Did he really do anything wrong?

Did he really do anything wrong?

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he existed.

No, he did a wonderful job killing millions of his own people.. you sick fuck

Orchestrated the killing of various minorities, for example Poles.
Guilty for famine in 30's, direct consequence of collectivization.
Crippled Red Army with purges, directly responsible for bad show in Finland and catastrophe during Barbarossa.
Too paranoid, believed there's Anglo conspiracy, and then switched to Jews in later life.
Heavy drinker, literally had brain damage.
Need more?

Stalin was right about the rootless cosmopolitans he saved the Warsaw Pact from the Trotskyist Zionist Capitalists

He took Adolf´s High score, that bastard

He shouldn't have given East Germany to Poland. Worst mistake he ever made. If Silesia and Pommerania had been given to the GDR instead, the Soviets would've gotten a much stronger German satellite state that could've actually competed with the burgers' FRG. And it's not like the polack shitters are even grateful at all.

He needed to compensate Poles for the territory he took in east, and besides Germans were not seen as reliable allies early on.
Also, if his plan of unified but neutral Germany came to be, more buffer in west was a good thing.

I wanna fuck east german boipucci

>"The rootless cosmopolitan ... falsifies and misrepresents the worldwide historical role of the Russian people in the construction of socialist society and the victory over the enemies of humanity, over German fascism in the Great Patriotic War." Gessen states that the term used for "Russian" is an exclusive term that means ethnic Russians only, and so she concludes that "any historian who neglected to sing the praises of the heroic ethnic Russians ... was a likely traitor".

He had to wash Hitlers brains. But he missed it and now we have what we have.

No, not really.

You can bash him all you want, but USSR won the war. The allies opened the front only when all decisive battles were won.

Why not billions? But then again, in this day facts do not matter. They can make the innocent guilty and vice versa (MH17).

That's decadent capitalist imperialist behavior.......

his endless list of fuck-ups is trying to be contained in the books behind him

>The campaign included a crusade in the state-controlled mass media to expose literary pseudonyms, which were used by many Jews, by putting real names in parentheses.[13][14]

Stalin was so right

>In 1934 the Soviet government recriminalised homosexuality in the Soviet Union. In March 7, 1934, Article 121 was added to the criminal code, thought the entire Soviet Union, expressly prohibited only male same-sex sexual intercourse, with up to five years of hard labor in prison
>He rejected the notion that homosexuals were a social minority, and argued that the Soviet Union, governed by "manly proletariat", is obliged to persecute homosexuals to protect the youth from their corrupting effect. He also equated homosexuality with fascism, stating that destroying homosexuality would in turn destroy fascism

Lets marry then. So I can give good use to your cute butt.


> He needed to compensate Poles for the territory he took in east

The history didn't start in ~1940. There was Russian civil war during which, for example, Poland and Finland took more territory than, say, Stalin liked. But Fake News don't focus on such and other details (e.g. ~20k+ soldiers dying in Polish camps just 20 years before Katyn).

>USSR won the war.
Stalin himself has been quoted with saying without the allies the SU couldn't have beaten hitler by himself.

Does that change anything?

Wtf, I love Communism now?

The fact that it wasn't only him that won then, you dolt.

>without the allies the SU couldn't have beaten hitler by himself.
It was through Lenin's spirit that sealed them the victory over fascism

Difference is those soldiers died from epidemic as joint Russian-Polish commision established.
Polish people were killed for being Polish and their intelligentsia and officers were targeted.

I guess he ment those who lose, my little kurwa.

He was the real fuhrer

not becoming a priest

Why not? That was completely ok for european wars over thousand years/

>treat POWs worse than animals
>they die in droves
>just an epidemic bro :^)

cosmopolitan nonsense

Morals change.

Says the red

I'm telling you what RUSSIAN historians together with Polish historians established.

Do you like nowadays morals?

He false flagged an attack on our border and attacked us - that was very very mean

He saved his country and rocketed it i to the first world in 2 generations and saved it from the Nazi invasion, which would have resulted in complete annihilation for the slavs. He might have taken extreme measures, but we all know that there is no place for such naiveties.

decides to purge Jews, starting with his Jewish doctors
suddenly has a heart attack and dies

They established that the treatment was inhumane and against Geneva convention to say the least.

Is that supposed to prove anything? We have lots of (((Russian))) historians, you know.

>There is a tradition of cosmopolitanism, and if we had time we could study this tradition, which comes to us from, on the one hand, Greek thought with the Stoics, who have a concept of the 'citizen of the world'. You also have St. Paul in the Christian tradition, also a certain call for a citizen of the world as, precisely, a brother. St. Paul says that we are all brothers, that is sons of God, so we are not foreigners, we belong to the world as citizens of the world;

Cosmopolitan garbage Stalin warned us all about it

Geneva Conventions didn't exist in 20's.

Zionist West German puppets of the American capitalists

He did whatbwas nessiceary given the circumstances.

I meant Hague Convention derp.

Why? Because being useless and weak is good now?

yes you stupid cunt

Russia needs to bring back the Athlete Parades

Bunch of dead cosmopolitans,koulaks and zionists should have purged more

Would be nice.

69 millions. Sure thing there was 1 trillion ppl to do that. Thats actually 3/4 of revolutionary-time population of Russian Empire.


Shame they stopped with it because Mr Corn man got angsty

worst thing he did was dying.

after the opening of the Soviet archives turns out he killed 5-9 million people, before it was thought to be 20 million people.
Look it up.

>lol kids, see those nazis? they are gay.

