Are muslims just Arab Supremacists?
Are muslims just Arab Supremacists?
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Not all muslims are arabs, stormtard.
right but islam is arab religion
No since the majority of muslims in the world aren't even arab.
Muslims are muslim supremacists.
Only something like 20% of muslims are arabs.
just inbred parasites
you are retarded
and Christianity is a jew religion.
Most muslims aren't Arabs and not all arabs are muslim
Islam is interesting in that it claims itself the ultimate successor to Christianity and Judaism and declares Mohammad the last profit ever until the final judgement. It's for this and other reasons Islam has enjoyed long term protection from any kind of modern interpretation or advancement on a wide enough scale for "moderate" adherents to be anything more than a small minority and are often vilified as heretics and blasphemers, as is the case with the Shia-Sunni divide and the major schools of though within those sects.
It's also worth noting that given a literal interpretation of the Koran there is no room for politics full stop. Like the other primary monotheistic religions there's a fundamental idea of converting non-believers to your faith.
In that sense all the major religions (at least the monotheistic) have domination and eventual supremacy as a core tenet.
But Arabs rank the highest, blacks the lowest
No they just want their ethnosta-I mean caliphate. Totally different than Nazis.
not all israelis are jews either
No, there are different political factions. Some are Democratic Socialist, but Arab nationalists. Some are secular in government, but just Islamic. Some are extremist Wahhabist psycho killers like Saudi Arabia which Trump seems to love.
>are radical muslim religious supremacists?
Fixed that for you.
From a muslim site
> When non-Muslims are racist towards black Muslims, it’s quite predictable and somehow easier to deal with. We are taught to ignore these racist and forgive them for their ignorance. But when your own “brothers and sisters” reject you and your blackness, it’s quite sad and problematic. Where do you go to? Where do you belong? Are the days of Arab supremacy towards black people still not passed? Has there ever been a unified Muslim community?
These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it. -Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
kek, saved
We need to meme the idea of Muslim supremisists into reality.
Also Black Supremisists.
you can't post here i'm telling
Islam is a political ideology like communism which brainwashes people into believing they are superior and their idea is the best.
I have been saying this for years now, communism has a lot of similarities with Islam.
1. They kill their opponents.
2. They hurt the week and impose taxes and other form of hardships on non believers.
3. Force people to follow their ideology or punish them.
4. Heavily enforce censorship.
5. Believe rich should pay for poor but does the complete opposite when they are in power.
6. Islamist states almost always fall into fascism.
There are lots and lots of other small coincidences which are same with both ideologies.
Dig deeper if you want to.
With arabs at the top. Even huff knows
According to a Cairo-based think tank, many of the Sudanese being targeted by Libyans are refugees escaping the ethnic cleansing of black Africans in Darfur and the South Kordofan region of Sudan. They have escaped one form of Arab racism, only to find another.
Lol Erdogan is a fucking tyrant. The turks were great, they were a great society until hard right Islamism came into play. Their society used to be predicated on Secularity. I don't mind Islam, it's just a fucking sky daddy religion like the rest. If you met actual Muslims, you'd realize they're just as good or bad as anyone else. But tyrants and authoritarian despots are fucked.
Even as late as 19th century legal manuals promote the idea that an arab muslim is worth more than a non-arab.
There's probably no English translation but if you pick up Muhammad Qadri Pasha's manual on family law, it literally tells you that a "pureblood" arab shouldn't be wed to a non-arab.
Muslims are stoneage degenerate retardiation supremacists
No, but do most Arabs think they're better than everyone else? Of course. So do Persians, Egyptians, every other ethnicity that makes up Islam.
Remember, there's been a lot of Islamic war in Europe, but that's only a fraction as much war as they've made on each other.
Is sunni islam arab supremacy?
Muslim here, not Arab but Indian. No, Muslims are no Arab supremacists, in fact most Muslims on the planet are not even Arab, only 20% are. Also South Asians tend to really hate the rich gulf Arabs because they are pretty much racist towards migrant workers from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc.
> pretty much racist towards
Cos you are untermensch?
Christianity is not a European religion either but it would be unthinkable to separate European history from Christianity. The practice of religion changes depending on the people, African Christians are very different to European Christians. And Christianity in the Phillipines is different still. Same with Muslims. In the end religion is not as important as culture and genetics.
LOL! I live for 26 years, and i have worked about everywhere in The Netherlands and Belgium, And never EVER EVER!!!! have i saw, met, heard, or smelled a good muslim, Every last one of them will try to jew you out of something, Or betray you, They are untrustworthy, And will even eat their own kin.
Yes, read a book, in particular the Koran, it states it quite clearly.
Imperial Japan was also Japanese Supremacist.
The soviet union was communist supremacist. North Korea is Korean supremacist.
And patriotic America is American supremacist already. It's not at all uncommon to hear people say that this is the greatest country on earth even many liberals will agree with that statement.
The only difference between an american white supremacist and a regular patriotic american is the latter has been fooled to think that the country would be just as good if the demographics were different and white people were replaced with brown people.
half of the population are still die hard nationalist secularists, this is not over yet burger
Come to the US. Our muslims are pretty well assimilated, they drink and fuck, and they roll their eyes at their parents. I grew up with a lot of them, and I am an atheist. I've gotten into some serious debauchery with muslim friends. And don't even get me started on the women. So fucking hot.
