imagine being this cucked
i am more convinced of the inevitability of communism every day
imagine being this cucked
i am more convinced of the inevitability of communism every day
Looks like he pissed himself
Imaging being this gay
I sure can't
How do you do it OP
non female non-celebrity white people disgust me
Sounds like your brain is simple, leaf.
Being beat up on camera would've been 200% better
No woman will ever touch that dick, ever. That's what a weak cunt looks like.
You way overestimate magic powers that women don't have.
I don't speak alt-right
What happened?
Guy undressed himself to prove he's not racist for some reason.
Nazi child so scared of antifa he strips in public
/pol in a nutshell.. when things get a little to real..beg for mercy & claim it was for the lulz
People began to chase him at the protest and he ran and almost pissed himself, took off his Trump uniform and said he was only there for the lulz of saying "white power" and all.
Basically he's Sup Forums in a nutshell.
He's what you want all of Sup Forums to be.
You damn well know that's not the case
hes a cuck.
no one of alt right wears a fucking nigger cap or drink the fucking Hebrew mind control drink monster .
So the cops AND the antifa were against him?
They were right, cops were in on it.
Why are cops, and other white americans in government/academic positions such pathetic cucks?
Yeah maybe a plant...
prove its not the case faggot. I'm waiting
Get outside and join a blue collar job. Meet conservatives face to face. Not through you tv.
Yeah it is. Talk shit online, then completely lose your balls when it comes down to it. Makes you look like the utter pussies you know, deep down in your hearts, that you really are.
Check out all the people trying to turn themselves in for the destruction of the statue. The solidarity. It's something none of your movements will ever have because when the shit hits the fan you all run like rats and blame each other and everybody else. Because you're weak. And that's why you're so angry.
Sup Forums is not conservatives it's faggots like in the OP who talk a lot of shit online but are the lowest form of pathetic coward in reality
I'm no southerner. I really don't give a shit about the southern participation trophies.
You flying that commie flag though? That pisses me off a bit. If you try to take my private property I will fling lead into your skull.
Yes there are. Newfags like you should lurk for awhile until you understand the forum better.
Why imagine? He is Sup Forums personified.
not a lot of solid in that solidarity, get divided you multicultural mongrels, lul. o/
I bet they don't roleplay about gassing jews and minorities online nor do they think that they are the master race
nice spin
That would be a safe bet.
They probably talk about redistributing the wealth and taking dick up the ass though.
Nazis are all about taking it up the ass while redistributing the wealth have you seen Richard Spencer?
Antifa has been agitating, but keep shit pretty public right now.
Civil War 2 is going to occur when they start getting killed for raiding private property. Mark my words.
worse they think they can kill 40 million bourgeoisie yet don't realize the upper 6 million might just be of the kosher cock, they laugh about murder and mayhem just as much as the next goyim, the ignorant hypocrites just can't think past 2 chains of logic.
Good thing I'm not a nazi you dumb fucking leaf
Remember what I said about you lurking more before you posted? This is why. You come off like a fucking idiot.
>delet this
It's you isn't it pucciboi
What a little faggot.
What costume does he have on though? He looks like a typical white nerd, no costume.
You're not a nazi but have a need to defend them and suck their cocks why is that?
When I younger like 10 years ago I delt with S.h.a.r.p, it actually scared the fuck outta me too. Now I'm older I don't give a fuck, I'll brawl them.
American Vanguard all dressed up in khakis and white polos, Trump's golf attire.
This, it either scarred him off or hardened his convictions, *H A R D E N E D* You hear that OP you faggot? You got these white niggas hard!
>American Vanguard all dressed up in khakis and white polos,
I don't think it's a good look, but perhaps they're being ironic.
He did it so we could laugh
I don't. But I believe in race and discrimination, but only at a personal level. Free association and all that.
Also I really hate commies. More than most people.
Ergo I also hate leafs, because every single one I've met in my life is a repressed leftist.
Yeah he's queer but there's nothing wrong with getting freaky
Honestly I can't believe the cast of fucking dumbasses you all have dug up from this hellsite.
Apart from his teeth he's actually kinda hot
He wouldn't be the first. That nazi that got outed on Vice started crying when things got real as well. Leafs not lying.
It's like a cavalcade of retardation. The dumbest of the dumb.
fucking kys
he's just one dumb kid that didn't understand the gravity of the situation
you're the one who is cucked if this demoralizes you
Oooh internet tough guy. You are a cowardly bitch.
This guy. This fukken guy right here. Lolllll
That didn't last long.
Internet tough guy?
I just want to live on the side of a mountain, alone.
If you want to take it to violence that is on you.
Sadly these are the people of your movement and they tarnish anyone right wing. You're going to give us Little Brazil, a socialist latin american hellhole of 80 iq construction workers and maids. Fuck you autistic faggots who don't understand the meaning of the words tact and optics.
tfw you need more milk
>a cavalcade
>a formal procession of prestige and ceremony
>bystanders cheered as the cavalcade passed
>cavalcade of retards
that makes no sense, you're saying they are a complimentary column of retards.
