
That's why I hate nationalism.
What do you think?

I think all the faggots who posted that image need to die.

And globalism teaches you to support a global government monopoly that, because there is no opposition and such great power, can take away your freedom.

>be me
>Let's have a one world government, guys.

not an argument

it's true. it just leads to petty wars financed by (((them)))

You are a moron with purely a negative view and a One World Government sleeper agent. I love other Nations because of their Nationalism and my own. Without it youd just have a homogeneous global blob.


no such thing

>Nationalism is hate
>Ignore that homeless man he's probs some druggo, adopt a child soldier instead
>fuck my neighbours who are happy in their tiny bubble world, I want to bring literal shit into their lives just to spite them

that's how I feel about nationalism.

I am very nationalist person but I had a degree in science.
I just wonder if we stay divided and alien invasion happen, we will definitely lose become of non cooperation.

>Without it youd just have a homogeneous global blob.

retard confirmed

nationalism teaches you to mind your own fucking business and keep your nose out of other people's business.

I hate people who pretend to be romans. Don't need to be a nationalist for that you stupid wop dago.

i don't think so. a common boogeyman tends to bring people together, whether it be jews, non-whites, globalism, etc etc

Works perfectly with animals of earth, gets rejected for being the truth.

>keep your nose out of other people's business.

uh, no. it usually leads to invasions justified by a sense of superiority

That's why nationalism caused African tier wars in your region?

>teach you to love complete stranger and hate your own people

>Romanian nationalism
oh I can see why you feel that way

kys faggot

If that is more likely to happen then its always better to stay divided. Just like Ayn rand said about being individualistic first would benefit a group more if he ever choses to join one.

Go suck a black dick, Ferguson.

Meeting the other people just makes you hate them more.

>"But apologize for slavery and colonialism."

>Let's have a one world government, guys.

i don't know what point you're trying to make. the opposite of nationalism is individualism

god, chinks really are collectivist hive minded insects

Nationalism teaches us to respect our ancestors, love our neighbors, ensure bright future for our kids and to protect our land from invaders.

Such retardation is a thing I have not seen only on Sup Forums. I'm not going to waste too much time explaining to a braindead american why nationalism is good. Nationalism advocates for the nation and the people. Try to figure out what that means, but you're american, you have no national identity whatsoever.

multiculturalism did

Without nationalism cultures die. Just look at sweden

Half of your land doesn't even belong to your people, it belongs to several ethnic groups like chechens, tatars, etc. You russian pigs stolen their land so you could take their resourses.

yes, because the people in power are saints and won't use everything possible as a justification for taking other people's shit
croats wanted to be free, serbs didn't want that, so they incited serbs living in croatia and bosnia to rebel, again, nationalism was just an excuse.

i like to think that ideologies its just bullshit to entertain our boring lives

>relevant never

> Gypsy is talking about stealing

Americans do have national identity, which is stronger than the romanian one, you can find members of the US armed forces everywhere you go in the US, while in Romania you rarely find any member of the army.

Well if not nations then perhaps small communities. Small tribes. Exact same problems with hate and fighting.
Okay if not small tribes than just families. Families huddling together in the darkness. Exact same problems with hate and fighting other families.
Okay if not families then individuals. Individuals with no support surviving amongst other hungry individuals. Exact same problems.

And you think Nationalism is the problem.

It will be better if we can create a one world order. We could eliminate war and disarm all the nukes. The way the world is right now we could all be wiped out overnight if we all start kicking off at each other.
If we cant come under one umbrella i think humanity as a whole is destined to destroy itself.

it belongs to them by the right of conquest. the world is not a nice place, the strongest guy on the block is the one that is always right.

Think of Nationalism as the anti trust against consolidation and a global monopoly.

Eat a dick you subhuman gypsy faggot how about you meet my irl so i can stomp your bitch subhuman traitorous ass.You are here because dumb peasents were nationalists and fought hard so faggots like you were born free and not in turkish or russian slavery.
Eat shit faggot.
Sper sa mori in iad cu matele pe afara cacat infect cu ochi care esti,si un lepros e mai putin scarbos ca tine nenorocire pe doua picioare.Sa ma fut in tot neamu tau de tradatori care te-au crescut.

