Is this Country good to immigrate to? I envy their culture and fucking hate lefties and niggers in my Country

Is this Country good to immigrate to? I envy their culture and fucking hate lefties and niggers in my Country

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It's alright. Denmark has a notorious anti-pc culture meaning basically anything can and is discussed. That means it's okay to mention how shitskins ruin everything but it also means rampant degeneracy like animalsex, dude weed and insufferable feminist cunts.

Denmark probably has the least destructive immigration policy in Western Europe and the country is 95%+ white and is likely to remain +90% for the forseeable future. It's very safe and clean. High taxes though.

fuck off we are full

It's between Germany and Sweden, you expect it to be based? The countries south east of it are cheaper and more redpilled.

>Is this Country good to immigrate to?

I think so, I took the test at

Gave mostly lefty answers because I'm a lefty, and Denmark is what I got

"fags" or "racists" are most of what swedes describe them as. Thank you

Central Copenhagen about 10 years ago

I got Poland so...?

Stay where you are.

I fucking hate Denmark so take that as a data point.

Nothing changed

Austria is great because we simply just dont give a fuck about rhe rest of the world


>using some fucking website to decide where to live


May I ask why?

If u hate lefties you shouldn't go to Denmark cuz there's so many of em

fuck off


like all big cities in europe, they are infested with mudslime, especially so copenhagen. Copenhagen is also full of left-wing shit, i would recommend you to move to one of our smaller cities, like Odense.


Yes, but Denmark is a nation state. You will NOT assimilate.

Fuck off, we're full of leftcucks, asians, mudshits and niggers

Fuck off they are full.

I'm white, you assuming im a disgusting nigger makes me want to emmigrate more

We don't have room for leafs here.

>Is this Country good to immigrate to?

denmark is for danes.

>Hate lefties
>Immigrates to socialist stronghold
On par with muslims who move to the decadent west and then complains.


Uhh, the Socialists are positioned to win the next election.

It's going to be hell. We will get new waves of muslim invasions.

Possibly even worse than Copenhagen. They supposedly have the largest and most inhabited muzzie ghetto in Denmark, but an the other hand that means the problem is somewhat contained, if you'll believe that. Other cities just have more smaller ghettos.

Different because I'm white and have similar cultures, plus im not a low iq nigger planing to go on welfare

I hate Greenland so much. They always vote the socialists, even though it's the right block who actually encourage them to have independence.

In this last election, the socialists got 4 out of 4 votes from the Greenlanders and the Faeroese.
That means the Socialists can win everything with just 86 parliament seats, while the right block will lose unless they get 90 seats.

It's still hypocritical to move somewhere that's known for something you don't like, unless there's some really nice benefit to it.

>They supposedly have the largest and most inhabited muzzie ghetto in Denmark
I don't think that's right. Gellerup is much larger than Volsmose.

ALL Scandinavian countries a feminist cuck shitholes. No nationalism can do shit unless you have traditions.

Fortunately, Islam has traditions and family culture. Islam will fix scandinavia and make them patriarchal again.

Yes you heard it. Shitt ISLAM will end up fixing Scandinavia.

I see your point but my argument stands, I dont hate the niggers for moving. I hate the state, (country) for letting them in and also them for ruining Canada's image

Denmark has no mountains. Not one. I live up a mountain. Pic related. Denmark is as flat as the Netherlands.
It's a great country, for sure. Also the Danes occupied the part of England that I live in. It was called 'Danelaw' and it completely fucked up the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy. But most Bongs and Irish are descended from the original Britons who are pre Celtic, pre- Roman and pre Anglo Saxon and Viking.

The Anglo Saxons and Norsemen (Vikings) saw rich pickings after the Roman Empire diminished. The native population was Celtic speaking, but not genetically Celtic (whatever that means). Genetically, I'm very close to the original inhabitants of these islands. The original Britons who came here when the ice sheets melted tens of thousands of years ago came from north east Spain. The Basques. It's not naturally assumed, but the science bears it out.

Danish and English languages are closely related. In terms of culture, the Frisian islands in the Netherlands are closest. Denmark is also very close both geographically and culturally. I'm fascinated by the anthopology of Northern Europe. My academic background is in linguistics. Specifically historical liguistics - how languages change over time and computational linguistics - modelling natural language on a computer.
So, Denmark is a great place. It has the same climate as where I live. Very high standard of living, it's similar to rural England. It's comfy here. I don't want to move.

