Why is the alt-left so dumb?


Do you need to have an IQ below 80 to join? Or is it the niggers bringing their average down?

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Niggers bring the average up.

Please read a fucking book

Because they are!

If they were intelligent they wouldn't be leftist.

I had this explained to me before by some user.

Apparently they believe that the end result of communism is anarchy, that once everyone is forced to live a fair and equal life that the need for state intervention will disappear and everyone will hold hands singing kumbayah over the burning corpses of dissenters.

So yeah they're pretty dumb.

>read Commie propaganda then this nonsensical paradigm that has repeatedly failed through multiple centuries will sound appealing

They actually believe that once they make the government all powerful it will fix everyone's problems then disband itself.


As far as I understand

They think human nature will change to adapt to their retarded view of what fair is.

they arent that smart mostly due to nepotism + inbreeding

It only takes a few pages to discern between worker and state control.

So to get rid of government over reach... they need the government to dictate every aspect of their life?

Communism, as proposed by Marx, only worked in a stateless society.

Basically "Anarcho-Communists" want the horrific and totalitarian powers of the state wielded by guys in black masks (it's them).

worker controlled is capitalism, not communism.

maybe you should read a book.

>FDR's New Deal passed because much gommunism

Fuck off, he stacked the courts with that shit to get it passed as both Congress and the original Supreme Court that heard the case threw it under the bus.

The means of production under Capitalism are privately owned by a few individuals who exploit workers for profit. Under Socialism/ Communism the means of production are communally owned by the workers are the capitalist parasite is removed. If you aren't baiting then please see your doctor.

Communism is bullshit. Come back when you know at least a single person who lived in the USSR you ignorant fuckwit

>Under Socialism/ Communism the means of production are communally owned by the workers

Nope, that's under capitalism. Under communism/socialism, the means of production are owned by the state, so unless those workers are part-time senators... it's capitalism.

Leftism is the terminal belief system of humanity without sufficient iq or information

E.g. the terminal belief system of people in agrarian economies naturally arrives as monotheism

The terminal belief system of idiots and tribespeople enda at communism

The terminal belief system of reasomably organized people ends at markets, as seen in western europe, china, japan, etc

Cobclusions flow reasonably from priors. Communists have the priorsSof children


The patzi is correct, same system the republican spain had, workers voted on everything and turned all the companies to shit.

When did I mention the USSR? Also, there is a different between Communism, Socialism and State Capitalism and there are different tendencies within these ideologies. The very thing that made the USSR so terrible was the formation of a new bourgeoisie and the reintroduction of private industry. This is the very thing the original ancom post was trying to avoid.

Kill yourself

If you cannot pass a basic finance course your tongue ahould be cut out of your mouth for talking such idiocy

Leftism is an ideology that is focused around destroying strong people and lifting up weak people

Of course it will attract those who are weak, mentally and physically

Loving this well researched counter argument

Yeah guess what, that would happen in every single case of "communism".

Capitalism is the only proper way to handle property and business. Communism is only good if you want a progressively more stupid, lazy and dependant population

And he said Communism is bullshit (and not only bullshit but pure evil), what's your point exactly?

No people are just pissed because you are advocating for murder of 100s of millions and mass starvation. You can forgive some of them that actually lived under those systems, or are bearing consequences of having had lived under those system, for taking things a little personal.

I mean, seriously, try to study some psychology, will you?

The time for talk is over. The killing starts now.

To add, you advocating communism to a latvian guy is literally like advocating nazism to a jewish guy - except maybe even worse.

inb4 but that wasn't reeeeal communism.


underrated comment

No, you're the dumb one.
Anarchists and communists both want a stateless, classless, and moneyless society. The distinction is how they achieve it. Anarchists want to get rid of the state immediately after the revolution, whereas communists want to take control of the state and use it against the ruling classes before getting rid of it.
The Soviet union having a state was supposed to be only temporary until the material conditions for communism existed.

T. I've actually read leftist books unlike you larping faggots that criticize strawmans.

Nobody on the left through the Soviet Union was communist. Not even Lenin or Stalin. They had socialism, which is the period before communism in Marxist-leninist doctrine

you've cracked the case wide open. You've finally gotten to the bottom of it. What a brilliant person you are, op. They may never recover from this. You have every reason to proud of yourself. Thanks for making this thread. You've earned it, you magnificent bastard.

