Incase you haven't seen this yet
CNN says Barcelona attack is a "copycat of the Charlottesville white supremacist attack "
Except it was muslims who attacked
Seriously, wtf has the CNN on their heads?
Muslims should sue for defamation. It's Charlottesville that is copycat
Remember when a Muslim rammed a truck into a crowd and killed 80 something frogs?
Its almost like ISIS do spur of the moment attacks that take no planning.
The only good thing the left are at BTFO is logic
People need to see this
So they're claiming that attack was planned too? (ANTIFA was planning on starting violence 3 days before the protest)
maybe his van was hit with a bat before the attack
Truck of peace copycat of Charlottesville and not paris.
>they still watch the clinton news network
Not us, but the American public
And you know how susceptible they are to propaganda
Remember when Queen ripped off Vanilla Ice?
Lol, I just had an argument with some dude I went to high school who was saying the exact same shit as that fucking image.
Come to think of it, he said he was a libertarian socialist. These people are fucking nuts.
>Overcoverage of dozens of muslim terror attack for years to the point of saturation
>1 White supremacist terror attack, not even a big one
>Suddendly remember Copycat Effect...
white supremacists are worse than muslim attacks which have nothing to do with islam in the first place
USA likes to blame other people and compare to other people, they are full of symbolism. I can't say i feel sorry for you, after all Christians always blame Communists for every shit.
so this is the first time the religion of peace used a vehicle as a weapon without bombs in a western nation??!??!?!?!
could have sworn this had happened a few times before
Which is the all-time heavyweight champion in shilling?
CNN was shown to collude with the DNC, DNC contracted that data-breaching dunie and the democrats have been working close with Muslims for the duration of the Obama administration since "diversity" practically became a corporate mandate. Look who just got indicted, user. It's a far reach for misdirection so as not to piss off some very volatile investors.
Jesus fucking christ
I fucking hate you yanks always making shit be about yourselves
The world would be a better place without the USA and everyone living within it's borders
Go cuck yourself, Sweden.
If the ATT sales goes through, ATT is considering selling off CNN because ATT doesn't exactly like baggage.
Heard PBS was interested in CNN but PBS isn't big enough to afford those CNN offices outside America so CNN will be much more downsized.
This means, CNN's biggest attentionwhores will be fired to make way for cheaper workers.
choke on a burger
Under fucking rated
Fucking... nobody's open right now, ass. Fall over a doorstop.
>CNN says Barcelona attack is a "copycat of the Charlottesville white supremacist attack
They were trying to sell this talking point in Swedish news and I thought it was so ridiculous only cucked lefty Swede news could come up with it. Guess not.
It's so fucking absurd. They can't not know how blatant a lie it is. Someone in the meeting at least thought "isn't this a bit too much".
Rest assured the more shit like this they do, the more people come over on the right side of the issue. Treating people like morons hasn't worked out well for them so far, with the biggest rightward swing in half a century.
el jew
Of course it's whitey's fault, the race of terrorism.
So how long until CNN is largely disputed by most people?
How long until they have to shut down?
3 years? 5?
All of the recent vehicle terror incidents have been fake as fuck. Google 'Crisis Actors'. The news is as real as a Hollywood movie.
The more they bend the truth the more our ideas win, no need to be upset.
It is dumb-dumb
I always said Sup Forumstards and islamics are the same shit with different clothes
Their similarities are mirror images
didn't happen
fake news
For your own mental health don't watch those cunt's, they're trying to start a fight that they won't take part in.
>clinton news network pretending it's not a copycat of any number of other islamic terror attacks Europe has suffered ever since the bankers who control the EU swung the gates wide open and invited in the invasion because the bankers require constant infusion of new goyim into the system to jew into debt
>don't say alt-left
Smells like fear
>How can we blame Donald Trump for this?
>Barcelona attack is a "copycat of the Charlottesville white supremacist attack "
But people watch this fucking channel. I mean as long as people watch CNN is not going to change. Its entire reputation and frankly survival is now staked on removing the President of the United states. They will say and do anything.
They a provoking white people by doing this to lash out in anger because they are building a fear narrative around Donald Trump and white supremacy. The left has no idea anymore because they have all failed. Racism and fear is all they have left.
Its an insane comment to make and should only be seen as a desperate act by a desperate news organization. They are the ones who are back on their heels if we let them bait us in with shit like this then we get pushed back on our heels.
Don't forget we won the whitehouse, the court, and the senate. CNN is barely alive. It will say and do anything to justify its organization.