But Mao and Stalin are le funny tshirt men?

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Because of, as always, the jews.

they was good guys, they dindu nuffin

He is literally Hitler though.

so niggers killed the least and whites killed the most?

Liberals give them a pass because a)they didn't target a specific group (yeah, seriously), and b)it "wasn't real communism"


Because he's literally Hitler.

jews killed the most

Because those are fake figures?

Probably the German efficiency and the way that it was done in such a calculated way. Also the Jewish people were well off and educated and it was Western Europe not China where life is cheap.

>Hideki tojo
>3 gorrilion kills
Most of these numbers comes from chinks soldiers killing their own kin. I.e Yellow river flooding. But of course, those k/ds goes to us to fit ((their)) agenda.

Is it 17 gorillion now?

can you believe that these antifa children legitimately think they won't have money troubles if they just vote in a communist leader?
that's what this shit is about, how it got out of control, bernie came out and promised the kiddies free college, so when he didn't get hired, they burned shit down in a frantic rage.

these tender idealists believe without a shadow of a doubt that they will get free unearned capitalist dollars in a communist system. they don't fucking understand left from right. let alone the differences in mass murder. let alone do the niggers understand they kill each other more than cops could possibly get away with, or that when they kill whitey they won't have useful amenities like, oh, i dunno, food?
yes, that evil rural whitey, that mean conservative that grows the food you eat.

the divorce from reality is utterly complete.


>Hitler: 17 gorillion
Fucking kikes

>23 million

kek over a hundred million died in soviet russia

Tell me you use a proxy. Please, I beg you, tell me brainwashing can't suppress the memory of what happened to your great grandparents.

It was just 3 generations ago. How could you have forgotten about the starvation, the political police, the armies everywhere, the privations, the executions, the torture, the anarchy...

Is that even possible?

The point is, even with (((their))) numbers Mao shits all over hitler.

Nor did Hitler. He also took out niggers and homofags.

Pol Pot wins for efficiency

one cannot fight with reason those who are inundated in fantasy. these people have no moral foundation, undermined by atheist ramblings with no heart or soul, yet simultaneously virtue signaling against the direst of ironies.

it really seems like it's the end, my friends.

I don't know. It seems that it is universally accepted in the West that Stalin is literally Hitler, but Hitler is just a more iconic figure.
Interesting, but we don't really use Hitler compraison in Russia (well, actually it is being done sometimes, but it always sounds unbelievably cringy). Compraisons with Pinochet, for example, are more popular.

Hitler killed between 900k and 4m, Stalin and Mao both killed up to 60m each.
Stalin mostly killed CHRISTIANS.
Commie Shirt faggots should be bashed or jailed.

>Also the Jewish people
This is the key.

Ask someone how many Jews were killed by the nazis. They won't hesitate a single second and will answer. Then ask them how many Gypsies were killed. How many fags, Ruskies, how many mentally deficient, how many war prisoners and they will have no idea, because there is not propaganda about them.

I never knew Belgium was more successful at something than we are.

just dont worry about it goy

How new do you have to be to ask this question.



They don't teach you about how bad Stalin and Mao were in depth like they do Hitler. You gotta read the literature like Night, Schindler's List, study the rise to power, look at the pictures etc.

With Stalin you hear people died in gulag but that's it and Mao "oh we fucked up economic pran so sad many died we try again".

God, everyone is Hitler to you people. Next you will label him a Nazi.

Because communists were just fighting nazis dude

What don't you get about that

>is 6

Although I'm 98% sure this is just bants, just to ensure there's no Poe's law issue, it was actually Nazis fighting communists.

>Stalin mostly killed CHRISTIANS.

Christians that use jewish practices (such as Usury) should be quartered, not put into fucking labor camps, from which they can go back.

>But Mao and Stalin are le funny tshirt men?

There was a deliberate and successful attempt by communists and progressives to infiltrate universities and the media to cover up the failures of communism and demonize the Nazis.

