they have no idea how to react other than to try to (((shut it down))) in ever increasingly draconian ways
Ethan Robinson
It's hilarious how these retards calling us Nazis don't realize after the Beer Hall Putsch the press of the time turned against them, and the tide completely changed, all that time alone in jail gave someone very near and dear to our hearts enough time to write the book that changed a nation.
Jayden Johnson
seems fine to me
Carson Lewis
They genuinely believe that if they don't hold the public mind in their icy claw, that they are gonna get shoahed again
Julian Rogers
A bunch of impressively stupid motherfuckers walked right into Soros' trap like the bunch of degenerate LARPers they are, and you think that is a good thing?
ANTIFA can get away with being a bunch of violent lunatics, because the entire media apparatus is spinning for them 24/7. Those morons were waving the banners of not only one, but two of America's past enemies. Praise be to Pepe, you don't drop the frog into the water once it's already boiling.
Levi Bennett
We need more events like Charlottesville, we need to rally in every major city in America. Once the people see that we're unwilling to back down and that we're unafraid of being called nazis, more people will join our side
Ryder Carter
Lol no goys our victory was a defeat! Crawl back in your hole, jude
Lincoln Murphy
>Praise be to Pepe You have to go back
Leo Butler
History's repeating itself, my friend.
Austin Thomas
Dominic Robinson
i just cant get over the mainstream medias degenerate coverage of anything. its all blown up to be made seem like its a national crisis. there were probably 1,000 people total MAX at that protest. its made to look like 100000. there are 320 million in the US. That first number is such a small one when you think about it. Fucking rupert murdoch
Jaxon Baker
And they're probably right. Think about how important samizdat was in bringing about the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now everyone has a portable printing press in their pocket, and no matter how much they clamp down that information is going to spread
Joseph Thomas
It's interesting times. The eclipse will say what happens.
James Cook
Like I said, I don't think it's good optics.
But it is literally the most offensive thing I have ever seen in my life. I thought Trump was pretty offensive, but this is like the edgiest angriest shit I could possibly fathom, and it is in the name of the war on whites.
I think this will change society to some degree, because it is going to open up new dialogue.
William Gonzalez
the brownshirts. i read about them earlier today. they are EXACTLY antifa. they were a government organization, they were completely privately funded...so whos the real hitler (looking at you george soros)
Ethan Turner
Daniel Collins
pol/ is not a hivemind
Connor Watson
No, it jumped the gun in a big way.
Oliver Jones
Yes, but anyone with an iota of rationality will see that the media is talking crap, and that the left wants to remove their rights and desecrate their symbols (Lincoln etc next). Currently all the left has is "shut it down". I don't know the outcome of this encounter (I assume basically national socialism/nationalist populism will win, although it might not be exactly white nationalism), but it's nowhere near unambiguously bad and I think it will prove to be a good, or at least a turning point out of many turning points.
Brandon Baker
>tons of right wing websites shutdown >tons of right wing figures defunded and banned from social media >even bigger portion of the public hates you
>w-w-w-we won guys!
Holy fuck you are delusional
Asher Kelly
Literally the stupidest thing I have ever seen right wingers do in my life
Brandon Torres
It's important not to start violence, and also not to be cowed. Legitimacy is built on kindness and strength, fear and love, respect for tradition (what's worked) and hope for the future.
Landon Davis
Trump is trying to push immigration reform right now you fucking spergy piece of shit, and your dumbass rally just ruined his prospects for getting it through
This isn't shooting yourself in the foot, this is dousing yourself in gasoline and jumping into a fire
Brayden Rodriguez
>we're real now
soros pays for both sides to fight each other. then the (((Media))) reports on it.
the entire thing is funded by Soros and (((friends)))
Kevin Gutierrez
I was always under the impression that Sup Forums could do more as anonymous people on the internet
Parker Smith
I'm not disagreeing with either of you, totally.
I think all of this is going to send the overton window into pure chaos. Last weekend basically radicalized both sides, but also opened up like 6 different conversations at the same time
Elijah Taylor
They're all over Reddit. The Redditcucks, or more likely their shills (upboat to comment ratio is skewed) are going mental.
Brandon King
On The Daily Shoah, Jason Kessler said that 35 people he knows of have been fired from their jobs, probably more.
That's probably 50 or more young white men that won't be getting nice paying careers, stuck with low level service jobs if they can even get those. They'll probably have to marry mixed race gutter trash.
