In response to the heinous terrorist attacks this week in Paris and Barcelona by ISIS, and by Black Lives Matter and Antifa in Charlottesville, we are calling on all patriotic Americans and those in the international community who believe in the sanctity of the western values of freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and Christianity to join us on the sixteenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks in peaceful protest.

On September 11, 2017, we will be mass-uploading videos and pictures to all available social media platforms of the Koran, a book espousing views that are inherently incompatible with western culture and values, burning. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Reddit will be our primary targets, with Tumblr, Instagram, and Pinterest likewise being within our crosshairs.

We fully expect Muslims to react with rage and quite possibly with violence, as they are incapable of reacting any other way. We also fully expect their censorship-obsessed apologists on the left to attempt to silence us, as they violently did in Charlottesville this week. We will not be intimidated. We will not be silenced. We will not surrender.

We call upon all those who call themselves 'conservatives' to join us, or if they will not join us, to protect our right to express ourselves freely. You cannot call yourself a conservative if you refuse to conserve the most sacred of western values, the right to freedom of expression.

The fun begins on September 11, 2017. Hail Trump, Hail our People, Hail Victory.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do we really have to resort to book burning?




Sand niggers believe the Koran is the literal word of Allah, so burning it is tantamount to burning their false god and causes them to chimp the fuck out.

>western values
>burning books

I don't see what this will accomplish.


No. Islam has many things in common with us in our fight against cultural marxism, the media, Jews and the alt-left.
We may not agree on all things, but they are ultimately our friends in this fight.
Remember their tactics - divide and conquer. What this does is divides. This makes them victorious. OP is a shill trying to put a wedge in between Christians and Muslims, although they both suffer because of them.


They are every bit as anathema to western culture as liberals and Jews.

Don't forget, it is cultural Marxism that allows them into White nations in the first place. You need only look to Cologne to know why they do not belong here, even if they didn't drive Vehicles of Peace into our people.

it's literally just upgraded christianity lol
the only reason all of europe can get away with being christian is because they conveniently ignore all the parts that force you to act like a sand nigger
how about instead of burning a harmless book you actually get out of your basement and campaign for something that matters faggot

Found the Turkroach.


That's a strange spelling of 'corrupted'.

Just don't buy any, mmk?


I see where you're coming from but this is for the Muzzies who keep wrecking havoc on free nations
I apply what you're saying to differing political parties of the same country because the ultimate goal is peace
Muslims are subhuman terrorists worshipping a false prophet to lead them in battle and cause unrest in great countries unlike the shitholes they live in

I'm going out and buying a Koran today



i'm a white christian male, incidentally i'm just also not a faggot
i meant to say 'updated'; i don't really think it's better or really all that great at all but it's not inherently bad which is pretty fucking obvious

You don't have to. Just google "free Koran," or even better, print one out.

Koran is an offshoot of the Talmud

-> Muhammad was raised from ages 6-8 by his 3/4 Jewish grandfather

-> …..Islam a violent offshoot of the violent Talmud

Film it, put it up on YouTube or your social media for all the world to see. Then you will get more of what happened in Barcelona

>The fun begins on September 11, 2017

Too late buddy.



We've always fought the muslims you moron.
The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire was the first time in Islamic history that there was peace between it and the west, and it didn't fucking last long.

>a grill

You better have used that to make some ribs or porkchops.


First off, its a Quran. Secondly, book burning is widely viewed as a ignorant and dangerous practice.

This is a fucking leftypol shill you retards, please dont listen to him. Buying a Quran will give money to muslims and their publishers.
This accomplishes nothing.

... or some ham, that works too. Well done, bro.


You don't have to buy one. You can get one for free, or even better, just print one out.


If you meme it I will go to the store and buy it with CASH (if they don't put people who buy it on lists they really don't do shit and the nsa/fbi/cia are all just here for blackmail) and burn one for the lulz and post it onto tumblr

That would mean I have to buy a Q'ruan
And i'm not buying that fucking filth.

that will literally give even more of a reason for the left to label anyone with mildly conservative views as NEO NAZI SCUM WHITE SUPREMACIST

Jesus fuck.

Again, see:

In this day and age, you would probably cause more butthurt by burning Harry Potter books.

Lefty pol feg

Sorry I don't want sandniggers having my address. Are you retarded?

Then print one out.

Or hell, download a PDF onto a flashdrive and burn that. Mudshits are retarded enough to still chimp out over that.

When is International Burn a Synagogue Day?
This would be an event that every Sup Forumsster would endorse and gladly participate in.

omg you leftist shill nigger faggot you would betray your nation

every quran that sells will force distributors to restock. they will look at sales figures. you hoping to put the fucking thing on the best seller list

i see you Mr.NiggerFaggot. this act of disobedience wont be ignored. your name is tobi

I don't want to possess a fucking Krayon in my fucking house, is any of that unclear??

