My answer (I'm from Romania) is no.
Would you fight for your country?
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no m8
I wouldn't even lift a finger.
it depends
Fuck no. That would be like going up on the deck of the ship to fight of attacking pirates while most of the rest of the crew is down in the hold under the waterline drilling holes in the hull.
Multiculturalism, feminism and globalism isn't worth a drop of my blood.
Be a patriot and die for your country.
it depends,
also how is the netherlands at 15% wtf
yes because this country is worth fighting for (at least for now)
No. The NZ government is bought and payed for by the Chinese Communist Party.
No draft or compulsory civilservice.
conscientious objectors, soy boys, et cetra.
Domestically, yes.
Internationally, no.
And if everyone did the same guess what - no war.
stop being aquaphobic
No of course not what a stupid idea. Australia sold me out.
well depends on what we are fighting against
With all the grievances I have with Israel, I'd still fight for it, either internally or externally.
It's just that internally it's a losing fight and the only winning move is not to play.
I'd gladly fight for some parts of your country.
It's a meaningless question without context
Fuck out of our country then , literal scum
I would fight for my country, culture and people but not the government.
Indeed, here I thought I would be in the minority.
71% in brainwashed China also seems low.
Since there is no source or anything, I will just assume that around a 100 people per country were surveyed.
After being drawn from a pre-questioned (((controlled))) group.
Will gladly fight and die for my friends and relatives. The commies and all the other piss skinned pos I dont know can go fuck themselves.
For what purpose?
Our nation stands for nothing at this point.
Our society has become a shit-pot of immigrants.
We have no identity anymore, we have no culture.
What would I fight for?
t. Vancouverite
fuck no
id fight for syria or russia or even america
Watch out what you wish for, Griffith may take you up to your promise.
Already have. Got fucked up pretty bad in Afghanistan. Turned down a disability rating out of respect for my country and its taxpayers. Now, seeing what's happening, I realize it was all for the Jews. My life ruined for some sick hook-nosed agenda. DO NOT serve in the military unless your country is being invaded.
they probably surveyed gypsies and sand niggers as well
that's like the reverse result of average IQ by country.
not a coincidence.
Fight for the right for more Muslims to find refuge in your country.
I'm not dying for this shithole
I would, I don't care it we're poor, corrupt and filled with gypsies but to me dying for your country willingly seems like the greatest sacrifice someone can make, I admire the japanese kamikaze fighters and wish that in the end of my life I will be able to die fighting as they did.
Seemingly so.
never. I would feel more inclined to help my fellow Americans in a future civil war than fight for my cucked country
Agreed, I am with you. Canada will not fight for me, or the way I want to live, or the people I would want to live with. Why should I fight for Canada? Canada, as a Nation is non-existent. Barely a country.
Tell us about your service.
nah. Obviously, yes to protecting my family or friends but the average English person is a thick cunt.
I would fight for my people in a civil war but never for the government.
this 110%
Sweden 55%, not bad with all things considered. Those are obviously mostly native Swedes.
Netherlands 15%. Wew.
I feel a little disappointed we're only 74%. I mean, I'm not even in the army reserves because I was freed from military duty during both war and peace, but there's no doubt I'd fight urban guerrilla warfare in case of invasion.
My nation, yes. USG/Jews hell no
And what? Anyway you fight and your gov don't care about you fight
I don't feel like my country gives a shit about me or my people, so no. I'll fight for my family and my blood, nothing else.
Why would I go out fighting for the hooknoses?
Dutch people don't like to fight because the odds on profit are most likely to be too low.
Become the jew.
>Nederland kan het weer. De VOC-mentaliteit, toch?
depends on who exactly is the enemy
European? nah
ME? depends which one
asia? only china
SA? ???
Africa? sure as long as it isn't south africa
No. Who would do such a thing?
I'd expect 90%+
yes, my country is awesome
No one in a coastal city would but everyone in the central plains will...
Only if it means we can have slaves again.
I dont fight for niggers, arabs and jew, so no.
Depends on what we're fighting for. Is it some globalist plot war to get oil/feed the Military industrial complex? If so then probably not. Is it our territories being attacked by a foreign government and we have to defend ourselves/allies who protect us as well? If so then sure. I'd rather never go to war because I hear nothing but bad things but if it must be then it will be.