Way to fucking go you dumbass fucks
Robert Gonzalez
You fucking stop larping in the streets and continue being normal people so normies cant call us domestic terrorist and ruin Trumps admin
Isaiah Rodriguez
Aaron Rivera
Actually this is a good point.
If the "alt-right" keeps doing this shit, it could definitely fuck his administration
Jackson Bailey
Everyone is. You made fools of yourself for the entire world to see. Literally every normal person thinks you're pieces of shit
Isaiah Robinson
That's why they're scared. However, you do need to realize the power of political power. We can't go full 1488 if we want to convince people, but we can dip our toes in the water like this, just leave the swastika NSM shit at home ok?
Caleb Ward
No dude it aint the way you see it. Trump didnt defend larping nazis he defended people who are defending their people, not the ones hailing like a retard right on a livestream. Trump salvaged the whole event and dont you ducking ruin this again us "alt lite cucks" are trying to convince normies and you are hurting everything.
Adam Torres
I feel like (((we))) just went from 0 to 10 in less than one day.
Ryder Sullivan
I don't think you get it. Generations of Americans have been programmed to immediately, reflexively associate the swastika and other Nazi iconography with pure fucking evil, on both sides of the political spectrum.
Instead of acting calmly and trying to win any sort of PR points at all, those NatSocs blew their load early, and now, the only way any other group who happens to oppose those leftist assholes have any chance at all is cut all ties and drop 'em like a red-headed stepchild.
Ayden Sanchez
The gay rally in va was a mistake. WAY too obvious and dumb as fuck allowing all the kkk and nazi shit. It should have been way more subtle and included a more diverse crowd. And it made Trump look bad. Which is the opposite of what we should be doing.
Those motherfuckers know NOTHING about covert warfare. Now the media is on full alert. Good going.
Luis Clark
Yeah I know he defended the people who were protesting the statue
Liam Martin
Yea, we need to keep a low profile, especially with all the Nazi shit going on
Benjamin Ross
Sup Forums should be leading these types of things, not Kikey Spencer and co.
Fuck those fags, they're not leaders. We are.
Parker Martinez
We need to somehow shill that these larpers are not representative of the right wing at large. Maybe start branding a new name and drop nazi imagery for a American one. Keep the strong nationalist tone, but acceptable for normies to jump on.
A normie will jump onto a AMERICAN NATIONALIST party that embodies liberty instead of some generic already tried national socialist leftist one. We want small government.
This alt right shit is getting old and is tainted now. We need to adapt not act like sjws. If people see we can change they will see we are not ideologues.
Aiden Brown
Logan Howard
Exposing yourself is the dumbest thing you can do. Stay low key you retards. Tell people what they want to hear and then do what's right.
Lincoln Foster
I agree.
Everyone needs to go under the "Anti-Communist" banner.
Same shit, just different title to throw off the libs.
Luke Thompson
Agreed. I think they stole our protest on Robert E. Lee monument removal and then just framed everyone as a racist and extremist. Are (((they))) pushing for alt-right and antifa to take away from our movement?
anyone who disagrees with (((them))) is a kike, shill, false flagger, not true patriot. We have to act like the Muslim brotherhood or somehow we are race traitors.
Asher Bennett
Americans suck balls at protesting. Well, at least you're clashing in the streets. Those self defense militia guys with the AR's though, wew. We had those in Yugoslavia but couldn't refrain from actually shooting at each other. All it takes is one shot. We had about 200k casualties, scaled to America's population could be a fun happening.
Cooper James
>88 Wew
Sebastian Wright
can anyone connect the dots to see a Communist coup?
Charles Gray
No, but I can sure as shit see divide and conquer.
Kayden Perez
We've been marching for a while, newfriend.
Brayden Sanders
don't forget to expose the jews.
Colton Gutierrez
>tfw we need diversity at our pro white rally
Aiden Harris
>Sup Forums should be leading these types of things
No they shouldn't. This board can't agree whether it's good to kill people in the street or not.
Kevin White
As long as people can go buy a burger and fries for $5, come home, get high, get on their phone, and watch their shitty jewflix show there won't be a civil war. You need some Mad Max shit to go down in the US.
Easton Clark
I think he means ideologically. Like libertarians waving gadsen flags and 13 colonies flag and shit, nobody sees that as racism except the most far left loonies.
Anthony Anderson
It should stick to where it actually did a lick of good.
