prepare your anus libtards, you all are going on a vacation across the nation!
Get F'd Alt-Left!
>assault isn't a crime if it's because someone said something that goes against my beliefs
You're not a someone. You're not a human. You're a nazi. Being intolerant of intolerance is perfectly fine.
Fuck i hate this stupid bitch. Is it only me? Does anyone else just despise this stupid fucking gook. I just want punch, kick smack her around a bit, then waterboard her with my cock, then smack her around some more.
I just fucking hate this stupid cunt.
Duterte would shoot her in the face!
we are monitoring you.
The same applies to communists.
We keep heading closer to the evening of the more than adequate pointy cutting instruments v2.0 arent we? Like for real.
>we must become fascists in order to end fascism
These people are a fucking joke.
Killing communists isn't a crime because communists aren't people. It's no different than crushing an ant on the sidewalk.
We should pissboard her.
>gook women like white guys
this meme needs to end
>label someone a nazi
>punch them for being a nazi
Subversive commies deserve a bullet too.
You have an enemy in this American.
>When virtue signalling goes too far
You're not a someone. You're not a human. You're a social justice warrior. Being intolerant of intolerance is perfectly fine.
No. White Nationalists and Antifa are very small and unpopular fringe groups. Normal people are laughing at you. You're all irrelevant clowns.
This bitch is 100% a sociopath
How convenient then that everyone you disagree with happens to be a "nazi"
WTF, I just looked it up and she's right!
Who are you calling a nazi you faggot? I hate nazis and antifa, they are both degenerate retards.
>The people who want to take away your guns think everyone else are the fascists
I punch a Nazi after she lets me punch her VAG if you know what I mean :P
>call someone a nazi
>you now have diplomatic immunity and can say and do whatever you want to them now
Seriously, why don't we fight nazi accusations with more nazi accusations? The Alt Left employ nazi tactics with everything they do: violence, intolerance, censorship, it's all nazisim.
is she a hapa? that would explain her mental illness. would still smash though desu
Fake and gay.
>1938: germans gtfo! communism now! hitler is just an unpopular leader with delusions!
Maintaining a consistent level of stupidity is how this happens, so you can keep it up if you like.
>let's employ nazi tactics
Yeah let's gas them
we rock you away rong time!
>Privacy barrier
>you can still look at the person in front of you
stupid dumb sandnigger scum
Don't worry boys, it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better but it will get better
>no fun allowed
Does she realize that she just admitted it was a hate crime?
Yeah it is. Just because you disagree with them politically doesn't make it not a crime. If that's the case I can throw communists out of helicopters and say I'm fighting the red menace.
Look at those guy chimping out on a fucking statue. Kicking it.
I bet none of them could tell me 10 fact about the men represented on the statue.
Fucking bunch of subhuman leech
Or we could start executing ancaps because they want child sex slaves
Sorry honey, you don't get to make up what is the law or is not the law. That is not how it works.
It is fine to punch someone as long as you don't like their opinions?
How Sup Forums will ever recover?
By her own reasoning, attacking someone for doing something you find morally wrong is acceptable, so then anyone that disagrees with her and finds the alt-left to be morally corrupt could justify assaulting them under that same argument.
What a retard!
That's actually true.
Umm sweetie the only fact that matters is that they were white supremacists and monuments to their hatred have no place in this country.
It's acceptable if you bash the fash
>get tapped by a dainty little girl with glasses
>cry like a big strong Übermensch before running to tell on her
Why are Nazis such precious, emotionally fragile pussies?
How the fact that she's unrepentant will influence her sentencing?
How is female prison anyway, is there some butch bulldyke that makes other women eat her asshole?
or do they just get raped by the prison guards
Hey, ants don't deserve being leveled with commies.
nah, it's like a holiday camp.
I wonder how many children she will not be able to indoctrinate, now that she's going to prison.
>standing up to fascism
>by using force/violence to suppress political opponents
Oh, the irony.
>do exactly as we say
>we're not the fascists here
There's literally nothing wrong with women's prisons. Women lack testosterone therefore all there is is gossip and catfights
Now that's what a racist really looks like!
>is there some butch bulldyke that makes other women eat her asshole
Of course.
Not in this lifetime
>being intolerant of intolerance is perfectly fine
>fascist = intolerant
>ergo commies = intolerant
>ergo fascists = intolerant
>-ergo commies = intolerant
This circular reasoning won't get you very far.
Nazi's are just right wing social justice warriors, both of you champion the bolshevik principles of identity politics
We should just call ourselves anti-nazis and fight the anti-fascists.
Nazism isn't about intolerance. Its demanding more tolerance than other peole.
Fuck you, you fucking Nazi scum
> filipino
Go back.
You def has one of those faces you just want to stab with a soldering iron, i would love to beat her mercilessly
something something dehumanize your enemies
you're weak
I would kill you because you and me are all too human
you want to kill me but you can't without making me a monster