It's time for your medicine, Sup Forums.
It's time for your medicine, Sup Forums
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That substance will be in all vaccines soon.
>He thinks it isn't already
are these evil racist nazis suggesting we drug the refugees?
Oxytocin is a serious relationship bonding chemical.
It's a horrid idea to abuse it like this.
jews did this as did moot
What if it's already happening, but we're immune? That's why jews pushing genetic tests to figure out what's wrong.
>implying the German water supply isn't already full of oxytocin, estrogen and tons of other enlightening substances
STUDY: People Dislike Refugees But We Keep Sending Them Lol Lol Lol Tee Hee X D Ha Ha
oxytocin merely makes you like some people more. If you hug your gf both get oxytocin and like each other more.
Maybe oxytocin makes things easier when they apply some MKUltra level of brainwashing, otherwise it won't make you like immigrants more.
I can't handle this shit anymore, I'm getting angry. Everything you say to anyone about the refugees illegally entering Canada your called a nazi. I'm feeding my friends all kinds of stats all day and all,they do is ignore it and call me racist. Fuck. Why is it racist to not want refugees with child porn walking over the border.
it would certainly explain sweden.
>immune to loving
Sounds about right for your average Sup Forumsack
>Maybe oxytocin makes things easier when they apply some MKUltra level of brainwashing
>implying they're not already putting it in the air and / or drinking water
Not like one dose would do anything.
>we discovered that people are more open to self harming ideas when we drug the absolute shit out of them
Good. We all need to be angry. We all need to get to the point where we don't even care if they call us Nazis. A point when we can wear the racist badge with pride.
>oxytocin merely makes you like some people more. If you hug your gf both get oxytocin and like each other more.
WTF I love oxytocin now.
Lo venden en el mercadona?
The takeaway from the study is that if you're high that you don't think of the negative consequences from things like more immigration.
Which means liberals that are in favor of more rapefugees have similar thought patterns to drug users.
>Drug the populace into submission.
Damn this infowars reality
no go ahead and try it im sure it will work en masse
Hello there green Lebanon.
thanks for not calling me a fucking tree
have a redpill
Are we off to Equilibrium's setting now?
That's what the globalists did to China. They fought wars to force opium on them so that they would be dull and easy to defeat.
Now they just get citizens to do it to destroy their will.
Not that they wouldn't do something like that if they could, but Oxytocin requires repeated exposure, and builds connections based on environment when the dose is administered.
If you got dosed with oxy everytime you got a vaccine you'd just want up lusting for that sexy nurse who poked you with a needle.
Wtf is cuckchan's captcha so retarded?
I do wonder what interactions this would have with cannabis?
I like your flag.
We'll I'm at that point, it's fucking stupid how people refuse to listen to logic and just scream racism at everything. Fuck the PM finally released a statement about it today, and it made international news and friends are still saying. So your racistfor not letting them in, they're poor refugees. Fuck. No they are not.
> left is unironically suggesting to use brainwashing medicine on everyone to force people ignore reality
What happened with the world in last 10 years? It wasn't like this in 2000s, antiutopias weren't seen as technical manuals.
No Shit! Forced medication should be considered treasonous!
>A fucking green leaf
It'll make racists more racists and peaceful protestors more peaceful.
are you from Sup Forums, your flag says so
my friends, how can I utilize this drug thing to procure sexual deeds from women for myself. thanks in advance
Shouldn't Oxycontin be given to refugees instead then, you know, to stop them from raping and killing the people who took them in?
Doctor here
Oxytocin is naturally occuring in the body, but it's used to induce labor. In layman's term it is used to make the uterus propel the baby out of the vagina.
Why would you this make you like refugees more. Oh, (((they))) are trying to make your women secrecte milk in the sight of refugees.
Weed does the same thing which is why (((they))) push for legalization so hard
norfolk island looks like a fucking paradise my dude, what's the weather like?
It's a hormone, you would need a constant supply of it.
>inb4 daily government ordained "happy pills"
also to add
wouldn't more intake of Oxytocin essentially build and even greater tolerance to it?
thus killing the effects of natural monogamous love due to the fact that there brain doesn't react to such low amounts anymore
I thought oxytocin make men more aggressive and xenophobic.
meh its been shit recently just clouds n rain
but hey you should try to get a resident visa and join the ethnostate since your a bogan cunt process is easy as fuck
Good pump it in then.
this is what i thought. a man attached to a baby would protect it and try to keep it safe from threats. right?