It's retarded nonsense.
t. Cletus' sister
Don't even care if this is a slide thread
Too frickin funny m8
the irony is, they are protesting against being persecuted, they are only being proven right
their peaceful march was assaulted by violent thugs, and the media sided with the thugs against them
basically they were proven right
just rub the retard outta him
you're kidding yourself. the future is RED
>car plowing through crowds
>b-but we're peaceful protestors
>you can't just take off your costume.
What if he is actually antifag pretending to be altreich just to make them look like fags. He almost looks like swol left.
Why is he nekkid?
Cute chest.
My first situation dealing with it, I was reading stormfront and met some people on that in my town, but also my other friends mutual friends where those communist sharp people. I was at a bar and somehow they knew. He told me to fuck off in the bar and dont speak to him. When I was leaving the bar, 4 of them were chasing me down the street in the middle of winter holding sticks.
porno politics
crowds of violent thugs, yes, it's called fighting back
yes, red with the blood of marxists, the future will either be Fascist or Islamic, and both despise have a thirst for marxist blood
>Antifags think this makes them look good
*OP being a useful idiot and not realizing the military industrial complex will never let communism fully take over but only allows useful idiots to exist to increase its authoritarian powers*
Operation paper clip happened and the military has been ready for your shit for years, but please keep on doing what you are doing, it's not like it's giving us more power.
haha thats me. AMA
>This JIDF thread
Thats just nazi logic, we were just fighting back against the agressors. You are the agressor mate. Just like the terrorist who are fighting back against agressors. Nice peaceful protest tactics you got going.
a peaceful protest with a permit was attacked by violent thugs with no permit to be there
antifa were the thugs
That's it, keep deflecting, keep blaming somebody else. It makes you look so powerful. So manly.
>Thugs Vs terrorist
And you are crying because the media and everyone is siding with the thugs?
It works like this...
The left has been incredibly destructive. From Antifa to BLM rallies.
If you look into the cost of their protests in terms of damage and looting and police over time etc etc etc
Its actually in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Now they have these groups of free speech advocates or identitarian people holding these rallies. Well actually the rallies are like wet shit for antifascist and BLM. Trump is in office they had their post election protests and it more or less calmed down...BUT the right is now having these free speech demonstrations and they are attracting Antifascist and BLM. Its a guaranteed recipe for a lot of damage, chaos, and huge sums of money being lost. It is also about the cops. The cops just dealt with BLM and antifascist for the past 2 years and its been awful for them. They figure its easier to threaten and get rid of the identitarians then the left who will publicly skewer them and have the media establishment behind them (those who control the narrative). The cops have a shared interest in maintaining the status quo because it de-escalates and makes their lives presumably easier. Its kind of like bullying or scapegoating (the freespeecr/identitarians) in the interest of self preservation. The cops are going along to get along. Plus if they were seen as supporting the "nazis" in Charlottesville, you can be sure they would be dealing with riots, public outrage, people being targeted and fired, and a direct link to the white supremacy that cops have been getting blamed for over the past few years and from BLM and the left. The cops bent the knee to the left in Charlottesville. The left that hates them and wants them dead.
You have to understand the narrative controllers own everything. They produce reality. They can build and destroy by bending perception and goading the mob. Everyone has to bend the knee or risk being ruined. Destroying the credibility of the MSM is everything now.
by what definition?
By definition of actions
what terrorist actions did the peaceful protesters perform?
Associating with, supporting terrorist
Celebrating the death of innocents at the hands of terrorist
Condoning the action of terrorist
Let me guess, everyone that was injured at that peaceful protest was a thug, definitely no innocents there, at least not in the eyes of a terrorist, but hey its the thugs we need to focus on eh
We change the narrative?
you're being stubborn and you can't be reasoned with
Imagine there's a rally where a whole bunch islamists go around shouting "ALLAHU AKBAR, MUHAMMED JIHAD" and "BEHEAD THOSE WHO INSULT ISLAM, ALLAH ALLAH MUHAMMED JIHAD" then one of them kills someone, looks pretty terroristy no?
Is that not the same white supremecists/nazi larpers shouting "BLOOD AND SOIL, BLOOD AND SOIL, WHITE POWER, WHITE POWER" and "JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US, WE'LL KILL YOU IF WE HAVE TO" and then one of them killing someone?
Yes terrorist can't be reasoned with, but im willing to try, ofc the terrorist won't give me that same courtesy, they are too busy engaing in "peaceful protest"
This is why you DYELs need to lift. No one wants to fuck with even if you're a Nazi if you're 250lbs of muscle and rage.
completely different circumstance
islamists actually commit terror, it's quite a common sight
your so called supreemists don't
btw what race/religion are you?
>its okay for nazis to commit terrorism as long as its less frequent than the other terrorist
The superior race
>Sup Forumsack.jpg
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, you remain a shit-heel. Nice work.
Somebody was killed at random in a politically motivated attack by a white supremacist.
I'm white british athiest.
FYI, I absolutely HATE Islam, and dislike most other religions.
what is the evidence? while wahhabists are murdering by the thousands and bombarding major cities you are part of a mass hysteria about an imaginary nazi boogeyman
>FYI, I absolutely HATE Islam, and dislike most other religions.
good, im glad you will live to see sharia law rule over you, you deserve it
This happened in 2015 without the death and no one shut them down.
the new punk rock everybody