Asians are better than whites

Should the alt right reach out to Asians?

There is literally nothing wrong with them

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>should the alt right reach out
The who?

>the alt right

Who is that?

>chinese cheat and lie
all tests get rigged, including IQ

however they send us rich kids from the wealthy (smart class)

Whites are the inferior race.

Fertility - Hispanics win.

Physical Strength and Prowess - Blacks win

Intelligence - Asians win.

Whites only win in militarism and invading foreign countries. And creating entertainment.

oh wait that's not right

Entertainment and the Arts- Jews

You fucking lose.

>nothing wrong with them
Let's get this started


mate you listen to me and you fucking listen good.
You WILL be held in fucking position and your neo vagina will be FUCKED vigorously buy a black man with an IQ of 25.
Kek will place an egg within your body and you will lay it into a nest that will appear the night beofre. You will then be fired forom your job and be FORCED to sit on the egg until it HATCHES.
Many BLAX will then come to battle you but you will defeat them all as they wont have the brains to operate any sort of effectvily weaponry.
The wolrd will be STRUCK by a great flood and you will take the HATCHLING to the pepy island where a new race will grow.

The Alt-Right. Our movement.

Lincucks now denying the existence of a whole political party? An interesting tactic.

Only japs, chinese aren't human.



Lincucks now trying to deny the entire existence of the alt right? Your dated Jewish tactics won't work on the Internet.

Military and invasions beat all that shit. You think YT took over the world with soft power? The arts, or fertility?

No, We took it over, cause we got bored bashing each others skulls in and decided to go exploring looking for even more people to murder.

Maybe you dont want to piss us off. Just a thought,

>The Alt-Right. Our movement.
Define it for me, fake news

Japanese and South Koreans are probably better on average than Whites, yeah. China, Pakistan, India etc. are still dog shit though.

Whites are apparently good enough at triggering you.

Aren't these the people who sleep with pillow-waifus and spend 20 hours unlocking secret levels in pornographic video games tho?

These chunks are pissing me off

>Twice the newfag influx of election day searching "alt right"

>President making speeches about us

>Good optics at a FAR RIGHT rally

>People dying on the streets over us

>Everyone getting shoad

This is proof we won the culture war. Now we need to win ACTIVISM

Fuck you leaf
We don't wan any part in your wicked, degenerate ways.
Just buy more of our stuff we sell, and stay away.

>Each race is the best at something
>Whites are only good at conquering every other race (except Asians. I don't think that ever happened except I guess WW2)

They are doing exactly in that photo what would be considered racist and nazism for white people to do: waving the flag together as an ethnically homogenous group.

White people are not permitted do this.

I'll start believing the "asians are intelligent" lie when they actual do anything intelligent. They're really great at making cheap variants of white inventions, though, so good for them.


The Philippines (mostly Spain, then US)

Why not?


Hi fellow Japanese

>IQ tests prove that blacks are stupid!
>but not when it shows asians to be smart!

Asians dominate in all indicators of success. Yes, even inventions or "disruptive technology"

why not?

t. asian

>Whites only win in militarism and invading foreign countries.
it follows that they are the most intelligent.

they never let the globalist Jews grow their corrupt tentacles throughout their society. I'll definitely give them that.

Your boipucci seems plenty fertile for my BWC.


Opium Wars, Boxer Rebellion, French Indo-China, Philippines.


Especially the japanese are honorary. Maybe more than us, imho.

>cars drive by
>people walk by
>you can see them slow down and think about helping
>they never do
Which country are these mongoloids from? If black people are dindunuffins, then these people are notmyprobrems.

Don't steal our achievement you chink. you are a shame of our Asian union members.

>Fertility - Hispanics win.

They are just the most catholic still and think birth control is the devil


Asians were literal animals when europeans first met them. But no they are racist animals with tech.

>whites actually think we want to be friends with them mfw

>Asians dominate in all indicators of success.
>number of periodic elements discovered by asian countries: 0
>number of manned space missions by asian countries: 0
>scientific contribution to formation of Internet technology by asian countries: 0
I could go on, and on, and on. Asians are bright creatures, but they haven't innovated much since the middle ages. Look, Chang, just be glad you got to move to a white country and quit standing up for your old country.

>Entertainment and the Arts- Jews
this is a new one

Asian parents are pretty right wing but some of their children, especially females, become brainwashed liberals in college.



>unironically being this new

>3 specific fields relating to discoveries decades or centuries ago

Ya sure.

And the "American" ones are mostly from Changs and Pajeets in Silicon Valley

Japanese are not Asian.

Is Japan on the Asian continent? No.

Sorry I hate the scum of the earth. Since you're so old, maybe you can enlighten me which blight of the earth this is so we can prioritize wiping them out first.

so british aren't european???


They aren't.

Except Asians are even worse at reproducing than whites

Comparing Japanese to Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese is an insult desu. These are countries that literally practiced cannibalism not too long ago. China probably still does.

what are chinese hate threads? you really couldn't guess the country leaf?

They are just not us. Plain and simple. We are not simply anti certain groups, but pro a very particular group. If you have to ask then you do not fundamentally understand the AR. If you require me to elaborate further, I will.

>Ya sure.
Glad you finally saw things my way, the right way. Also, don't bother replying, I wouldn't want to interrupt your canine supper.

As a canadian chink I'm sure it takes quite a while to fuck the dog before you cook it.

Shems friendly enough.

you shouldn't have come here.

why not???

>dont both replying, I can't refute anything you say

Thx for the acknowledgement.

White people are niggers compared to asians

white have by far the best combination of all of those things though.

the chinese are savage animals

These are reddit-tier cringe shit.

Apart from voting Democrat

Like why? Just kill the fucking lions and end their suffering.

Higher concentration of successful majority white countries as opposed to successful majority Asian countries. Only successful Asian countries are China, South Korea and Japan. Sorry.

nuke the chinks!

South Korea is best Asian country. Prove me wrong.

>not existing with the sole purpose of torturing all sorts of living creatures to death
you should know better than that rodrigo

Thats a Strange roundabout way of Saying Germanic National Socialism partnered with Italian Fascism you kike.

Isnt that like all of them? Unless North Korea is somewhere there

Nah, their women are plastic sluts, their men wear make up and their government holds Satanistic rituals