I don't understand how a monument I didn't know existed until recently is supposed to help me with my US history. It doesn't even provide context about how not about slavery the civil war really was.
I don't understand how a monument I didn't know existed until recently is supposed to help me with my US history...
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needs more labels
dude is it me or does that horse have the rape eyes
Destroying it means rejecting history. It'll lead to literal communism. People without any identity besides "we're humans, we're equals". Perfect goyim.
don't know why every cartoon has to be so fucking heavy handed
>Remove monuments, memorials, and statues and you get to repeat history
Remove all the Holocaust memorials RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!
I was kind of thinking that if the Democrats want to take down a Democrat built statue honoring a Democrat hero maybe we should just let them.
Is that why Poland kept all the Stalin statues?
Confederate shit belongs in museums, not on government grounds. They're literally traitors
Because nuances aren't understood by the general American public. All media treats them as regards so therefore so should cartoonists
where are Stalin statues in Poland? I've never seen one.
Says caliexit
>"general american public cant understand nuance!"
>he doesnt know these nazi cartoons are made to pander to scum like him
Are you talking about the Lenin statue in Seattle?
And there aren't any Hitler statues in Germany any more, but everyone seems to remember him.
kek, Calexit was the most retarded shit I've ever seen. If I was Calexit I'd want them destroyed outright.
They will also remove Petain's commemorative plaque from Broadway.
>Victor of Verdain
> Runned Vichy France
> Compiled to German request, saved most French Jews
>A majority of Americans polled in an NPR/PBS News Hours/Marist poll believe that statues of honoring leaders of the Confederacy should remain as a historical symbol.
>Of the 1,125 adults surveyed, 62% believe they should remain, 27% believe they should be removed because they are offensive and 11% are unsure.
No one wants these statues removed. This is a fucking national poll too, with New York and California included, imagine one of just Southerners, who are the only ones' whose business it is.
The media is trying to browbeat local officials into removing these statues, because they know there's only a small window to do so before cooler heads prevail.
Can you make a list of monuments you DO know exist? Just so we know it's safe to remove or destroy all the other monuments. After all, if you don't know they exist, what possible use could there be for them?
>historical event
>no physical artifacts or evidence of it happening
>countless amounts of text describing the event
>Historians: "well, it was probably a legend..."
This happens with so many things in history OP... We thought the Trojan War was a myth for thousands of years until they found Troy and discovered it was intentionally destroyed by warfare.
Get ready for when all Civil War reenactments are said to be based on legends and all photos are considered to be "later forgeries".
damn frog, your english is complete fucking shit.
>saved most french jews
you came to the wrong board if you want to virtue signal to the jews.
One day when you're old enough to wan't to actually learn something, the actual history, good bad and ugly, with nasty statues and everything might be fucking handy.
it is all too interesting, the parable, that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, is coming forth while men are tearing down civil war statues, while simultaneously on the figurative brink of a civil war.
We still have museums, parks and relics m8.
Don't need to go full tard.
they want to remove the statues of confederates
to remove the evidence of how far we've come
and reinvigorate the race war
>torture chamber
>that ass
>those hair tips
>those pants
>those shoes
He says while knowing that a fire destroyed almost every single ancient document ever collected and how artillery shells erased hundreds of years of medieval history from the recordbooks during WWI.
Communist do this stuff intentionally and suddenly. One day, if they take over, all Confederate artifacts will vanish from museums. Anyone who asks where they were will be met with "what artifacts?" Look up how shit was "disappeared" in Soviet Russia and China.
It's not removing history, it's REVISING history.
By removing the monument and claiming "We defeated racist bigots" They frame half of america as racists who fought and lost a war on racism.
So now every single southerner who fought in the civil war was now a racist nazi. Not true, They are trying to redefine and label everyone as racist oppressors, while they are the ones defaming and oppressing their opposition.
These are not monuments. They are mostly statues erected by the second KKK movement in the 1910's.
The political cartoons are getting pretty retarded.
I mean. I agree with the message and sentiment.
