What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
this one was actually on the sidewalk
That fucking bastard needs to be taken off the air. This is absolutely shameless. Fuck the media and the muppets that believe this bullshit.
I'm pretty libertarian and this news coverage breaks the NAP.
This is honestly disgraceful
This is a joke right?
>fags in this thread feigning outrage when days earlier they were praising the alt-right charger running through a crowd
um no
>What did he mean by this?
He meant americans are too stupid to catch on to the truck of peace meme that he had to go to the evil nazis for them to care
Sadly, Mudslimes pioneered the truck of peace attack. And the one here was done by a mentally ill Jew.
They want to blame every truck of peace from now on on us.
But the normies cant be this stupid, clearly there is a line of stupidity that normies will just sat, 'no cnn this is fake news' right?
I hate the fucking media and liberals. Countless Islamic terror attacks have happened in our lands. yet excuse after fucking excuse. Every time one happens they deflect and try to leave it as long as possible to say yeah it was Islamic terror. A labour mp forced to quit because of telling the truth.
And yet one 'nazi' terror attack and look how they're pointing the finger.
Let this be an eye opener to anyone on the fence, the media and left winged brainwashed fucks hate you. Terror attacks are merely and inconvenience to their end goals
Whatever happens, just blame it on some white nazi
I'm pretty liberal and left-leaning (by Sup Forums's standards) but that headline is pretty shocking.
CNN should be ashamed of the themselves.
this, is fucking disgusting
Because this didn't happen in Nice before Charlottesville
Citizens went to Charlottesville to legally exercise their civil rights.
Violent criminals that went to Charlottesville to attack those citizens for exercising their civil rights.
People die commuting violent crimes all the time but MSM has chose to blame the victims.
That boys car collided with an illegal roadblock made by violent criminals to stop their victims escaping, under the nose of the authorities who were criminally complicit.
The Alt Left killed that 14 year old girl, and asking them why they took a 14 year old on a violent attack should just be a start.
>this just in!
>white people responsible for Muslim terrorism!
Charlottesville inspired Nice retroactively
This is not real, right?
You retard. The outrage in this thread is because of the intellectual honesty which CNN clearly doesn't have
>implying this isn't already the narrative since 2010
It means CNN doesn't give a fuck. They reject reality and substitute their own because the people who watch them are mindless imbeciles and can't tell facts from fiction.
i just realized we need more NAPposting. keep it up
These are not journalists they are propagandists. It should be illegal for such total propagandists to pose themselves as journalists.
They have their fingers in so many ongoing crimes against humanity on a daily basis that their criminality is off the scale.
They, and anyone associating themselves with them should face a capital sentence (like propagandists got at Neurenburg) and their families should be made to pay back every penny they have gained from treason.
>rip ratings
They meant that they are willingly killing their cable network with no survivors
Yeah this is dumb I actually agree with you faggots for once. The incel neet cuck from Cville was a copy cat of ISIS car attacks.
Like this wasn't planned LONG before Charlotteville.
Stupid fucking people. Jesus.
Thanks obongo!
user, is the swastika in place?
really made me think
Cable news is dying, and their current actions are their death throes.
Their extreamist behaiviour is at least as far gone as NAZIs and communists (outside of the world war years) and as bad as fictional descriptions of dystopia such as Nineteen Eighty Four.
They are the new and greatest ever enemy of America and it seems more likely every day that war against globalisation is the only answer because of these extreamist scum.
Apparently six corporations control nearly all information worldwide right now BTW.
>Caring about the ethics of a cable news station
Le cnn is isis!!! xDDD Am I right fellow 'pede
the typical american egocentrism
and you call us arrogant
>over 6 gorillion viewers watch Kike News Network
>hur why do u care fag lol
Gas yourself commie
This is american media trying to make what happened in charlottesville seem worse because they are propaganda at this point
no one here actually believes that shit
>Kikes control all the news
>Somehow surprised and flabbergasted about their ethics
CNN IS LE ISIS xDDD upvote if you agree
here on pol probably but in america i doubt it
the plebe believe anything
No you 5 year old. Angered that they manipulate so many goyim brains into a slushy mush. 0/10 bait
Why won't there be questions if the cville driver was a copycat of our drivers?
This is fucking shameful. Disgusting how patently dishonest these kikes are.
The media cannot die soon enough.
ooooh nonono, that "fucking bastards" needs to keep yapping his mouth and push the silent marjority to the right