Sup Forums is not an echo chamber

Let's prove that Sup Forums is not an echo chamber by exploring ideas which usually we don't explore

I'll start with a small one: white people *are* racist.

But! Black people are also racist. Racist just means that you recognize the differences between one group and another and label them as a separate thing. So whites have a tendency to associate mostly with whites, but blacks also have a tendency to associate mostly with blacks. It's just like families, we go for what is most familiar to us.

Your turn

Other urls found in this thread:

I fuck black women

White people aren't racist enough baka desu senpai

Niggers are not people


take the most liberal person you know to a soul food restaurant and realize how wrong you are

>baka baka desu senpai
stfu degenerate

NZFIRST will get 23% in the general vote

Its ok to fuck women from every race and have children with them(unless theyre black)

Islam is religion of peace

Sup Forums is the opposite of an echo chamber. anyone can post anything here with no censorship or downvotes hiding it no matter how unpopular the viewpoint. this is one of the few truly free political sites in fact.

the problem is the majority of the userbase is the same ideology so if you're not right wing you get drowned out, but not always

There's nothing wrong with prostitution and drugs

And what's wrong with being an echo chamber if all the ideas being echoed are objectively correct, faggot? Commit suicide, leftypol.

i knew that as a 5-year-old. How is this "an idea we usually dont explore" ?

On average, African Americans are genetically close to a 25% European, so they should be considered mixed race instead of African.

You'd call someone with a Hispanic father and a white mother mixed race, but this person would actually have a higher percentage of European genetic traits than an African American person (the average Hispanic person is 65% European descent). Hispanic is definitely seen as mixed today while African American is almost never considered to be mixed race which based on the statistics makes no sense.

The jew fears the samurai

Racism is a fucking evolution theory who as been largely proven wrong by science. Stop talking as if you know what you are saying bc all of you are wasting what we real romantic fighters have built in literally decades

>Twice the newfag influx of election day looking up "alt right"

>President making speeches about us

>Good optics at a FAR RIGHT rally

>People dying on the streets over us

>Activists getting shoad

This is proof we won the culture war. Now we need to win ACTIVISM

There's things about modern western society that make it not worth fighting for.

For example, I've become more traditional as I've got older, I see the benefit in families and good set of morals.

But I wouldn't go near them with a barge pole, as there's so much risk for white men in modern societies. With divorce rape, family courts etc.

It makes being a MGTOW justified.

Great nations are built through hard work and dedication but modern women are much more spoiled and entitled and they risk bringing down what we've built. I'm not convinced we can pull out of the nosedive, it might be that we have to witness the collapse and then as strong men, put society back together through hard work.

The smart and productive people don't join to fight for losing systems, they move to where there's potential for progress.

>racist just means that you
View other groups of people as inferior.

That's the definition. It doesn't matter what you feel, it doesn't matter what someone calls racist, it doesn't matter how the news entertainment classifies racism.

Racism is someone seeing different groups of people as inferior. Skin color doesn't even matter.
British can be racist against Irish
Iranians can be racist against Egyptians.
Whites can be racist against blacks.
Koreans can be racist against Japanese.

>Ghetto niggers are violent thugs that take more than they give
Is a racist statement,
>Black people in general socio-economically underperform compared to other groups
Is not a racist statement.

Implying that no black people value family and hard work is racist, but stating "Inner-city blacks tend to have a single-parent family and rely on welfare programs" is just a fact.

Your turn sucked, and you're stupid.

I hate commies but I don't want them dead. I want to discuss with commies to understand why they believe communism is the ultimate answer.

1 post
Why you pretend you you want to discuss shit?

Ideologically communism is better. Practically it doesnt work though

Capitalism being an economic system based entirely on greed and self-interest is doomed to fail.


(1) There is jewish conspiracy rulling the world. funny how stormweenies never mention freemasons, unlike their nazi ancestors. maybe because if you would call it judeomasonic conspirancy it would sounds as loony as it is, another illuminati myth.

(2) ace is a recent, European colonial concept, ancient rome made no social distiction between people of different pigmentation, and neither did ancient china or egypt.

(3) You can be opposed to neoliberal politics and not support some nazi asshole.

(4) Ironic kekistani support for the altright is indirectly at fault for the murder of that woman in Charlotesville

lel there is no jewish conspircy rulling the world thats what i meant to write

The really smart people inhabit the losing systems somewhat passively/assertively until the collapse occurs, and then they gain the spoils of the collapse. If you can find a good wife who doesn't care for material things as much as the average consumer, you will be able to ride out the storm in relative peace or just have a decent life if nothing occurs.