That means that we also belong to the US and the EU, right?

Did you ever heard of assimilation?
Checenya for example I think will be assimilated with time. Same for all the other ethnicities. Sure, therr can be mindless slaughter and ethnic cleansing but that wouldn't be needed in case of Russia and it would make retards like you suddenly care for the guy more than 2000 km away from you and weep about how bad nationalism is.

It's definitely safer than loving people you've never met and feeling shame for shit you haven't done.

if they take our land and we just bend over, then yes, that is correct

Stupidest meme ever.

>taking pride in shit you haven't done
"taking credit" is not the same thing as "taking pride".

>hate people you've never met
I hate American leftists more than I hate foreigners

If anything, Yugoslavia is a massive example of why you can't just stick a bunch of conflicting cultures together and pray that peace and tolerance will work out in the end.

>t. gypsy

Ye,s Gypsies have nothing to be proud of.

If you are white, don't be proud of anything your people did. Also, feel crippling guilt for everything your people did. -the left


Can you talk without throwing retarded tantrums, like using a decent language, otherwise it makes all of you nationtards seem really retarded.

And why do you worship that polish cuck named Zelinski?

German Nationalists like Japanese Nationalists, no hate between those two.

>"taking credit" is not the same thing as "taking pride"

taking credit for shit you haven't done is called fraud

We have a winner


Romanians in Moldova also get assimilated by the russians, you're the retard that sides with the russians.

every one was a member of the military before they removed conscription i know plenty and our army now is much smaller

And number if soldiers is relevant to what part of national identity? A country that just "appears" for the first time in history and yet has no national identity has soldiers but not identity. Identity is formed in time.
Americans had identities shifting, and right now the identity they have is no identity at all. Mindless consumerism, rampant obesity and corporatism.
Romania, even if it was not united, nor called so from the beginning had and still has a (starting to decline a little) national identity closely tied with rural life and orthodoxy.

Nationalism teaches you to keep stinky violent 3rd world subhuman savages out. That's why I love Nationalism.

i don't know what point you're trying to make.

Not to mention how fucking stupid they are.

I don't care about nationalism because the nation is just another arbitary group of people especially in countries like India and the US which are based around civic and not ethnic nationalism; I share nothing in common with someone from South India or West Bengal since I am Punjabi and even within Punjab I only remotely care about people who share my surname and caste since we share genetic history. Honestly, I'd rather just care about me as an indvidual but we Indians tend to still stick together because of common foreign and MOSLEM threats.

>loving people you've never met and feeling shame for shit you haven't done.

not hating someone you haven't met =/= loving someone you haven't met

feeling shame for shit you haven't done. that's literally what nationalism is. you internalize the history of your ancestors

Did you pay off your parents for raising you? I assume you're not getting an inheritance? Those people are just strangers who were kind to you. You have no right to take their money.

t. retard

you don't have to be nationalist to hate people for reasons

Leftism teaches you to claim things that aren't yours and care about people you've never met

Nationalism doesn't teach you to hate everyone else.
There's an example.

Your ancestors build it for you, everything you have is thanks to them, even your dna. Not feeling thankful to them, not trying to preserve it and make it even better for your descendants is a sign of moral degradation and collapse of values. You're continuation of the line, whether you want it or not.

It's their right of unjust, but powerful conquest. Im not siding with them.
But yeah, since through your retarded
"thinking" you came to the idiotic conclusion that somehow Codreanu was a cuck, I have wasted my time with you as well. Hang yourself, maybe with less blood in your head you'll be able to understand simple concepts for once.

Yes I know that dipshit, that was the entire point of my post. OPs pic says "taking pride" but it is used in a way that implies "taking credit". There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking pride in your ancestors and their accomplishments

Leftists are anti-individualists, they're against you if you're not with them. They'll even lie and become violent to get what they want. Right-wingers are always on the back foot, we didn't start the fight, but we'll sure as hell finish it.

hate people =/= hate all people

do you even logic?

What? And have a global government? Where people from China are passed around to the rest of the globe because they have the highest population and is most beneficial to the economy? Let's see that government tell you have no rights because most countries don't have them.

