We need to flood every channel out there with this image. Every.
We need to flood every channel out there with this image. Every
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Yes that is good, try to keep this bumped in the sea of spam
I wonder if people remember or even saw the girl that was hit by the truck in Nice or Sweden.
No because we need to censor footage to «respect the famillies».... goy
This is so dumb.
How many terrorist attacks were committed by refugees?
What happened?
>Cute greek loli that died in the ariana concert
i will never forget
From what I gather, many are from the children of previous refugees. Sexual assaults and rapes are committed by refugees.
van of peace drove through masses in barcelona killing 13 fucking people. Jesus christ how fast do you have to go in order to kill 13 people?
Every rape they commit, every child they create, every vote they cast, every €/£ in financial aid they claim, is a terrorist attack.
the migrant child sex prostitution rings they have set up should be considered terrorism as well in my opinion.
>EU borders
The idea that the EU's external borders are open is ridiculous.
All southern land borders are completely fenced (Greece, Bulgaria, Melilla & Ceuta).
Why do you think the niggers use boats from Libya? That would be kind of redundant if the borders were open.
Wurzburg, Ansbach, Berlin, Stockholm, Manchester...
Do you need more attacks committed by refugees or can i stop?
Not really. They might be the children of previous immigrants but not refugees. You do understand the distinction right?
No it isn't.
Thanks for your opinion but in reality there hasn't been a single terrorist attack commited by refugees as far as I know.
None of those were committed by refugees so yeah you can stop anytime.
>Thanks for your opinion but in reality there hasn't been a single terrorist attack commited by refugees as far as I know.
because migrant crime is simply not being recorded.
But if they even step one foot on EU soil, they're allowed to stay. If we don't start sending them back, they'll keep coming.
You shoulnt use dead kids photo like this.
It is disrespectful to the family and the kids themselves.
People should not be allowed to take photos of people who died in car attacks like this. Seriously we beed a law to ban this fucked up shit.
Isn't the one on the left fake as well? The body was first found on some rocks?
Yeah.... sure...
Let´s start the refugee game
Wurzburg: Riaz Khan Ahmadzai born in April 6,1999 also known as Muhammad Riyad, was reported to be a 17-year-old Afghan male who arrived in Germany as an unaccompanied child refugee in 2015.
Ansbach: The bomber, identified as Mohammad Daleel, was a 27-year-old Syrian refugee
Berlin: The perpetrator was Anis Amri, a Tunisian failed asylum seeker
Stockholm: Rakhmat Akilov, a 39-year-old rejected asylum seeker from Uzbekistan
we need to ban niggers like you.
You're right, they're not even refugees by UN standards. They're just economic migrants, i.e, parasites who only want to live on welfare, funded by you.
Some pictures seem to indicate so, yeah.
Seriously Sup Forums needs to up its game
> Alt right Challenger of Peace: kills one landwhale that wouldnt have made 40 anyway
> Religion of Peace: snackbars cute lollis by the dozens
You can win a race war with these kind of K/D ratios guys.
I think itd be a good plan to play GTA more; put in those 20.000 hours and surely the white race will be saved.
Post this on the EU Commission and EU Parliament sites on twitter
>But if they even step one foot on EU soil, they're allowed to stay
They're allowed to have their asylum applications processed. EU member states are legally obliged to deport people who don't qualify for asylum.
>silence form the paki that is defending the rapefugees
Nothing new under the sun
This one's definitely gonna be one of the first to die in the civil war.
Petty crime isn't the same thing as terrorism.
Also it is recorded in most countries.
In Germany for example, Syrian refugees actually have lower crime rates than the native population.
Keep the news spreading.
Gas the kikes
>Also it is recorded in most countries.
lol no its not. its too racist to record crime rates by origin according to leftists.
They don't. Even Merkel condemns her own actions.
in da civil war y'gonna be the first killed dude, y'can't sage bullets modafucka
Does it matter if these acts were commited by people who fled their country, or the children of people who fled their country? The end result is the same.
But surely the sandniggers that got tired of waging jihad alongside ISIS against based Assad will be more peacefull than the economic immigrants we took in during the past century...
> protip: everywhere across europoorland 2nd and 3rd generation sandniggers make their parents look like raging secularists.
Sources please.
Yeah a lot of them are unfortunately. I'm not denying that.
Please list some with sources.
yeah; they just have to prove first that they dont qualify.
Stop making shit up.
The only country that doesn't record the ethnicity or background of criminals is Sweden.
This is just getting silly at this point. So if a crime is committed by a 3rd generation immigrant then that's the same as someone straight off the boat from a warzone?
You're an idiot.
>Stop making shit up.
its you who is making shit up.
The suspect was born in Morroco and fled as a refugee years ago. Just because he's been biding his time this long doesn't mean anything.
there was a great picture comparing the number of articles about the syrian boy and the swedish girl from all the major news outlets, they totally buried her story
Redpills for everyone!!!
All of them. They only cease to be refugees when they become terrorists.