They're essentially Fascists
>with a capital F
>Mussolini didn't care about race either
Even though I'd rather die than convert, I can see how it would be comfy being a Mooselimb in the current year. They've got the momentum, they're encouraged to take pride in themselves, and they've got top-tier war songs.
modern sunni islam is just umayyad ar*b culture in disguise you stupid paki. muhammad would behead %99 of the muslims in the world today if he was resurrected
I hope so, but I am afraid you guys are too far gone. He secured and consolidated his power last year in that sketchy attempted coup. How is day to day life? I want to see Istanbul someday or Ankara, got a buddy who lives there and plays music. As a westerner, I don't want to be ignorant.
>Saudi Arabia which Trump seems to love
Every fucking american president sense the Iranian revolution has sucked Saudi cock. We fucked up Iran like a bunch of bullies, killing there president and imposing a wicked dictator, the Iranians rose up and ousted him and have hated us ever sense. Can you blame them?
But no we cant say we are sorry and have to keep being mean to the little guy, so we kiss up to the other bullies around Iran and get them to pick on Iran too.
Kill yourself Alevi scum.
If Muhammad (peace be upon him) were resurrected in most Muslim nations he would have his head cut off for claiming to talk to angels or speaking the words of god.
Jesus would be called a cuck commie faggot by modern day christians.
day to day life is fine but they're slowly transforming the country into an islamic one but I doubt it will work. it's impossible without a civil war but hey I guess that's why they brought in 3 million ar*bs so the islamist side would have more soldiers
ankara is shit and istanbul is overrun by subhumans but there are still nice parts of the city and there's always something happening 7/24 unlike european cities
Shit, I really hope you guys don't get into a full civil war. I would back the west intervening against Erdogan, but I also think it would be a mistake for the US to get involved unilaterally.
Islam is Arab nationalism, and the Arab nation according to muh ham was the world
Nepalbro is on fire today
No way, Arab nationalism is not celebrated by all Muslims. Most muslims are from Asia, you should fucking know this dude.
It is a religion with global domination at it's root. Submit or die by beheading, convert or live as a Dhimmi. This is what Satan would do to you. Islam is the work of the Beast.
T. Albanian.
>be west
>put tyrant in power
>"he good boi he dindu nuffin"
>tyrant sharts on the country and years pass
>"dictator! human rights violations! here comes freeedom!"
yeah it's kinda getting old. we'll handle our shit ourselves, thanks for your concern though burgerbro
Islam is an Arab cultural imperialism that much is true.
People who refute this consider:
>Converts usually rename to an arabic name
>Have to recite the shahada in arabic
>Call to prayer in western countries is spoken in Arabic
>Dress codes are based on Arabic traditions
Yes it's all just a coincidence that all the countries that fell to Islam lost all their culture to the arabs, it's all just a coincidence that arab scholars wrote and control Islam to this day, how new are you?
no you literally can't
You're nothing like the Japanese, they're a model example of what our subjects should be like.
you're simply describing acquisition of power
all of these apply to virtually any power system other than democracy, in which it can be argued that the same processes happen, only invisible to the public eye.
so the real question is not whether there is an established power structure, just whether the rules are just and beneficial to the people.
in communism it's fairly easy to point out that was not the case. monarchies and theocracies however tended to be stable over many generations, which is about the best that any form of government can do.
>every religion is equally bad
kill yourself you clueless fuck lol
Yeah, that's sad and true. And it's the case for so many fucking countries. Now you know why I am an anti-imperialist. What good has it done for us? It just makes yall fucking hate us more.
Just don't become like Egypt and go full Islamist trash. Your country is too close for comfort.
You love it.
Indonesia is not Arab. You are spouting bullshit, of course you're a Hindu and hate Islam, so you have shit perspective. I am an atheist and all of you guys believe in fairy tales and are ready to kill each other for it. Fools.
You should look at what the arab countries have contributed to the world after the oil boom, it's a self answering question.
Pro tip : it's nothing
By your shit logic Americans are Semites because Christ was a Jew.
Christianity colonized the world
Islam just tried to get their stinky paws on European women because their whole lot is disgusting garbage waste and I wouldn't mind if they turned into the radioactive kind either.
Get a load of this blue pilled faggot
You get 12 years in jail for anime in Indonesia, stop using them as an example, do they follow Sharia a law based on books written by arabs, yes, so they follow a Quran which is printed in Saudi, yes they do, my being hindu has nothing do with Islam being Arab Nationalism
At one point Islam conquered a large part of Europe. At one point polytheists ruled a vast swath of the continent. It's almost as if history ebbs and flows and you are incapable of understanding the nature of conquest and the role religion plays in it.
You came very close to the Redpill, American still pay kosher tax they aren't semites but under the control of semites as all Muslims nations are
Still, your neighbors in Pakistan speak the same language, but worship a different skydaddy or in your case multiple sky daddys and mommies. Yet you can't even fucking get along. Who is the real savage? Us atheists who realize it's all a scam to control you people and keep you in line? Or you guys who hate your own brothers across a fake line in the sand for no reason at all other than you disagree on which fairy tale to believe in.
