According to trump, these assholes were on the wrong side. Might as well take a shit on their graves.
According to trump, these assholes were on the wrong side. Might as well take a shit on their graves
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Because of the banksters, America lost not only these guys but was also forced to become the world "police" to protect the trade of the 1% at the expense of the population.
Without the banksters, America would be a giant Switzerland.
Yes, America lost the war.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Suburbia makes up the majority of the political landscape, dumb ass, what's your point?
And we shouldn't you be strung up by your ankles and publicly disemboweled for your stupidity?
We all lost
Says the party notorious for burning American flags
>these assholes were on the wrong side.
Considering those assholes helped stop the Communist killing Nazi and them promptly handed over Europe and then Asia to the Communist I say they fucked up real bad.
Only to later regret the decision and be in a world ending nuclear standoff with those Commies during the Cold War and to have to fight and lose anti-Commie wars in Asia to only allow a Commie backed North Korea to still threaten us today.
City people are the most sheltered pieces of shit that lack any understanding of the world. The rural areas are the only reason this country can prosper. Everything in the cities could be replaced.
Both sides acted violently. Both sides had people who didn't. The right acted more violently than the left in this instance. But keep in mind a leftist threw acid and permanently blinded a guy. You can't prove me wrong. Keep squealing, faggot.
>we wuz ww2 vets and shit
no you weren't, you were not ww2 soldiers you didn't storm the beaches of normandy. This is stolen valor/virtue signalling at its worse
>Implying that cities aren't concentrated with pure retardation in certain parts.
suburban is where its at. City is filled with degenerates, poor people, niggers etc.
and allow commies to infiltrate and dominate media, government, and education right in front of our eyes
I am sure the libshit culturally marxist commies and their nigger pets will be along shortly to do just that.
we arent in 1945 anymore snailbrain
its antifa vs altright today, not america vs germany 70 years ago
>Areas with niggers and spics
How convenient
You are talking about the (((Commies))) in pic related.
They did fight on the wrong side.
They were