i'm against white supremacists but i support their 1st ammendment rights. suddenly, that makes me evil the eyes of many people. why?
I'm against white supremacists but i support their 1st ammendment rights. suddenly...
You shouldn't defend criminals.
Fight for your race.
>not being a white supremacist in the year of our lord 2017
because rights are for only people like you
Because the white haters are just looking for excuses to curb down freedom of speech and end us once and for all. Meanwhile all the globalist politicians are celebrating their chance to pave the way for total control
Marxists have rewritten the definition of violence to include rhetoric. They literally think if you say "whites deserve their own homeland" it's the same thing as punching them in the face, and therefore worthy of aggressive retaliation. So if you said you support white supremacists' right to speak, they are hearing "I support white supremacists' right to kill you" and therefore by association you're complicit in their thoughtcrimes too.
I wish I could make this up for some dystopian novel but it's real, and it's what they actually believe.
That's because free speech doesn't mean freedom to say whatever the fuck you want, it literally means the freedom to express the unpopular opinion of that society which today is white nationalism.
The entire point of freedom of expression is to express the unpopular opinion. You can be an open communist, libertarian, liberal or conservative. No one cares but as soon as cross the line in to white nationalism or fascism they will do everything to suppress your right to express your ideas.
God you Americunts are idiots. I sincerely hope you get your civil war and your country perishes.
Then why do you defend niggers?
Nonwhites can't handle freedom.
Why does anyone think that just because I think someone should be able to say what they like I must also think they shouldn't be met with angry resistance?
You're in the right OP don't worry.
Even if we did have a civil war it would be quick, we would come out better in the end, and during the course of the way the government would continue to make debt payments.
because they're brainwashed
There's plenty of libs defending the right of free speech. The most SJW lesbo I know told me that's their right in a conversation.
Like yourself? Rockin that jackass? So what's up with Debbies IT guy?
Defending criminals and standing up for their rights are 2 different things.
/thread should have ended right here
I ain't listening to no oval headed cunt book guy
They are LITERALLY replacing us, our country is nearly lost, how can you not see where this is going?
Also, if you keep treating us as "equal" threats, you're going to have a Communist revolution on your hands. They own the media, they own the universities, they're in the process of dismantling our last stronghold (the internet).
pay debnts
time to ban lawyers and fair trials.
>1st ammendment rights
is only free when it has no restrictions
add on exception and it is not free speech anymore
so lawyer are bad people ?
Ok, then just go visit Brazil/any major US city and see for yourself.
They are pushing us towards a communist hell hole and the first step is to limit speech.
Antifa logic here
>Right wingers are not willing to remove freedom of speech to any ideology
>Left wingers want to suppress Whites' freedom of Speech
Who is the evil one again?
Why would you post a jewish actress with a question like this?
Would love to hear about the aryan race in India. Can someone elaborate / link me?
Because the goal of white supremacists is to remove all the rights from everybody else. This is hardly some shocking new philosophical conundrum that nobody's ever thought about before, btw - try educating yourself a little.
I'm more of a nationalist/ethnocentrist. This supremacy stuff just rubs me the wrong way ya know?
There is a concept called second order punishment. Not only to powerful and dominant groups punish dissenters from what they enforce, they also look around at all the people *not* joining in punishing dissenters, and the second order pass punishes *those* people as well. Punish the people who refuse to join in punishment of the first group.
Because you are standing in the way of white genocide which is their ultimate goal.
Everyone will be equal when the whites are gone, don't you see it's for the greater good!
Many Americans have lost sight of what America stands for. A fundamental part of being American is the right to free speech. Nazis and communists are both sub-100 IQ retards but they should still have the right to preach their ideology, provided they are American citizens.
Being a White supremacist is pretty stupid in 2017 because there is evidence that Jews and Asians are better in intellect. Being a race supremacist in general is stupid because taking personal credit in what others have done is we wuz kangs tier thinking
pay debnts
Anti-White Communist buzz word.
Stop being a cult member OP.
Over the last few years they have started to equate holding certain intellectual opinions with acts of violence
{{{ Marxists }}}
Has nothing to do with Karl Marx or Marxist philosophy.
wow that search is actually real
Communism is anti-human, anti-individual, anti-expression, and its (((funders))) want white genocide.
>i'm against white supremacists
If youre white kys faggot.
>believing in "freedom" of speech aka hate speech
What a fucking nazi
>If youre white kys faggot
Grow up
>'m more of a nationalist/ethnocentrist. This supremacy stuff just rubs me the wrong way ya know?
I am with you and they are turning into a cancer
>Being a White supremacist is pretty stupid in 2017 because there is evidence that Jews and Asians are better in intellect. Being a race supremacist in general is stupid because taking personal credit in what others have done is we wuz kangs tier thinking
Brainwashing through the education system, popular media and most importantly social media.
because if someone says "gas the kikes" regardless of context jews will magically be teleported into magical gas chambers and be killed somehow. .
Just look at charlottesville, a bunch of nazis that hate blacks and jews and muslims got together, and one of them killed a whit-...oh nvm
this was actually the position of leftists not even 15 years ago
leftists today wouldn't understand this satire
stop using my flag
You can't say it's not intentionally being done by Google either.
Look what happens when you specifically remove black from the results
>having an opinion is now a crime
Because they never did their assigned reading in 7th grade.
If you meet them with angry resistance for having an opinion, they have the right to kill you in self defense. At least in my state.
Because by "many", you mean the liberal left. And to the liberal left, anyone that doesn't parrot their opinions is less than human and doesn't deserve a voice.
Remain calm and carry on. The left has entered the first stages of tearing themselves apart from within. Ironically, its the divisiveness of their favorite tribalist tool - identity politics- which will be their undoing.
Sweetie pie hunny bumpkin mumpkin drumpfie poo