I can't even tell if you are trolling or just retarded, probably just American
i could point to india post-colonization and say the same, but i recognize the wealth of culture and history you guys have. for one, you have figured out how to unite many different tribes, languages, religions under one banner over thousands of years, something the west needs to figure out rather sooner than later.
basically yes, the islamic world is in crisis, the religion itself is in crisis, and that is a very dangerous situation. but islam is also very quickly growing, since it's a bastion of faith despite the radical secularization of the world in the past century,
many people have a desire for a meaningful, simple family-oriented life, and wherever they are denied that they will look for alternatives. in the west, islam is increasingly looking like the only one, so how would that not be a contribution to the world?
What don't you understand about Christianity colonizing the EARTH
Do I have to make a meme of it?
Christianity POZZED all other religion's NEGHOLE
Someone post the immigration infographics that show how they go about their invasion and eventual attacking methods as their percentage of the population rises.
>Us atheists who realize it's all a scam to control you people and keep you in line?
dude atheism is also a kike trap and it's retarded. yeah all religions are garbage but that doesn't mean god is not real
Take your poo to the loo or your children will look like this.
2.3 billion xtians versus 1.8 billion muzzies. I would not be bragging about those numbers if I were you.
stop me when I lie.
>implying keeping people in line is a bad thing
just go outside for a few hours and wonder how much worse it would be if people were "kept in line"
you live right next to black ghettos, dude, you should be the first one to realize.
Filipino Muslims = Terrorism
Chinese Muslims = Terrorism
Chechen Muslims = Terrorism
Malaysian Muslims = Terrorism
African Muslims = Terrorism
Islam without a doubt was originally founded with some notion of Arab supremacy, Muhammad was an Arab himself, and wanted his own clan to take everything over. However this never stopped other ethnic groups from becoming just as indoctrinated.
Though looking back through history Arabs were shitty even without Islam.
There is absolutely no proof god is real. If you can show me evidence and data, I would be more than willing to bend the knee.
You can't that's the point, try finding 5 relevant countries that came out of the middle east that don't deal in oil, we have contributed much more to the world post colonization than the middle east which basically got an infinite source or money
And yet, the most peaceful countries are not very religious at all.
I'm bragging about the D A N K Christian architecture and colonization method that led to the world being B L E A C H E D
>White Nationalist Christian = Patriots.
India hasn't invaded any country in the last 3000 years atleast and we are a religious nation
Unironically correct.
Christian White Nationalists aren't spreading around the world bombing people. They simply love their own people and countries.
it's a matter of perception and awareness. the intellectual mind who needs data and proof to function is obsolete in such affairs. however reading some existentialist material could be good for convincing your rational self
I bet you'd love to invade Pakistan. Don't you fags have border skirmishes on the regular? too distarb bro.
Atheists aren't smarter or more enlightened than religious people by virtue of them being unbelievers. Arrogant atheists are the worst of the worst (this is coming from an unbeliever btw).
Also, no we are not "all brothers" and "fake lines in the sand" are not arbitrary. Borders and social cohesion are necessary for a society to function.
You aren't paying attention then. According to the FBI, white nationalist domestic terrorists are more likely to kill civilians than Islamic terrorists at least since 9/11. So far, they're outdoing Islamofags.
That is such a cop out! Sounds like something my grandma would say as a kid when I told her that I didn't believe in god anymore.
you're no fun. hahah. no shit dude.
Yeah, how about you actually look at the number of attacks carried out by each ideology. Your lefty homo talking points are meaningless.
like soviet russia, nazi germany or communist china? sure, great.
the most peaceful countries are usually the most powerful ones, surrounded by allies, and even those fight proxy wars.
this is not new, and not caused by atheism either.
again, i wonder how you managed to peacefully unite multiple people, religions and languages for such a long time.
it is marvellous, especially considering so many people live in conditions of poverty that would make any westerners grab their rifles and declare revolution.
it truly baffles my mind, i see there a potential for peace to be brought to the west, which is fracturing and crumbling as we speak.
yes, just like the jews they think they are the chosen people or something. the only difference is that they want everyone to follow their cult while the jews dont want that.
That is like saying Christianity is a jewish religion.
Not according to Prophet Muhammed.
"the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him said:
O people, your Lord is one and your father Adam is one. There is no virtue of an Arab over a foreigner nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white skin over black skin nor black skin over white skin, except by piety. Have I not delivered the message?"
(Hadith source: Musnad Ahmad 22978)
do white nationalists not think that they're the chosen people as well ? that they're the only 'human race' ? that the rest are animalistic ?
calling people lefty homos doesn't make you right. And yeah I've looked at the data objectively White nationalists are winning the terrorist game in the US. Europe is a different story. It's also true that overall terror attacks in Europe as a whole are lower than they were in previous decades.
the hadith is not the word of Allah and was not even written by Allah's chosen people.
No, they are race realists, however Islam is universalist and more important to them than race.