>Nazi calling for a book-burning
Yeah, there's absolutely no way this could backfire on you. Go for it!

I hate diversity of color too but you may have lost the plot user

You just wouldn't get it monte nigger

One nigger, one shitskin. And a shitton of drunk Asians or literal redskins. Could be worse I guess. Do I even want to know what the blue/purple skinned people are?

Women who backtalked their husbands.

Police would save the korans

book burning is incredibly ignorant, no matter the book

I come on Sup Forums for Brit Sup Forums and Muslim bashing. Not your secret club

>that pic

10/10 would rage again.

Man, you are a retard - burning qu'rans is how muslims dispose them properly when the book is old and damaged.

covering it in pig shit would also work

It's literally their last option to dispose them correctly.


If this post gets eleven likes I'll get a quoran and shoot it to celebrate 9/11


what a great meme.............................NOT

>shoot it

Actually... that's not a bad idea.

H-Hey M-Muslims just whooped our asses once again l-let's burn q-qurans!!!

OP is a faggot. Get out of your house and do something against immigration

Good idea, then leave the identifiable charred remains in public toilets, it'll give em something to chimpout about!

Do they have korans at your local library? What if someone went there and placed a slice of ham in them?

So, do you suggest to kill muslims with a car instead? Pretty harsh.

Would be easy enough to pull off. Bring in a lunch box, claim to be student there to study. Just make sure not to put the ham there in view of any cameras, as that could be considered destruction of property if the grease damages the pages.

OP has autism.

Move along people, nothing to see here.

Who said this?
I'm just saying that while you guys want to spend money on burning Qurans ISIS is still whooping your asses, and buying Qurans to burn them isn't going to stop them and sounds pussy-tier


You can burn a few thousand books but that will never top burning a few thousand amerilards HAAHAHAHAHA

Have fun








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Allah is Great
Death to America
Death to Israel
Damn the Zionists
Victory to Islam

That's an even better idea, they'd have to throw the shitty book away! If you found it in the trash, free shitty quran book!

>dat pic

Why aren't I surprised?

Muslims already did a mass burning of the Korans after Mohammad died. There were so many types with different and additional passages the "wrong" ones were burned

Vid related.

Dont fall for it Sup Forums this is BAIT
OP is leftist troll.

If you do it, the right-side will be antagonized even more than Charlottesville.
Stay civilized and rationale.

If you wanna defeat islam, do it like david wood

Good action, this will be very effective.

Unfortunately yes, since we can't burn muslims just yet.

Burn a My Struggle day?

>the right-side will be antagonized even more than Charlottesville.

If anything, burning korans will win us many Christian supporters. We're already antagonized to the max, deal with it.

>These savages don't respect our culture and destroy cultural artifacts
>better burn their book!
Were your parents siblings by any chance?

>if you kill your enemies they win

So suddenly you've forgotten about all the times the Ottomans allied with the west. Nice history knowledge you fucking faggot, keep that "us vs them" mentality maybe it'll get you somewhere. Syke.

>found the stormfag

>OP is a shill trying to put a wedge in between Christians and Muslims

TOP FUCKING KEK. Muslim apologists everyone.

If you complain about savagery and then do the same you must be a bit of a tard. No way around it.

Burning books, silencing speech, blocking comments are characteristic of the left.

Show the public we are better.
Countering ideas NOT Burning ideas

w-we're doing something right?
we're burning their books - they'll be so mad lol!!! we are fighting them back!

it's like a toddler wrestling with his dad

There is nothing wrong with violence, but everything wrong with primitivism (and blasphemy). If you can't tell the two apart, I am sorry for you.

Enjoy getting BTFO by some leftist group or even better, some radical. And afterwards your media will put all the blame on you cumskins and start a daily azan. This is the end of the west and we will not have to fight any war to end it.


Did they have to resort in destroying statues?

You would be better off burning the Bukhari if you want to not just be an uneducated nigger.

Can it be bacon day, too? I like bacon

The koran is not a book, it's blasphemy and lies.

Martin Luther advocated for the burning of Talmunds, Hitler burned marxist books; if you have a problem you're on the wrong board, friend.

I think Kim has got us covered, South Koran will burn and many will die.

>we're antagonised to the max
gee, i wonder if we deserve that? might we be wrong all along, might our belief that we must undo 100 years of progress just because i feel triggered?

you don't get it do you? everyone's the enemy except what you identify with

As a Muslim I would like to say thank you as the appropriate way to get rid of the Qur'an is to burn it.



t. muslim

We're coming for you right after we're done with the books.

>taken straight from reddit

>thinks the crusades were justified
found the larper

also, how did the fourth crusade turn out, buddy? or the third after saladin showed you back?

to be honest out of nine crusades only one "succeeded" and that's not taking people's crusade and the child's crusade in account

>burning books is not primitive
>violence is OK as long as my side is the aggressor
Nice subhuman thoughts there.

Lol Spain
