What are we doing about the Maldraw problem Sup Forums ?
This little antifa fag is leaking information constantly and is shilling against us.
Anyone got more information about him? Also can we shut down his Patreon?
What are we doing about the Maldraw problem Sup Forums ?
This little antifa fag is leaking information constantly and is shilling against us.
Anyone got more information about him? Also can we shut down his Patreon?
Other urls found in this thread:
Enjoy your stay maldraw
>what are we doing
Be the change you want to be user
he should lurk moar
Get him banned on Patreon shouldn't be too hard.
We killed Yesyoureracist easily.
His twitter account might be hackable.
If I owned patreon I'd shut down political punters on both sides. The worst thing that has come from patreon is full-time political content creators fund-my-lifestyle cunts.
Patreon is jewish. They want to maximize their shekels. They don't care where they come from.
Nobody likes a single tweet of this loser. He is irrelevant as fuck.
fucking lmao I remember this faggot
Newfags should lurk
not post
For you newfags this is the malasian nigger who kept spamming Christchan threads
>13 hours ago
>zero notes on almost all of them
I'd say we just ignore him since he's completely irrelevant.
lol saged and reported
What a little bitch kek.
Just ignore him. He doesn't have any followers or influence for that matter.
What's with drawfags/artists and being gigantic leftist faggots?
I used to a follow some on Twitter, and they're almost always idiotic virtue signalling tools.
He makes a big claim but has no evidence.
He is a lefty what did you expect?
>Wahhhh stop deleting my threads u cuck!
See you in 3 days
get the fuck out of here you slant eyed rice nigger
What do you have against me?
>Over 6000 follower
>barely get more than 1-2 likes
Is this bitch calling my japananese rune trading forum a nazi website?
the single most accurate image of beeman.
Even anarchists are fucking sick of this little snitch. If we ever meet him we'll remind him that snitches get stitches.