But I don't feel right without a mountain nearby.

We have traditions. Our nations existed before islam did. We just had it too good, and that created cucks!

Eh, I heard it from my brother who's often misinformed. Or maybe it was crime rate and not muzzie population? I don't really remember.

Shut up Mohammed.

Does Canada have a nigger immigration problem? Those boats from North Africa reach further than I thought.

It's becuase they cant survive with danish gibs.

>I live up a mountain. Pic related
>Picture of some hills

this I was just looking into it too. the country is an amazing product of mankind. I dont plan on moving there because I'm not danish, but I will visit soon.

Found the danish muslim


a lot of jamaicans and sand niggers importing, asians too but theyre not as bad in my eyes. The cities are really bad, like reslly fucking bad. You dont even need to be racist to see how bad they've become, If youre not in quebec that is.

Sidder på min mobil og autocorrect blev ved med at ændre danish til Danisco så lagde ikke mærke til hs da jeg ændrede det din fucking faggot

Shit troede jeg havde fucket danish til danihs op. Nevermind i agree

>If you're not in Quebec that is
How do the wannabe frogs do it? The actual frogs couldn't.

I've been eyeing Denmark myself.
>inb4 fuck off filthy serb
I know I know but I am almost graduating extremely marketable chemistry degree that developed economies need, almost 2 meters tall, blue eyes, blond hair, straight nose, pink nips, broad shoulders, willing to ditch the name and the accent I have. I know I would be a net benefit where ever I go. No criminal record either.

I want to start a family in a place that is both culturally and economically viable. Leftism is completely anti-family and being poor is kinda anti-family as well.

I think the best solution would be me to move to Québec, if any of you give a fuck.

I often get the feeling that society here is much more stratified than our media likes to admit. Like most of western Europe we have an imported underclass that native Danes keep as pity pets. They are mostly a nuisance, but should the state collapse it will turn into pure chaos.

fuck off filthy serb

go to austria, there's shit tons of serbian minority over there


Why not improve your own country? Or are you not developed enough to have a use for chemists?

And the pacific ocean is between america and asia, doesn't mean it's a continent though.

it's a capital, honestly what do you expect
muslims are attracted to gibs like muslism are attracted to shit

You really think Denmark is socialist? Du burde vide bedre som en dansker.

I hate Danes. They treat us Muslims like garbage, constantly make jokes about us and disrespect our religion.

>extremely marketable

Denmark is where u go to when ur CV is too weak to pass the Swiss examination test (TM).

It's more socailist than pretty much anywhere else in the west, unless you think of Spain and Portugal as socialists.


>They treat us Muslims like garbage
We give you shitskins free houses. Try to be more grateful in your next life, adbul.

pretty sure that if you'd mix Californians and South East Asians you'd get whatever Hawaians and Fuji people are

But do you sometimes feel that you are being patronized?

Switzerland is more demographically fractured than the fucking USA.
>Three fucking languages

fuck, youre totally right

Fuck off

Lol i got denmark too

>should the state collapse it will turn into pure chaos
That's the case for all nations, since the state is what keeps order. What point are you trying to make?

Met two Danish girls last week they were pretty fun and hot too
9/10 would recommend

You give us ghettoes and force us to live like animals. Your inhumane treatment of us will not go unpunished. Justice will come.

Hello fellow lefty

canada has spinelessness in its national character.. you see it every time you see that foriegn queen on their money. Pathetic country, a country of 95 IQs competent enough to maintain a white society for a little while before what's happening to them now happens unopposed

Poland is filled with violent criminals though. Look in prisons in any EU country and it's like 80% polish. It's the only thing in Europe that is similar to the American nigger when it comes to chimping out and violent crimes.

It's the most socialist country of the world....

Salam Alaykum wa rahmetullahi wa barakatu.