But Jesus. Lol. Labeled everything and there is absolutely no interpretation or room for error.
The average asshole reading seeing these toons must be a real dumbass since they are spoonfeeding them this kindergarten level shit.
Imagine being a cartoonist who has to put big written labels on everything to make it understandable.
It's a hard thing to counter. You sit back and don't cause a scene, they take everything down anyway and the media still covers it. You protest it, media shows you as madmen and racists.
So what to do?
I like one quote one artist said. after $200,000 damage was done to his collection by a girl taking a selfie.
They said "You can't make something idiot proof, because the universe will just create a bigger idiot."
Like the more you water things down trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, the lower the bar shifts and the cycle repeats.
I'm on my shit-top I'll fire up and content aware shoop those labels off and just leave the eraser labeled later. I'll also recolor the hand to a black hand and maybe add in an American or confederate flag being erased. Thoughts?
Complaining about labels in political cartoons is like complaining about big eyes in anime.
Maybe this means that the true goal of liberals is to erase history so they can enslave niggers again because no one will remember it.
Well that's easy. Those monuments are war memorials, the point of which is! You see them and think, Fuck that for a game of soldiers. Those where blokes like me who fought and died for an idea. They make you think about why they died.
In this case it was for self determination, the same cause as George Washington fought for.
They considered the choice if or if not to keep slaves, their decision, not one to be imposed by others. Slavery is not good economics, employed free men are much cheaper, and easier to dispose of.
>historical event
>no physical artifacts or evidence of it happening
>countless amounts of text describing the event
>Historians: "well, it was probably a legend..."
The Holocaust satisfies the first three phrases, why is the 4th not happening?
Just because you're an uneducated child doesn't mean everyone else is.
improved it a little bit
Make sure to add Ben Garrison's signature. And why am American flag?
There were no Hitler statues.
American education
It's art, culture. Commies historically have desecrated monuments because they're "probablematic" with the long term aim of making people forget anything from before the time they wrested power from the evil capitalists.
The regular left is falling for the "very offensive plz delete" line, but the actual movers and shakers are self proclaimed communists with the aforementioned long term goals.
Not sure how I feel about Trump distinguishing between the left and alt-left, since the left operates like Islam with its attack dogs that the more respectable members distance themselves from in public but whom they tacitly support
Because of survivor accounts. When they die, the Hall of Cost will be under the same scrutiny.
Yea because Robert E. Lee invaded the united states and forced them to build a statue in Virginia. Go fuck yourself.
Well, if you do go to the protest you avoid the violence, record and try to have discussions with reasonable people about your concerns.
Then prove that the media is lying. Use their own words and agenda against them and then phrase simple facts and ask questions like how does defending American culture and your opinions and beliefs make you a racist?
Don't fall into the antifa and alt-right brawl where they steal your voice and frame you. That's a trap to silence you, chew you up, and label you as a hateful extremist.
I have been using Charlottesville to redpill the shit out of normies. It's working so effectively they are questioning things they never have before and chainging their views. The harder the left pushes, the easier it is to point out their shameful hateful tactics. Their biggest strength is also their biggest weakness, you just have to know how to present your case in the form of reasonable short statements or questions that challenges them and their character.
No, I'm still not quite understanding it. Could you please label the fingers "Obama", "BLM", and "deep state"?
Well because they are attacking more than just some claimed "racist" monuments. They are attacking American history.
>hello i am clothingsexual
Holocaust memorials will inspire more anti-Semitism. Protect the Jews, destroy all Holocaust memorials.
Most of the statues are of the soldiers who fought. I already got into a debate about with someone I know when they took the one on Orlando out. Essentially if you have them up there will be people like me who explain that majority of the soldiers fought because it was to protect their homeland and not because they wanted to keep slaves. That the majority of southerners never owned slaves and some opposed it. But back then people were fighting for the overreach of federal power and it reminds other people that the war was never about freeing slaves until years into the war. But if you take them down people just never see it so they don't think about it out talk about it. They just wrongly assume everyone in the south wanted slaves and everyone in the north were good angles who dindu nuffin. That federal overreach is good when it's for the correct ideas
I heard a lot of other cities had confederate statues removed unannounced
Is there some sort of official list over which cities have done that?
do you understand this one?
funny thing is. liberals really will start taking these down soon.
