Be careful what you wish for Sup Forums. You wanted them to be arrested for destroying a statue honoring traitors, but you have them turn the situation into a profile in courage for the city which only Nazis and Traitors are butthurt about.
Be careful what you wish for Sup Forums. You wanted them to be arrested for destroying a statue honoring traitors...
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don't they have jobs?
Actually a genuinely smart move on their part. They know that the big social media companies - and media as well - are behind them, so it's free publicity. If we tried something similar, it would only make us seem worse. They have the blessing of the establishment.
Notice they're all cucks, women, and fags, none of those people have worked a hard day in their life
We need more chaos
I'm assuming the cops did their job and arrested them all.
>we're all openly admitting to mob violence and destruction of public property
wew lad this has nothing to do with nazis and everything to do with idiots breaking simple laws. Hope they all serve some time.
...Just fine them.
Each one of them.
For big bucks
hopefully they all got charged.
No, why do you think they can afford protesting and rising shit all the time? They have no jobs, hobbies, interests or responsibilities. Their only life purpose is to be annoying and protest against trivial stuff. Some even get paid to protest.
No if they get charged with a felony they can't vote anymore:^)
To be fair, your guy is being charged with murder/hate crime/terrorism. I don't think Sup Forums would have the balls to go to a jail and say 'we're all responsible'.
The Jobs meme is the only line of attack you guys can levy. It is rather fascinating.
It's always so pathetic seeing how many white people are in those leftist crowds. Almost nothing disgusts me more on earth. At least 80% of them are women.
Liberals good at virtue signaling. More news at 11.
imagine how much money the city will make when they fine everyone there $1,000
May as well identify all of them
Violent chimps mobbing cars say something new faggot.
>Double the newfag influx of election day searching "alt right"
>President making speeches about us
>Good optics at a FAR RIGHT rally
>People dying on the streets over us
>Everyone getting shoad
This is proof we won the culture war. Now we need to win ACTIVISM
Of course not, they're leftists
lmao they're dumb as shit. Polls have already shown a majority of americans (even nogs) don't want the statues taken down. Leftists are willing to kill themselves for the sake of virtue signalling.
>but we are so many that we won't get arrested but if we do we'll turn violent but it's no issue since the police is fascist anyway
Seems like a perfect opportunity for the car of peace to make another apearance
I hope they charge them with felony vandalism and take away their rights to vote
>To be fair, your guy is being charged with murder/hate crime/terrorism. I don't think Sup Forums would have the balls to go to a jail and say 'we're all responsible'.
Because Judge Shekelberg would give us all the maximum legal sentence, plus some.
And we'd get hailed as pathetic, trying to "levy pity".
That's a badge of honor as they become political victims.
Just take a big chunk of their allowance from them and watch them never do it again.
Don't they realize that the incident is on video?
>Retarded leftists get the badge of honor to never vote again
>Meanwhile we just keep winning elections
Then why aren't you guys lining up in solidarity behind him if it was in 'self defense'? Oh wait, because you know he's guilty and wouldn't have the balls to back him up.
>I'm Spartacus
>sorry slaves but we have video of the dumbshits that did take the statue down
>have a free charge of making a false report for your trouble
I am not one of the people becoming unhinged over a car accident.
Just a bunch of virtue signalling LARPers, it's saddens me to say this but the US is heading down the path to civil war.
What's 50 people gonna do?
On the other hand, if these hipsters know there's no martyr treatment but a big fat fine as a consequence, they'll think again next time.
These people thrive on political martyrdom and victimhood. A fine is hard to pass as oppressive among your peers (for lefties, ofc).
to the gulag with the lot of em
>let them all turn themselves in
>charge all of them
>include civil disobidience
>put literally all of them in jail, even if just for three weeks
>no-one ever has the balls to pull a stunt like this.
The police are extremely corrupt.
They won't.
Making false claims/ reports is illegal. Hopefully all get charged, have to pay 5000$ and lose their right to vote
Numbers confirm
>want to make sure you all saw this photo
Sums up these virtue signaling attention whores perfectly. Its never about the action itself, its instead about making sure everyone knows they're doing it.
What a bunch of pussies. Oh no the police might find me. I dont think they are doing it out of guilt.
Where is a can of peace when you need one.
And they're all going in for long felony jail time. Approved of by the majority of Americans.
Wouldn't they charge only the people pulling the rope and attaching it? The rest could get fined sure.
All I see in that queue are kikes, shitskins and other degenerates
>polls are accurate when they confirm my bias!
Careful Cletus, your stupid is showing again.
Looks like they want to be caught to be honest
Should glorify them dying via suicide for a cause they think deeply effects us when in reality is something we can sacrafice to be rid of them.
These people are npcs, find a way to make it seem like theyre winning by dying and theyll do the heavy lifting for us
They'll win ten hearts and minds for every death they suffer. It's not until antifa start killing us that we're going to gain any sort of relativistic support from the mainstream
>Fighting for states' rights over a powerful federal control
>Get called a traitor
How Americans can be so stupid?
why arent we putting them on terrorist lists for terrorist activity within the US meant to undermine the safety of US property and citizens?
Their literally working against the police and should be charged with filing false police reports.
okay no one is ever going to openly reaffirm at the current moment that right wing extremists are unironically the good guys
Accept it and move on, embrace being the bad guy everyone knows who is right and who is wrong by miles but most will never admit it.
Hitler was obviously right otherwise he wouldnt be villified like he is.
Leftism is caused by insecurity, theyre unable to admit when theyre wrong even when they know it.
>but muh morals and ethics
Those arent real things
Vandalism of monuments (State property) in North Carolina carries a maximum penalty of up to $500 and/or up to 24 hours community service. If you imagine that the leniency of the law was not written & passed by the left-leaning politicians & citizenry of North Carolina, you would be correct. The legislation was deliberately written to be weak to protect "certain citizens" in a State that was comfortably about 80% Republican and right wing until only very recently. Didn't want any KKK bros to have a mark on their record for tearing down Martin Luther King statues, for example.
Pretty fucking funny, in all honesty.
link to source of pic user
Sounds like Spartacus larping
You cunts played your hand too soon and now everyone is aware of your bullshit. You basically created the real movement against you.
Mlk jr statues should be torn down, he was a communist with a deliberately subversive agenda
He knew what niggers would do if they were given rights, they should have had to be able to prove they were actually equal and able to handle not acting like savages before being given the same rights.
Leftists miss the point again. Who will turn themselves in for hitting the guy's car?
They aren't inaccurate they just use biased methods which makes this look even worse for libtards
Rioting carries a much bigger sentence, hence why the woman who took the statue down is charged with inciting a riot.
Check if they have committed any other crimes first, especially being an illegal immigrant. If not, put a felony vandalism charge on their record and send them home.
There are videos about who did what the rest can be charged for obstruction if there is any right winger with balls left
There was never a poll held in the first place usually, they just make the entire shit up then people lie and say they took it because they agreed with it because it seems like the cool thing to do
It shows that even a rigged poll swings in favor for leaving it alone you jackass
[email protected] goes in every field.
Christ almighty, they are trying the "I'm Spartacus!" routine.
Good vibes, great video
I would have replaced the car plowing by the elastic defence in the park. To go under the radar
From min 7 to 8