No hai sa imi mananci pula ,ba,hai sa punem situatia asa daca ne intalnim fata in fat iti fut o bata peste ochi si mori,asta inseamna ca eu am dreptate si tu nu e chiar asa de simplu.
Basically might makes right people form gangs/tribes/countries to be stronger and live better and such entities as "countries" are formed with people that look the same as you have the same values,culture,language etc.
Its not rocket science really if you would be older than 14 or simply not retarded it is quite indeed a simple concept to grasp.
Also that "polish cuck" did more for our country than you will do in 10 lifetimes.

>"the achivements of your ancestors are not yours you have done nothing!!"

I agree

>but you still have to pay for the bad stuff your ancestors did and you have to pay it to people that weren even the victims lol

a bit pick and choose much? Go fuck yourself.

OP, do you love you family? are you proud of them when they achieve something challenging?

Do you hate other families because they are not your own?

individualism is the opposite to collectivism.

The opposites to nationalism are globalism or complete anarchy.

I mean I'm not going to claim I invented yogurt or the computer personally but it's pretty cool that I share a common ancestry/heritage with the people who did that.

i hate faggots like you

And we don't need conscription since it is forcing everybody to fight for this country. Not everybody likes this country, and those ones that didn't choose to be born here and don't want for example to live here should not do conscription. And conscription here was also sexist since it only conscripted males, making seemed like women are inferior to men, keep in mind that there's countries where both males and females are conscripted like Israel.

Kek, we don't need orthodoxy as part of national identity. There's a lot of romanians that are protestant, catholic or irreligious, so this orthodox shit is not relevant anymore.

Stay a loser that supports obscure parties like Noua Dreapta and votes with nationalistic parties controlled by PSD like PRU that gets 3% of votes while USR gets 8%.

But it can also teach you to like people you never met, the point is absolute in this scenario.
I know, I know, why give both sides of the story when you have an agenda?

>Your ancestors build it for you

no, they built it for themselves. and the problem with owning their history is being responsible for their crimes as well e.g. colonialism, slavery, etc

No, it teaches me to love my own people and not let others destroy what is ours. It also teaches me not to invite lazy, selfish and cowardly invaders into my country so event like Barcelona doesn't happen.

Si de aia Romania va ramane cu lideri ca Dragnea. Pentru ca nu iti pasa de ce ti-au lasat stramosii, nu-ti pasa pentru ce au muncit si pentru ce au murit si nu te intereseaza sa te ridici macar la jumatate din inaltimea lor si la lasi in urma o tara mai buna decat ai gasit-o.

They're only crimes if you're a brown stinky subhuman

nice argument you got there

>OPs pic says "taking pride" but it is used in a way that implies "taking credit".

in what way?

Actually not nationalism teaches you to love your country,people,culture the stronger and more passionate that love is the stronger and more passionate will be the hate for those that threten it,you will be more willing to fight and to sacrifice.Its a natural instinct to fight with all you have for the victory of your people.

Go back far enough and we all share a common ancestry.

You're just choosing an arbitrary moment in time to take proxy pride in.

>be romanian
>hate nationalism because your country is an utter shithole

>African tier wars
Not even African-tier.
Geez you obviously aren't familiar with how brutal African wars are lmao

>hate is an integral part of nationalism
What a load of bullshit. Nationalist ideology doesnt discount the idea of co-operation and friendly relations between nation states.

you're both cancer

but Nationalism and Imperialism must be separated concisely at all cost

Not very accurate picture Vlad.

>And have a global government?

where does this argument come from?

I don't share anything with Africans, Asians, etc. culturally or personally.

No wonder why Noua Dreapta is only recruting tarani cu 4 clase like you, you guys can be easily manipulated by anybody, even by your priest that fucks you guys with his big ciocan.

Nationalism is this country cannot progress anywhere with retards like you.

Evrybody ITT this guy is our equivalent of braindead leftists in your country so just ignore him.

Holy shit you are retarded,i see i was at work and i forgot its summer,you are either under 18 or a diaspora cuck since only they will be that retarded to support USR.
Why didnt you say so from the start making me waste my time with dead meat as yourself.

nationalism is collectivism dumb fuck

No argument