McCarthy was right.

because hitler was the top man of the enemy on a war, and stalin and mao werent

its all about the focus.

Westerns care about westerns.
A bomb in Syria is another day in the office. A bomb in Spain? Everybody loses its shit.

What are 100mil Chinese fuckers compared with a heart-breaking child drowned in the doorstep of Europe?

Jews or not, westerns are short-sightened, the magnify nearby tragedies while smoother far ones.
Not saying that is bad, but how it works.

What does that have to do with an overblown 23 gazzillion figure? You want to tell me ~50 million (if we add ww2 casulties)died in USSR in 15 years? lmao

because everyone romanticizes hitler, and secretly admire his power, ability to magnetize crowds and hold them in thrall, and drive good strong men with honest purpose towards their death for a common cause.

stalin murdered his own people, and farmers, and ruled with fear, mao was the same, the dumb chink.
hitler stewed in personal artistic failings, and quite literally became an ubermensch from the ashes of his dreams, he rose to power and took hold of the world and wrung it fiercely. despite any ideas otherwise, hitler is an incredibly romantic, compelling, and fascinating figure, and people use him as a symbol to express themselves. he is as napoleon, one of the greatest men to ever live.

facism was developed by white men
communism was developed by jews

there's your answer

>Hitler "killed 17 million people"
>counting kikes, degenerates and commies as "people"

What next? claiming that the Orkin man is a mass murderer for killing an insect infestation in a house?

There are people on Sup Forums and ITT who go further and firmly believe in 100 gorillions figure.
A regular poltard is not much different from a normie or a leftists in it's way of thinking. The only difference is that "normies" find comfort in plausible-to-believe-into things, while poltards find comfort in a belief that they discovered some secret and/or have a superior critical thinking.
"The left" believes everything that fits their worldview. "The right" does exactly the same. It literally just happens that "the right" at the moment is somehow fighting the right cause.

Because of the kikes.

>pro russian/ussr cuck from Eastern Ukraine

Because 100 million goys aren't worth the finger nail of a Jew!

Stalin's column says 23M but has 22 blood drops

Mao's says 78M but has 75 and the last drops are uneven

my autism is very triggered right now

Just because you believe that Stalin himself orchestrated a famine to specifically genocide 10 gorillion ukrainians( despite famines taking place all over southern ussr during that time), doesn't make everyone else an eastern-ukrainian pro-russian

Commies killed like 20 mln russians before the nazis even existed.

>17 gorillion
That's peobably a typo. I'm sure they meant 71 gorillion.

You know why

What is the difference?
They fucked up food supplies probably send them to israel or sold them to have money for war.
Either way they didn't have any trouble with "their" people dying in big numbers.
They just cared about money and power.

Based china man is leading the charge there. But like Stalin he killed his "own"so nobody gives a shit

He is a kike probably

>eastern-ukrainian pro-russian

but that's what you are so..

Holy crap, that was beautiful!

They won the war and all that nonsense. Z

Its amazing how leftists can justify anything to be good.

Right wing folks tend to admit "yeah, this is bad, but we're doing it anyway" in a sort of pragmatic worldview, but lefties will say "oh, we have to do this for the good of mankind!" and "we have to protect them by limiting speech!"

Their intentions are always "good" so they think they can do no wrong, this is why they are always so confused when people call them immoral

He was Georgian and was killing mostly Russians,Ukrainians,Polish,Belarussian so those were not his own

Stalin=Hitler just worse

Well it was about 4 milion ukrainians dead and it was i order to make them give up the property upon their lands.It was pretty efective here they still teach the "Holdomor".Fuck communism and fuck Russia.

Well this tbqhfam

Here's the crazy thing, Hitler needed a world war to get to those numbers while communists dwarfs his score without even a war between nations.

There's a lot of bad stuff you can say about Hitler but at least he took care of his own people while he was in charge. Meanwhile under the communists everyone starves.