It was a great tragedy

>Switched to Jews later in life
This is relevant to my interests

Say what you want about the regime, he was the head of state when Hitler came to genocide the Communists and they went on to win the war.
The more I read about him the more I like, he wasn't completely inhuman.
He was just dedicated. I'd put him up there with Caesar.

>Too paranoid, believed there's Anglo conspiracy, and then switched to Jews in later life

he would fit in on Sup Forums just fine

He was a communist. He did everything wrong.

>Be Russian
>Have society decimated over four years in ww1
>The Tsar and his court wizard get ousted leading to four years of civil war
>Then 10 years of Stalinism
>Then some smartass Germans led a faggot painter show up
>They start genociding you just because they find your condition distasteful
>Implying not gonna exact revenge
>Implying not gonna play weird ass Russian music on loudspeakers while they shell you
>Implying not going to rape the heart of Germany, Prussia, out of existence

Seriously though, answer to your question - yes, he did everything wrong.

It took him way too long to realise the Jews were behind all conspiracies, not the Anglo.

>>Be Russian
>>Have society decimated over four years in ww1
>>The Tsar and his court wizard get ousted leading to four years of civil war
Directly because of (((Bolsheviks))), di*spora filth.

Except Stalin was no Russian, was a criminal during ww1 and did not take part in it, was part of the force that started civil war and killed the Tsar and never ever identified himself with Russia and Russians so could not really think of revenge.

>he's still to take the final Anglo pill

Lets not forget you lost he war, and russians werent fond of you from the get go, so I see no reason why they'd let you keep that land.

Beady Eyes begone

The Bolshevist message was "Let's bake bread and eat it instead of dying in war"

Yeah he was from the Caucus


>not a russophile

mate he killed 60 million are you dense

Yeah you take that pill Melania

Atleast he killed a shit ton of commies

My eyes are blue
>The Bolshevist message was "Let's bake bread
>instead of dying in war"

Nice shilling cunt

Russophilic propaganda emerged in the end of war as a way to restore Red Army morals. After the war the Orthodox church was legalized as another token of appreciation to Russian people.
That's true, but what kind of russophile genocides Russians? Destroyes their elite? Seizes their riches?

>If Silesia and Pommerania had been given to the GDR instead, it could've actually competed with the burgers' FRG.

This is hilariously wrong, are you the son of Egon Krenz or something?

No, just not a filthy Nato nigger

>implying he did anything right
commie fucktardry knows no bound

Yes. He didnt kill enough white people.

During the fucking first war with the Germans, The Bolshevist message that spread throughout the armed forces and that caused riots in the cities was the bread message. After the war shit got weird, your country not mine. I'm saying I'd like to live there. I just like Stalin as a historical figure, all your countries are so far away from me so I view it as an observer.

I mean I would not wanna live in Soviet Russia cunt. The only Russia I'd live in is the one where the Mongolians just come and slaughter me instantly.

Didn't continue purges after war.
Didn't order execution of every shit that was standing against him in WW2, instead going full cuck about "Friendship of nations".
Didn't kill Khruschev - the most vile crime.

Also, should've bitchslapped cockholes sooner, but USSR cucked itself with introducing NEP, so it's not entirely his fault.

>Did he really do anything wrong?
1. Believed in teh ''communism''.
2. Carved national republics for made up nations what ended with dissolution of Russian Empire along these artificial republics borders.
3. Appointed traitors at pretty much every government position what caused and immense damage.
4. Ended been traitor of Motherland himself.

I'd rather be a 'NATO nigger' than be openly nostalgic for the fucking GDR

Nice try Nato nigger Stalin was the savior

>literally say GDR should've been stronger
>nato nigger

>The Bolshevist message that spread throughout the armed forces and that caused riots in the cities was the bread message
Technically true, but then again, no propaganda uses a negative message to promote itself. "hurr let's be poor and sick" is a bad marketing strategy. Not much of a relevant note.
Nikita gets it

When one uses Usury and jews it's onw people, it's ok, because "muh enterpreneurs and muh free market".

But when the commie shows this proto-jew his place in Siberia, suddenly the shrieking "HE IS KILLING HIS OWN PEOPLE" commences.

I like this doublethink from a fucking faggots. That doublethink is Jewish on it's own - reminds me of numerous Ashkenazi posing as white people when they profit from it.

Man of steel worship is the true red pill

Standard fare Anglo-Zionist bullcrap

This is legit in western mentality.
Of course, that couples with whine about how GuLAG camps were hell on earth or something

Are you saying that the bread wouldn't be attractive because it was a poor diet?
It was world war 1 dude, loaves of bread took the form of angels.


Don't forget kills any chance at actual modernisation by purging industry of pre-revolutionary educated workings, isolating the USSR internationally with paranoid bs like Shakhty, and virtually declaring war on Russian peasants because they didn't give a shit about (((communism))).

>Difference is those soldiers died from epidemic as joint Russian-Polish commision established.

Yeah, (((epidemic)))

>Polish people were killed for being Polish and their intelligentsia and officers were targeted.

Nah, they died from the mass poisoning.

Soviet Communism was ultimate usury. Even more it was twice as hard for Russian people as shitsksins were worthless garbage and can't be thrown as fuel into communism engine to fuel it so hard exploiting of Russian people was soviet answer for any question.

Fucking this, what a ripoff that movie Man of Steel was I thought it was about Stalin instead it was just some gay cape shit

LWP looked so nice

>What is February revolution

Yes cunt man of steel. The Nazis had the Uberman. Romans had Caesar. Christendom had Jesus. Muslims have Muhammad.

He is above all of them