> just because they entered the country hiding among refugees, using fake refugee ids that we gave them, doesn't mean they took advantage of our pro-refugee stance
This stupidity is as bad as saying "real socialism has never been tried!"
the difference is that refugees are pretending they'll leave once """war""" ends in their country. the reality is they won't and they're basically illegal immigrants
What am I making up?
But it does. It makes a huge difference if the terrorists are people that are born here and "integrated" into our society or whether they're fresh off the boat from Syria. That's a MASSIVE difference and a very important point for counter terrorism officials.
Terrorists in Britain are often well integrated, they support their local football teams etc...
>What am I making up?
a alternate form of reality, essentially an illusion.
Are you stupid? Do you understand the definition of refugee, immigrant and naturalised citizen?
Some are illegal, some aren't. If they've been granted asylum then they're not illegal are they?
I wondered the same thing.
>This is just getting silly at this point. So if a crime is committed by a 3rd generation immigrant then that's the same as someone straight off the boat from a warzone?
Lets see:
> recent sandnigger enriches us with a Truck of Peace: people die
> 3rd generation sandnigger enriches us with a Truck of Peace: people die
> give all sandniggers a one way ticket to sandniggerstan: no more people die from enrichment by Trucks of Peace
Yes, sounds exactly the same to me by any relevant metric.
>You're an idiot.
Ill leave that hanging.
Also the one in Hamburg:
I can put many more attacks done by "asylum seekers"
Okay, can you be more specific?
Bump for triggering potential.
just read your past replies.
>Terrorists in Britain are often well integrated, they support their local football teams etc...
Ok ive had enough of this bait...
Poor little kid. I remember when I took a holiday in Spain, the local kids were so well behaved and respectful of their parents. I swear to God I will show no mercy to any Muslim if I ever get the chance to take one out.
refugees in so far as they used the refugee columns to go back and forth between syria and europe smuggling weapons and explosives
plus the libyan fag was a refugee
I'm fully aware of the distinction, and my point still stands. Refugees arrive to countries with less "choice" than someone applying for citizenship. There is less attempt to acclimate to the host culture. Thus, THEIR children are even more radicalized as they now live in the country that is counter to their entire belief system.
disgusting paki propagandist
add it
As long as the immigrants aren't fortune seekers and want to work for their place here there's no problem.
Fact of the matter is 95% is not willing to work, gets more money than minimum wage citizens and there's terrorists among them.
Race war when?
bump this thread more harder
>The state should pass a low to regulate what people should and should not see
Says the anarchist.
Sad thing is pictures like this that are supposed to be redpills will only result in the left getting angry and calling you a nazi white supremacist and then doxxing you to ruin your life forever because they just can't accept the truth any more
and they will fucking swarm you and ruin you if the get the tiniest chance or a tiniest hint that you are even conservative
it's fucking over
Refugees have no need to wage violent Jihad, they have already successfully Jihaded by immigrating to the land of the kuffar. Their children however owe a sacred duty to their god and their parents to wage violent Jihad upon the kuffar from within.
You know the holocaust was carried out by a countrys govt as well so that means it was legal
Both images have some common ground - both kids were killed by muslims
Oh good the Mods finally got it
You're right.
The terrorists are the children and grandchildren of the refugees and immigrants Europe received some 30-40 years ago.
I hope Sup Forums will realize that.
>when you're a crisis actor, and it's your turn to pretend to be a corpse
I've seen you yesterday posting pics of broken cars and spewing half assed arguments.
>using pics of dead children is fucked up
No fuck you, preventing people from seeing the true horror of the real world in order to keep them docile is fucked up.
Thousands per day. rapes, acid attacks, rapes, beatings, rapes, theft, rapes, stabbings, rapes, bombing, rapes...
All of them
I think one on the right is that 7 year old Aussie...his mother is injured in hospital
Good job Spaniard, I am saving the links for future use, you are doing God's work.
Bullshit. Refugees (2-3% of population) are responsible for 14,5% of the crimes
All those comments shitting themselves because they are sharing images!
At least some media is still showing things.
Literally Ahmed.
Stop hiding your flag leaf.
Top work, Sancho.
Sup Forums neither forgets, nor forgives.
Yes, in spite of all your attempts to erase the definitions. Your declaring refugees to be "naturalized citizens" doesn't make them so.
>Thanks for your opinion but in reality there hasn't been a single terrorist attack commited by refugees as far as I know.
now you know paki
go back to the sandhole you came from and leave the europe alone
One is one too many.
fukken nice
clear message strong emotions
Should I reveal my power level on Fagboog and share it anons? I havent logged in since 2016
ive only ever had a "mind fuck" once in my life and it was when my friend told me to literally just
look up how many of the terrorist attacks were committed by the RAPEfugees.
i mean i still dont want the cuz of "muh white country"... but yeah... i was pretty surprised
>never forget
Jews brought them here.
We have no grip with them, except that they are here.
Jews on the other hand need to be gassed.
the media are full of wicked liars