Say what you want but Mao is still "the man" in chinky land
His image is everywhere and the people worship him, saved for like a dozen of young lads
Probably the reason why no one using "60 trillion chink" meme unless they want to trigger "the horde"

Because he didnt get runner up and was third place. Hence he was the loser and everyone must be inspired to do better.


How can one people be the most hated people through out all of history and still have people defending them today?
Ancient Egypt, Greece, the Roman Empire, pre WW 1&2 Europe, the modern middle east and most people with common sense all dislike, distrust or hate the jews. All the jew media and jew written history just says they were the good boys who didn't do nuffin.
You don't get persecuted and chased out of every single country and nation for all of human history for nothing.

sadly, all of this will be lost to memories long dead as history is erased. i personally learned nothing about communism in my teachings in america. no one ever glanced in the way of the holocaust, for fear of bringing difficult to answer questions to the light.

no, all i was taught in my "social studies" class, (note that it was no longer history) was the central american tribes' histories, aztecs mayas and incas, utterly worthless information, and was also taught at length about blacks. one class quite honestly had the television show "roots" play through the entirety of black history month.

i think when education fell, america fell. no longer can one rely on common sense when education has fallen so low as to let us forget even the near past, let alone shun the very history of the country. one cannot rest until these systems are destroyed, if anything but for out of spite, to destroy these lie machines grinding children into muck. bah. i have nothing to say that hasn't been said, i have no more tears to shed for my once beautiful country that i had to fight to know, let alone appreciate. i only have a hollow anger, this empty wrath, waiting impatiently for the final threads in the flag to rupture and finally burn. i only wish this that i do not like seeing such a great beast suffer. such an eagle to be trapped, wings cut, beak crushed, heart bared for niggers and communist filth to spit on and ogle as in a zoo. a crime, for the very children of america to be its ultimate downfall.

Top Five whoohoo

I'm still triggered that the Russian flag is completely out of place in that pic

Mao killed people unintentionally mostly while trying to modernize the China.

Stalin persecuted people for political reasons which doesnt trigger people as mich as Hitler who killed people for simply being who they are

>mao killed people unintentionally mostly
How can one be this stupid

no, all i was taught in my "social studies" class, (note that it was no longer history) was the central american tribes' histories, aztecs mayas and incas, utterly worthless information, and was also taught at length about blacks. one class quite honestly had the television show "roots" play through the entirety of black history month.

Yep. History of the Americas class was just this. You went to a public school in a liberal city clearly like me.

i actually went to some twelve different schools, some private, some public, rural, and urban, all black and all white. each and every one was the same story.

But he's partly right.. most people died because everyone was making steel and there was no farmers left it was his stupidity the millions of enemies he killed in another thing

so that 17 million is what? How many people died in ww2 against germany or is it how many people he genocided?

Because if the first this doesn't make much sense

>what is the four pests campaign

because Literally Hitler was a Loser Cuck who died choking on Stalin's dick.

that Belgian score though

Hitler had less time.

First post best post, I don't know why no one has responded to this yet. I don't think you can entirely blame it on Jews though. They might be one reason, but I think there are others:

1) Stupid plebs always side with the left-wing, because it's the side of "fairness". I think this is a strong reason.

2) The West didn't fight commies directly in a massive war (not on the same scale as WWII anyway), so the big communist despots of Stalin/Mao were never seen as "the enemy that we must defeat" in the same way as Hitler (yes there was the Cold War, but that wasn't an active war effort in which thousands of Western soldiers made a gigantic effort, and gave up their lives)

3) Communism didn't cause as many deaths FOR US. The people who died from communism were random Ruskies and Chinks that we don't care about, rather than our own brothers and sons.

4) Hitler is seen as the guy who CAUSED WWII with his aggression. So I think the reason he's vilified so much is because the logic is "if somebody acts like this again, it will lead again to what will be the deadliest war in history, which will lead to more of our brethren being killed".

rly? Pinochet is ok to +signal in the US- what do Russians think about El Duce?