I also have no intent to enter into a relationship with a woman who will try to ruin my life, but entering into a relationship with a woman who wants a peaceful life like I do will probably result in everything turning out okay. There's no need to swear off biology because of a few bad organisms.

Very reasonable. I agree with that. It's a shame the liberals don't and think only the white man will be racist.

Race mixing is fine. It's the quality of the person that counts, and that might mean finding someone who agrees with your ideals.

People still inherit all the problems of an echo-chamber here.

I don't agree with these but here are some arguments I want to put forward for new Sup Forums fags that should help break up the stagnation of thought for them:

The Confederates and Nazis are inherently white supremacist organizations who did put priority on the superiority of whites to the point of treating lesser races worse than they treated animals. Obviously there are many exceptions to this but it was a core trait of both organizations, and as such perceiving both to be equivalent is not too unreasonable when not comparing historical context between the two.

Blacks are just as capable as whites, but not in as large of a capacity. At one point blacks were close to becoming economically and educationally equal to whites and as such were conditioned back into inferiority through use of the projects and other operations disguised beneath equal rights movements. Our government benefits from stupid violent blacks, and they are not inherently inferior when in an environment that allows equal cultivation of skills and provides the tools necessary to succeed. Whites have lost these tools and environment as well, but we're in larger number and have greater resources to still keep upright where as blacks don't.

Black Africans have not advanced past the stone age during modern times due governments at large keeping violent and moronic leaders in charge within their countries and being taken advantage of by their own violent tribes much like Native Americans were constantly accosted by their own violent retards. Europeans sorted out the majority of their angry dipshits in the Germanic tribal wars, after which most civilization was birthed. Aboriginals in other countries weren't so lucky and it is primarily due to this and not an inherited genetic inferiority.

Hitler was a Zionist and all of his actions have only benefited Jews. Without him Israel would not exist, he even supported its creation.

>he says, posting with a U.N. flag
>what is the definition of Barbarian for $400, Alex?
>You shouldn't assume anyone's total mindset based on a single post
>blaming a cartoon frog meme for creating lunatics

no shit everyone is racist, thats why we need racial segregation in the form of ethnonationalism

I wish it was socially acceptable to bang traps. There's just something about dominating another dude that gets me diamonds. When I get in that aggressive mindset I can slay.

There is a conspiracy to replace whites. We don't know for sure if it's Jewish but you can extrapolate that it's most likely Jews based on:

- The double standard for having a Jewish ethnostate but white countries must become coffee-colored utopias (not going to actually happen it will just be enclaves attacking each other)

- The subservience to Israel from politicians

- The way Jews disproportionately push open borders in the media

- The fact that almost all countries in the world have leadership which puts the racial majority first. White countries' leadership are hell bent on replacement which suggests that it's not actually whites holding the reigns of power. Why would whites be unique compared to all the other races in the world in terms of in-group preference? Pathological altruism is a myth. It's simply because all societies do what the government and controlled media tell them to do.

I support this. I don't want a 100% white world just as I don't want a world of 100% shitskin mixbreeds that the NWO wants.

I want each country to have its own culture and society and races that help provide what is great about humanity.

One race, one culture, and we all stagnate. No new thoughts brought on by conflicts between history you never knew, no new philosophies birthed by wildly alien cultures, no wars to give men a purpose and a ground for the greatest of all our technologies to be birthed.

All the beauty of man comes in its flaws and differences. Humanity shines best as a rainbow appearing after the storm, not as the mud that wallows beneath it.

>Looking at how many posts OP has.


If you really were as edgy as you're trying to be, you'd just do it and not give a shit what society thinks.

Go find a bus station men's room with a fist full of $20s.

1 You lll also use it to prove Earth is flat, I wager
2 If you use todays definition of race, Barbarians could have been of any race. Romans cared not a iota about the distiction between Germanics and Berbers. Germanics werent perceived as any closer to Romans.
3. Lots of stormfaggots on pol or will you dispute that too
4 Fine

Every European state is an ethnostate to some degree, eg France is constituiontonally the homeland of the French (defined civilizationally, not by race or religion). America never was an ethnostate, being a country of immigrants. So what bothers you is that a tiny minority who are pushing for America to be the white ethnostate are meeting so much resistance.

Not an echo chamber.
We spend our time arguing, unlike lefties.

Also what you posted have bien known for thousands of years.