I sort of agree with this. On the other hand, it really depends on what we're fighting for. If our sovereignty isn't at risk, absolutely not. But if we're being invaded by hordes of Muslims or something, I'm going to defend myself, my family and my soil. While what we've become is loathsome, it isn't anywhere near as bad as giving the country up to a foreign invader and letting it turn into Pakistan 2.0. This country is far too beautiful to give up, and it shall belong to my grandchildren.
depends on the enemy.
mudslimes, roaches, leaves, etc? 100%
russia, georgia, etc? no
Go on. I actually want to hear this.
Your country is beautiful for white people but sandniggers hate the cold, the ice and the darkness.
I would rather fight for Finnland than for Germany 2017.
Those nukes and the American occupation really fucked their fighting spirit
i would if it was a defensive war, otherwise no.
>But if we're being invaded by hordes of Muslims
We are!
Depends on the threat. I'd fight for my country to kick out the muzzies
If it were with good reason and it was in defence to an aggressor, sure.
I'm aware of that. I grew up in Scarborough for christ's sake. Unfortunately there's not much we can do about it right now since there's no organized/respectable anti-immigration political group in Canada.
I would gladly fight against the roaches.
Aren't Greeks and Macedonians rape babies?
>Sweden 55%
Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on this one. Unless if they asked the Muslims and they said yes for their actual countries, not Sweden
Only if we were being invaded. Fuck anything overseas.
Macedonians are a Greek tribe just like Spartans or Athenians.
Also, the original Turks were numbered 30.000 (from Mongolia). That was less than the population of Constantinople. If a Turk and a Greek had a baby, it would become Turkish because Greeks were considered 2nd rate citizens in the Ottoroach Empire.
Modern Turks are a mix of Greeks, Armenians, Slavs and Arabs. They don't resemble Mongolians at the very least anymore.
I wouldn't fight for this country. I would consider fighting for two other countries, though.
Danke. Godspeed
If it's a defensive war against the chinks, ruskies, and norks? Yes
If it is something the US dragged us into to help with their (((interests)))?no
If forced to - no.
Voluntarily, especially against mudslimes and commies - yes.
>My answer (I'm from Romania) is no.
My answer is Yes
>Japan last
That survey is bullshit
Riomaina fuck yeah i would fight to the last breath,also fuck the EU.
Ba cine pula mea va plateste,doar acum m-am certat cu unul platit de USR,altul era pentru PSD sin un ungur pentru UDMR.Daca astia nu va dau bani mi-e mila de voi sincer,e foarte trist.
The samurai spirit is long dead my friend,killed by brainwashing with anime and degenerate culture.
What about against the Poles?
Spanish non-fighter reporting in.
Interesting that the most evolved countries have the most peaceful population.
I wouldn't either
Bulgaria is a shithole ran by corrupt politicians that everyone tries to leave and if you fight for the US you fight for Israel.
I believe it. Japan is the lowest T country on the list. Low T men don't like fighting.
If you wouldn't die to save your fatherland you are nothing but scum.
If you look at our (((geschiedenis))), you'll find that we found out that it's better to not constantly fight everyone but to play the merchant role and make peace in a way that you don't constantly have to kill everyone
>Implying Israel is not included in the (((Wilhelmus)))
Greece at 54%? Man fuck you. We would all die for our country.
Even if I fight for my own, I'll be the only one along with 1-2 drunk turk-looking fat mid 30s guy who drive a taxi. So no, not worth it.
I'd prefer to fight with the Poles like good old times shitting on russians and the like
>I will defend my country if we're being overrun
>Oh, I agree that we are
>But I won't do anything about it because there's no group I can join
Make your own group then, leaf
Yes, but not unconditionally.
Watch it all burn. Considering moving to singapore.
Fight for what? Widespread degeneracy, mudslimes and niggers replacing us and busting my ass off at a shit job to provide welfare for Muhammed and his 8 children? Fuck that shit.
>Japan 11%
Where is their honor?
>me such Romanian
>not worth fighting
Fuck off faggot, show your real flag.
Read history from past 2000 years.
Only in a civil war and that's it.
I'm not a leader. I have below average social skills and people wouldn't follow me. This country is still too cucked for something like that, but I suspect that will change in the near future. If it doesn't, then maybe we don't deserve this land.