

Hi fellas, No news because I don't normally make these.


Stop bullying me on PT. Pls.

Whats PT?

nvm is it public transport?

This is the lamest thread ever OP. You're embarrassing us. Do you see other countries making threads with no topic of conversation at all? No. Because it's retarded.

:( no one was making an auspol thread

I have told you before you need to put at least one news story in the OP or the thread will get deleted if someone reports it. You fucking retard you have ruined the whole night.

Why are you so rude? Chill out or you will get a heart attack.

Just saw an ad for The Wrong Girl.

Blonde white Aussie girl strings along her best friend, a betaish white guy, whilst being in love with some poxy shitskin.

They're stealing our stories now too.

So anyway, I suggest we discuss my pic related. Naturally the ABC says it disproves her point, but in fact the opposite is true. The speaker of the house stated that Pauline's identity had been confirmed before she entered the chambers. So the fact that he had to say this proves that people were concerned about someone in the senate with a concealed identity.

>Pauline 1
>ABC 0


I can't stand all this Islam bullshit Pauline and the other cucked almost-nationalists go on about.

Supposedly an 'Aus' got killed in that commie zone ISIS attack.



I was sad until I saw the photo and saw he was half a chink, then I didn't care any more.

Have I gone too far with my racism? Become an edge lord?

That little boy in the blue shorts/white top in the vid looks like it could be him :/

Freedom of expression means being able to wear what ever you want. If muzzies say this is offensive, it's a double standard, they're getting special privileges and un-Australian.

Don't even look at that blue pill, stay strong.

Why? Fuck the muzzies.

You poofters, aus/pol/ is this way

Hey guys Malcolm Turnbull here

Well I think the burqa should be banned. Fuck their freedom of expression. You can't walk into a bank wearing a balaclava and expect no to be taken for a robber. The whole point of the burqa is that in backward-arse Muslim countries women are forced to cover themselves up. There's a law against NOT wearing it. So I say we just draw a line in the sand right now and make it illegal. If they want to dress like a garbage bag, let them do it in Afghanistan.

That's what I think too. It's going to be tricky though. How would you lable it? Identity concealing religous garment? I feel if you just make a "burqua law", there would be significant backlash, the devil will be in the detail.

It is the muslims that need to be banned. I don't care what they wear so long as they aren't wearing it here.

hey man, are you on everyday around this time? you can be the official aus/pol/ poster if you want.
i'm really over making them. some other bloke said he'd make them mondays to wednesday but you can take the rest of the time.
You get lots of (You)s and they are fun but i've done them too long now and they've lost their lustre

he was an asian

Anyone not care any longer about hiding their power level among friends and family?

I've openly admitted to being a white nationalist One Nation voter to most of my good friends and girlfriend.

Feels pretty relieving not having to pretend to be a normie any more

Malcolm Roberts said that the security took Brian Burston's word that it was her, but never checked her identity

Good evening oven dodger