My two yuro
Internationalism should be about each nationalism helping each other, as commies and (((them))) do.
There is nothing wrong about being white national nationalist in a white country supporting syrian nationalists in syria, or japanese nationalists in japan.
Some may argue it leads to war, but imo,only if we get manipulated by globalists like in ww2.
Nothing new i think, but worth to be reminded.
Diversity is that, not the (((American melting pot))).also, it means the end of colonialism and relations between nations based on respect and equity.
It destroys all leftist rethorics

Using violence against anybody who is not acting violently is evil

glad I could make you lel. I usually check before I post, so I know I'm not just wasting valuable fun or shit posting time on responding to a distraction thread.
Its good practice for the chans IMO

>assuming someone's mindset from a single post
Okay Alex, okay, what is the Roman-Latin definition of Barbarian? I don't even want the money
>"Barbarian is an insulting word for a person from an uncivilized culture or a person with no manners. Barbarians aren't known for their etiquette. Those barbarians — back in ancient times they were always invading and pillaging and generally unleashing their fury on the more "civilized" Greeks and Romans."
And as well
>"The term has also been used to refer to people from Barbary, a region encompassing most of North Africa. The name of the region, Barbary, comes from the Arabic word Barbar, possibly from the Latin word barbaricum, meaning "land of the barbarians."
Do you see the correlation with barbarian and nigger as derogatory terms?
>Lots of liberal-leaning fact deniers on pol or will you dispute that too

There's nothing wrong with war for a cause of the people fighting it. In the heat of friction between culture wars we have forged the strongest swords our species have ever wielded.

That is hot muslims infiltrate our lands.
They try to be peaceful, breed like rabbits, then, once outnumbering the locals, turn violent, and take power.
At that point, it is too late.
You have to fight them by any means necessary from the start

Nazis are just as bad as Commies. I'm glad authoritarians get together and riot against one another like the brainlets they are.

Let's explore the idea that black people are intelligent

Establishing an ethnostate won't solve our problems

Nazi scientist value to commie scientist value, go

No one ever said it would, it's just the starting point.

I'm talking about the political philosophy, not the quality of the people who lived in countries while each group was in power.

The last wars destroyed our people. We lost millions of fine men for the interests of a very few who are now trying to replace us.
Wars are a crucible breeding the strong, unless you lose the only one that matters, the one to protect your people.
Late wars were lost for western people and won by globalists.
Take afghanistan
Big companies want the subterran riches and opium for big pharma.
We send our soldiers, kill millions, die by the thousands, and get flooded by refugees we helped to create.
How does it makes anyone but globalists stronger ?
It is destroying us, the people we attack, and fill big corporations pockets with more money and power. Money that do not even benefit us and is hidden in banks, making them stronger too.
It is a complete waste.
Defending your home is just, these wars are suicide.

It'd be a facade in the current global age

>j-just a-accept your fate goyim
Fuck off

i think everyone should be allowed to be happy and prosperous, but people that aren't white should do it somewhere else

How would you institute it with any sort of legitimacy in an era where the internet connects everyone to fucking everything?

Why would the internet effect an ethnostate besides (((propoganda)))?

Because people could always have contact with these cultures and want to bring people in some way or another

You underestimate how little families are pure white in America

>attempting to change the definition of racist

Some opinions or view points get drowned and ignored simply because they are poorly written out. If your post lack eloquence and effort then you will not be heard here, apply yourself.
If your post reads like ass or sounds like a dumb person wrote it then you will be rightfully mocked and disrespected no matter what your point is.

I like to read my posts multiple times and each time shave off a useless bit until my post is clear and to the point.
It doesn't mean i won't call out your faggotry when i see it.

Pure white is purity spiraling nonsense, but Balkanization is the answer, the mongrels will form some cuckshed of civic nationalism while the majority whites will make an ethnostate.

No one actually wants to bring third worlders to their cities and homes unless they are being (((guilt tripped))). What have non white cultures ever had to offer whites?

>No one actually wants to bring third worlders to their cities and homes unless they are being (((guilt tripped)))
They do if it's for specific purposes

My Indian grandfathers were both brought here as professors to contribute to colleges (One was moved to work for Canada)

They directly contributed to the economy and American student culture

Negatively affected it because they dilute actual American culture with the culture of wherever they came from.

Since you aren't white of course you don't want to live in a white ethnostate, fine with me, live in the civic nationalist cuckshed that will be what's left of the liberal democracy US after the civil war. Basically everything that's going on now will still be going on.

Americans used to mean European, the founding fathers intended the U.S to be white majority nation.

They also imported a bunch of Africans into the damn country, man

I'm not racist, I just despise niggers