Communism is saying you will point a gun at my head but have not yet, so i cannot shoot you

I can shoot you and i will. Your entire fucjing family as we track you down via metadata

Be afraid

>communists want to take control of the state and use it against the ruling classes
And nobody else, right? What could go wrong?
Don't call other people dumb when you spout these ridiculous ideas as if they have any legitimacy, when they have been proven cancerous time and time again.


>until the material conditions for communism existed

Never happens because you fuckers use up resources, not produce them

I'm telling you what the ideas are and what the left believes. Not what I personally believe, you dumb fuck. And you are a dumb fuck otherwise I wouldn't have to explain this distinction.

>Under Socialism/ Communism the means of production are communally owned by the workers are the capitalist parasite is removed
Capitalist parasite is not removed, it just transfers to commie parasite. Wealth is then shared and distributed only among them. Common people are the ones who get really fucked by it, so commie parasites can have golden bathtub while they starve and that's about it. If you don't agree then is only forced work, jail or death that is waiting for you. You are a total retard who never lived in a system even remotely resembling communism.

>you fuckers
I'm not a leftist as I've already said.
And the Soviet Union was initially successful. Made Russia a world super power in 2 decades from ashes.

I literally made the distinction earlier in the thread.

Don't dodge the OP's question. Why is the alt-left so fucking dumb?

>group of people gain power
>find out that its actually pretty great
>opress and slaughter the people that got them there in the first place to keep it

communism has never worked, and will never work until every shit job is automated and we have star trek level replicators.

anarchy means no rulers.

Because they are anarchists AND communists, not communist anarchists. Two different ideologies.

> will never work until every shit job is automated and we have star trek level replicators.

Even then it won't work because the replicators have to be powered and their product distributed.

There's a lot of potable water in the world too then you get a hurricane or other drought type crisis and suddenly crisis sales gouging appear for example.

it actually significantly retarded the pace of industrialization already underway before 1917 but don't let the facts influence your hot opinions or anything

>Exploit workers for profit
Ain't no one's forcing Josh to work at McDonald's, he's free to leave any time and pick up a new skill/educate himself/otherwise move to a new profession; but, I tell you what, Marxists sure do love planning out your future for you and telling you exactly what job you're going to perform.

You're mixing up two ideologies, but they're both retarded anyway.

Anarchists don't like communists that much, especially not Marxist-leninists and other state types. Their alliance today is just one that benefits both.
If a revolution actually happened, the anarchists would be some the first to get purged by communists, which is what happened in Russia.

Remember the threads about Confederate statues being taken down? There is always somebody who points those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it, right?
Well, that's exactly what is happening, guess how well the anarchists and communist working together went in the Spanish Civil War.

I lol'd

Okay. You can have the State. But only if you pinky-promise to abolish it after you use it to destroy the ruling class.

Do you pinky-promise?

I'm pretty sure anarchism means no rulers. Which becomes kinda annoying once you need to organize armies in order to protect the lack of rulers you have. A further problem is once you start to scale things up, imagine a company like google being ran by a democratic system that required every citizen no matter how uneducated or ampithetic they may be, to vote on how, when, and where resources should be spent. It would be turned into a massive mess, and since you can't use bureaucracy to help with the process since that would require non elected officials to have more power than you. Well you begin to see how this becomes a problem. You need to scale things down, but once you do that you begin to scale down your own living standards, and your ablity to protect your nation.

See communism is perfect, except for one tiny little thing: it relies on the human element with no checks and balances. That is why it will always become corrupt. That is why it will never be "muh true communism". That is why it wall ALWAYS fail. Marxism and communism are the economic and political belief systems of fools and the unintelligent.

>Does not even know what his ideology believes
The state is naturally hierarchal. Commies who actually understand their ideology believe it is a necessary stepping tool towards their """utopia"""

Means of the production are owned by the people not the state, communism is stateless as is anarchy



They believe humans can become ants, without a queen.

please hide your fucking flag if you want to be a faggot
or better yet, get out of this country