>anti-pc culture
Motherfucker I dunno how much chemically altered water you've been chuggin' but this shithole of a country is anything but fucking "anti-pc".
4 fucking months ago at my fucking school there was the 4 eyed cuck bastard "coming out" as a "transgender" and so the school figured it would be perfectly acceptable to PAUSE all fucking classes and let this fucking freak go from class to class "introducing" itself as a "transgender" and it's "pronouns" and it's motherfucking "gender friendly" name.
"Denmark" might've been such a place as you describe but this shithole is now fucking Denmarkistan cause it's not motherfucking Denmark anymore.
Shit is shitty here that frankly I intend to move to some red state over in the US in the next couple of years, that is if I can secure a fucking work-permit as a white male cause if you fucking defend yourself in your own fucking home and you even as much as leave a bruise on the fucking animal trying to kill you, you'll end up jail with a fucking felony to your name and all that "good stuff".
Also fuck off we're full, don't need more cucked blueballed pieces of shit from Cucknada..!

Are you implying your country is any better, because it really isnt.

>foriegn queen on their money
Unless you're Quebecan or some shitty immigrant she's not foreign. Unless you go by the "british royalty is more German than british" idea that is.

> Healthcare
> Housing
> Education
> Gibs

I don't mind a small refugee population, but the whole " I am oppressed and not given enough gibs" thing you muzzies have going on makes me sick

T. Dane who will vote Nye Borgerlige next election

Our country is full of cucks and nigger loving politicians who can't get anything done, we're starting to become nigger-only.

>4 fucking months ago at my fucking school there was the 4 eyed cuck bastard "coming out" as a "transgender" and so the school figured it would be perfectly acceptable to PAUSE all fucking classes and let this fucking freak go from class to class "introducing" itself as a "transgender" and it's "pronouns" and it's motherfucking "gender friendly" name.
Must be the most cucked school in the entire country.

Where do you go to school?
You can't get to the USA with just a High School diploma you know.

Of course you vote for NB, you're a Dane. I stopped expecting empathy from you people a long time ago. You're sickening.

Go back to whatever hillside covered in goatshit you came from, I bet you left your entire family tree back there you fucking cowardly dog!!!

>You give us ghettoes
That's just your parents choosing to live in those ghettos.

There are many small villages with very cheap houses.

>danish women
your standards must be really shit mate
if anything, they're waaay overrated

>Voting for a meme party with no platform other than "When we take away immigrant's gibs we'll free up billions in the economy that can be used to lower taxes"
Just vote Liberal Alliance, they're fairly competent, even if I dislike them bending over for Venstre and joining the government without fulfilling their demands.

? still better than you

we are the best at everything , except maybe getting cucked - sweden beats us at that

t. Greetings from the modern mount Olympus

See, this is what I've come to expect from Danes. Irrational hatred and animosity. I was told that they would become more accepting of our existence as they became smarter, but it never happened. What a hopeless and hateful people. I give up on you.

sometimes, i think the only legitimate place to raise a family in this world, is greenland/siberia
it might require insane amount of effort, but what in life doesnt?

society is too fucked up if you want to start a family
socialism teaches you that you are entitled to free shit no matter what, socialism is punishing the productive individuals and rewarding the unproductive
socialism is extremely counterproductive, it will cause the collapse of society and start the famines
cultures are not all equal, we are reminded every month that islam is incompatible with european culture
>racial equality
i also doubt this one, i dont have the science on me but every fact about the world that i am aware of is saying to me that the white race is superior

so far, life outside of society would be superior in terms of security (less feral shitskin criminals you arent allow to defend from), and character (you are not entitled to the things you are incapable of hunting and producing), 0% tax rate, weapon ownership is legal (and essential), freedom is unrestricted, everything is superior
your quality of life is directly proportional to your knowledge, skill, ability and effort, as it should be

if they find me somewhere out there dead in the wilderness, they would find a man that died a happy man

If Denmark is so bad, how about moving to Somalia?

Læs dine lektier dreng.

We are a social democracy with a strong free market capitalist economy. I'm guessing you are confusing safety nets with equity programs and government funding for building infrastructure with controlling the means of production.

>act like garbage and animals
>get treated like garbage and animals
the fact that you still migrate to and stay in Denmark despite those things being the case shows what kind of people you are when you are in the majority which you are in your home countries

It's not as cucked as Germany or Sweden but, sort of more cucked than Norway if you get me.

Op, you are so stupid, Danmark is THE lefties country.

Fuck off

I dated a Dane before, she was cool but they have this weird culture of always trying to portray themselves as happy even when their not. Also they never put clothes on.