I think I will honestly, it looks so comfy desu it's all white yes?
That's exactly what happened.
The researchers found out that an oxytocin shot alone won't change the minds of people who aren't migrant kissers (although it did increase the amounts donated by those who were already favoring rapefugees over their own people).
Eventually they came up with the idea to also apply peer pressure on them by showing how much others donated, and that worked. Goes to show that their aim wasn't just to research the correlation between oxytocin levels and outgroup bias, their aim was specifically to make people have the correct opinion.
btw the lead researcher, René Hurlemann, has a publicly available e-mail address
i'm e-mailing him to congratulate him on being such a great successor to Dr. Josef Mengele and I encourage you to do the same
United States Patent 6,506,148, Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors.
The observed effects include ptosis of the eyelids, relaxation, drowziness, the feeling of pressure at a centered spot on the lower edge of the brow, seeing moving patterns of dark purple and greenish yellow with the eyes closed, a tonic smile, a tense feeling in the stomach, sudden loose stool, and sexual excitement, depending on the precise frequency used, and the skin area to which the field is applied. The sharp frequency dependence suggests involvement of a resonance mechanism.
>start using oxytocin on german citizens
>germans become tolerant to the hormone
>can no longer bond with anything
>germans murder their own children kill their own dogs and cats
>entire country becomes psychopathic unable to bond with anything
>murders every single migrant without remorse
this is what i see happening.
You would be better using MDMA if you want a really potent "love"/lowered inhibition type thing.
What's that truth serum they use? Sodium something, they all work by lowering inhibitions.
It's like that movie with Christian Bale when they give them pills to suppress their emotions. What was it's name?
Robbie Preston: John?
John Preston: Yes?
Robbie Preston: I saw Bobbie Taylor crying today. He didn't know, but I saw. Do you think I should report him?
John Preston: Unquestionably.
They even had the obligatory token nigger.
>killing the effects of natural monogamous love
maybe soon love will have a price and if you don't pay you won't be given your fix.
for the most part
theres a sizable group of at least 200 flips off kingston in cemetery bay who are mostly maids and fisherpersons and a few rich ones but there good people although they are annoying to talk to cause they mix tagalog norfuk and english in some garbled world salad and point with there lips
I'm legit going to look into this, I hate living here (WA) and I want to get in on this island paradise. Give me a quick rundown on things I should know.
Wow this is a throwback to those tests carried out in the 50's/60's using electrodes on the brain to make people feel pleasure.
>It's like that movie with Christian Bale when they give them pills to suppress their emotions. What was it's name?
oxytocin is a naturally-occurring chemical that already exists in each and every one of us. And I (like many, many other people) still hate shitskin rapefugees. I wouldn't put too much faith in this (((study)))
I hear that helicopters help people like communists more.
>internet sucks dick
>you need a boat
>its quicker to rip it to new caledonia yerself intsead of waiting for goods from nz or aus
>fucktards do not have proper fences you may get stalked by a cow or two
>kingfishers shit everywhere north of cascade
> if you smoke cigs your fucked and tyour paying 25$ pack
>just quit drinking its too expensive
>70% of most far right vids are blocked and links are broken
>your going to have a hard time with the norfuk mannerism and you will be made fun of
aside from the negs its a comfy sloe place full of down to earth people if you want to escape all the bullshit of the mainland
What's renting and real estate like? How about job market? I just saw that it's considered a state for moving purposes now, no visa necessary.
>70% of most far right vids are blocked and links are broken
like great firewall of china type blocked or what are we talking here?
even if it's grossly inefficient, it's bad enough that they're trying
Germans should be up in arms about this, it's Bond villain-tier shit
Give German and Swedish Cucks Oxytocin.
They overdose on that shit and start raping the Refugees
Refugees flee from the new epidemic of Native-on-New-German-Rape
Germany and Sweden 100% White at the end of 2018
Hey Norfolk user, whats job prospects like?
Oh right, thanks.
that's what I'm wondering, I'm looking at rentals and I can only find 4 places for rent, they're all POA no price listed
Yeah, the idea that they would want to use drugs to change someone's opinions is absolutely frightening.