Alexander Walker
wait until Trump starts a war in north korea next week - when gas prices go up and the stock market tanks, we should be headed in the right direction
Aiden Robinson
Also you should get /fit/, learn to fight. Aesthetically speaking, try to match Eastern Euro football ultras. Get some real fucking flares you look like fags with patio accessories. Most important, try to rally around something inconspicuous, a club of some sorts. Don't make it directly about politics. When you reach a critical mass you will most likely be contacted by a wealthy sympathizer. Get funding (look to ukrainian militias).
Michael Scott
Looking forward to it
Hunter Davis
>le civic nationalism Just kys
Chase Morris
That's not how the world saw it.
Whether you agree with the rest of the world or not, it's obvious to anyone with eyes that they have an argument that Trump has been soft on neo-nazis, even bordering on support.
No one was buying his forced teleprompter reading, especially after the report came out that he was talking to aides about being forced to do it.
The alt-right really needs to get a better PR person, optics will make or break the movement when the whole world is condemning it based on optics.
Bentley Reed
the nationalist front already has a wealthy sympathizer - Putin
Colton Richardson
It also turned alot of normies against us. It either made people join us or it made people hate us. No inbetween
Juan Flores
I think Trump has to tread carefully.
He doesn't want to alienate or insult his normal supporters. The left just wants to bait him into traps where he disavows all his regular supporters like Clinton who labeled them all a basket of deplorables.
The reporters constantly interrupt him and keep trying to ask questions that will reflect poorly on him, and constantly try to frame him as an enemy. He probably didn't want to speak about it because it's stressful and annoying dealing with all those leftists dogging you nonstop and interrupting every answer trying to get you to slip up.
Connor Allen
Right now the media is hyping the idea of a ‘civil war’. These democrat politicians are tearing down statues and using rhetoric to making white people feel cornered.
Don’t fall for this shit. This is all just an attempt to maximize outrage so someone goes beserk. They are just goading you so they have more ammunition to paint whites as nazis.
Don’t try to meme a civil war or start fantasizing about how the right has all the guns. It won’t go down like you think it will. They would NOT be pushing for this if they thought a total war was going to break out where the right wing mops up.
Clearly they are trying to speed things up to head off the coming shift in consciousness the internet has started.
Asher Wood
Cooper Hernandez
The media reaction to this whole mess awakened something in me on a primal level. I feel it in my gut. I think this is what bloodlust feels like. I'm afraid of what I might do if I'm provoked the way antifa were doing there.
Gavin Foster
I agree. To anyone who disagrees, research our Civil war, the ones the "progressive lefts" want to reform and erase the history of.
It was bad times for everyone. The south fell apart. Everything was destroyed from the roads to economies. It got so bad that was the first real time in history US citizens decided to leave. I believe like 10,000 southerners left to Brazil and founded a town Americana. Things have to get pretty fucking bad if you want to leave America. I believe over half actually left brazil and returned later because they were so homesick.
There is an unnatural push and acceleration from the media and both extremist groups to incite and escalate conflict. The mayors and police chiefs are forcing police to stand down and allow conflicts to escalate instead of sending out riot police and enforcement. They let Antifa run wild to cause chaos and piss off others so they will retaliate. This is (((their))) bait. They funded Antifa and you know it. Now ask why they want destabilization and crisis so bad.
Christopher Reed
Digits are always right.
Jaxon Collins
(((They))) are going to shut us all down user.
Lucas Clark
Julian Peterson
Thats in sweden?
Connor Perez
This. Remember that Arkans Tigers (serbian militia during Balkan wars) where mainly Football Ultras from Crvena Zvezda Belgrade.
Thomas Richardson
>le redpill normies meme Fuck off. If they arent awake now, they have to be intentionally turning a blind eye to everything for the past decade. Fuck them, we dont need fairweather friends who are easy to convince or manipulate.
Connor Smith
Right. I'm glad we have strong Christian values so we can talk about gassing kike shills. Anyone who disagrees is a race traitor and a shill.
We need war. Why are the Muslims the only ones attacking people? We need to join in, pussies. How many people have you decapitated? Pathetic.
Ayden White
>reverse racism is the weapon of choice to destroy libfags...call them out on their hypocracy.
Jayden Brown
Pretty much this. I was watching footage of the rally and the Identity Evropa guys were strolling through the streets copping shit and not even engaging in any witty banter. Going to these rallies is like going to a big away game, you know you're the enemy there, but you're ready for anything, too bad these americucks know nothing of football culture.
Jackson Collins
It's Big Red Riding Hood
Noah Jackson
They are going to try to suppress us. This will radicalize parts of the movement. The virtue signalling tech companies will attack us on the internet. I say let it happen, they're going to make the monster they fear.