>If there is nothing inherently wrong with being homosexual, why would an entirely homosexual society cease to exist beyond a single generation?
If there is nothing inherently wrong with being male, why would an entirely male society cease to exist beyond a single generation?
Do these people put any thought into their posts?
>Prof Annus
im living in a 3bdr that my familys had for years im a half leaf half aus but i have roots here on my moms side as for owning and renting im not 100% but there are quite a few monster sized houses out of kingston. kingston is propbaly the best place to stay plus alot of people host that air bnb thing for cheap
as for jobs i just kick it off crypto these days since the food industry burnt me out hard. but fishernmen and any kinda schooled tradie is always in need. and i think also of sites rangeban the ip like it was 1 swoop in 2014 when Sup Forums banned all nodes yt blocked vids and fb and twitter witheld alot of content i think its something todo with the service provider since its 2g sattalite
Agreed it's sinister as fuck.
This is a real story on the Telegraph.
Would explain why stoners are often leftists.
This is the carnage they want you to stick your head in the sand for.
I have not tried these things. I have however tried roofies but to no success and do not recommend them. after taking four of them at a singles bar I woke up in the park not remembering how I arrived there and my asshole was very sore. these side effects were not listed on the bottle.
Would this actually work given what we believe? How can it change your beliefs?
Hol up hol up
The sight of a cat induces cuteness in you because your brain drugs you with oxytocin to make you like the animal that's not threatening to you. What's (((happening))) here?
What are you a rapist? You don't use GHB/Valium/Xanax or that shit.. If it's consensual then you'd use MDMA or something to make them all lovey and want it. Stop being a smelly rapist.
Combine it with this.
Then possible yes but it's in infancy stages currently.
Do you? Those are obviously two completely different things.
Am I on fucking Miranda? what is this shit?
add that to the fact that it might lead someone to purchase a cat and potentially contract toxoplasma gondii which in rats literally makes them attracted to the sent of cat piss and no fear of danger eg. hanging out in cats territory.
same shit with 40y pro refugee crazy cat ladies who have this weird motherly complex towards subhuman migrants
I don't even know what to say anymore. Like how did we get here so fast last week we were talking about Russia. This week we're tearing down monuments, they want amend free speech in the constitution, and pictures of cats are being circulated instead of the terror attack. WTF?
again, look up the professor's e-mail and tell him to suck unwashed nigger dicks
Did we just uncover a psyop?
I am not rapist I am a nonconsensualist
Dr Roache claims the prison sentence of serious criminals could be made worse by extending their lives.
Speaking to Aeon magazine, Dr Roache said drugs could be developed to distort prisoners' minds into thinking time was passing more slowly.
"There are a number of psychoactive drugs that distort people’s sense of time, so you could imagine developing a pill or a liquid that made someone feel like they were serving a 1,000-year sentence," she said.
I would stop because that's what awaits you... lol
>smoke weed every day
>still dream of roasting migrant columns with flamethrower
So like the opposite of Equilibrium?
>german water supply
>would explain sweden
I get it, there is a lot of pussies in Sweden.
But where was the fucking connection?
so I could do 20 years time in six months? this good deal!
In theory yeah.
Humans need air daily too.
"Professor Rene Hurlemann from the Department of Psychiatry, University of Bonn Medical Center said, ‘The combined enhancement of oxytocin and peer influence could diminish selfish motives."
"Oxytocin and social norms reduce xenophobia"
"This nasal spray could cure you of your burning hatred of refugees"
"Westerners are kinder to migrants when given the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin and put under peer pressure, scientists find"
>Professor Rene Hurlemann
>jews want revenge against hitler's masterrace
>feminize them with hormones in the water/food/cosmetics
>send immigrant males from shitholes who havent been feminized
>race destroyed
oxytocin will make you love even your enemies and allow people to walk over you and take advantage of you without you caring.. yeah it would work
>taking the hormone women produce after getting pump&dump'd
great way to be bullied around by everyone in life
The Jews are so determined to force the white man to throw their asses back into ovens that they are suggesting that those who resist the literal suicide refugee/immigration policy be medicated and peer pressured into submission.
How much more evidence do people need as to the agenda being put in place?!
Oxytocin is the hormone released during sex. Taking it would be equal to having an orgasm, not sure if you can OD.