They've already started taking down synagogues in the UK because "it might offend muslims and turn them radical"
DD from Ed Edd and Eddy.
Maybe someone should make a memorial to the lack of Hitler statues so I will never forget that.
I haven't been near a confederate statue and I still know this. I hear it from all sides, every time it's brought up, either it's someone prefacing with "yeah I know it wasn't all about slavery" when people aren't flat out telling me it wasn't about slavery before the statues started coming down. Keeping them there didn't help with context.
Liberals want to erase and public monument that have some connection to that figure and slavery that ended over a century and half ago.
Liberals don't give shit about slavery still going on in the middle east, africa, and asia today.
start bombing the media, obviously.
Those insane lunatics really don't understand that terrorism against the "media class" that they've created is exactly what all their fear-mongering and lies will lead to.
Well then you are a snowflake and super smart and deserve tendies but generations past you wont be able to look at the statue of some dude and a horse and get curious and look up what happened.
I propose we destroy the remains of Colosseum since it promoted slavery and I find it offensive
>walking in park with child
>fresh air, FREE, public
>dad whos that man on the horse?
>well son..
>sorry son we dont have time to go to musuem today
>sorry son $20 for tickets is too much
>kid never learns about stonewall jackson, Lee, or anyone else
>history is doomed
QQ I just wanted my wives son to know his heritage.
Well, his American heritage. He has bloodlines linked to Africa as well as America.
It keeps getting better and better.
You're next goy.
Well son... Once upon a time our unfortunately white ancestors owned slaves but those godking SJWs from the north stopped them.
The confederate flag has more meaning than a guy on a horse and that's still legal to have and show. And again, this conversation goes on without the statue.
You need a statue to know your heritage?
Once physical proof is gone, the narrative can be changed to something more radical. Monuments challenge any false narrative people try to push to falsify history to then indoctrinate a generation.
It's physical proof that the south had trouble letting go well after the civil war had ended. There's no shortage of proof of that.
A third of your country are idiots
So is the 9/11 memorial celebrating terrorism and Americas unwillingness of letting go?
You are a hateful leftist. Your lies do not work here.
You guys will all be delighted to know there are these new things called books that have all the information you seek.
You can even download them!
What are my lies? That a statue isn't physical proof? There's relics and statues of many gods, but we all know there's only one.
where have you been the past 2 years?
the left has already been burning "offensive" books, mostly books the criticize islam or communism.
Which ones? When?
>Burning a file on the internet.
Just fucking stop. The only way history is being deleted here is if you are a retarded and need visual reminders every day.
In that case, you have dementia.
why do gays sound so gay?
what is that thing behind the index finger?
There is an old, cynical saying: history is written by the victors. This is true to most people of the world, but in the US history was objective. It happened and we didn't shy away from it. Of course, now that we're flooded with leftists that don't respect anglo culture, they're right back to the usual way of "history is written by the victors."
I cannot wait to erase the left. Some mistakes you only make once.
America first, am I right?
Already happening; all the marketing and lies spread are really making it hard to believe the facts that do remain.
Double d should be written as just Edd.
sword hilt
Let them repeat it. I'm saving up to buy some slaves who were once BLM members tearing down monuments.
Hello, welcome to postmodernism. There's a thread about using fake SJW accounts to make it seem like the left wants to take down a statue of Walt Disney.
an example
"A group member said the cover alone was torched because only the title offended them."
you should label that.
It's hard to tell.
No one reads books including you
If nothing else it adds aesthetics to the area. But now I'm of the mind that if they get taken down the populace doesn't deserve to have such art and beauty. Enjoy the graffiti and African tribal shit in it's wake. You all honestly deserve it.
How can people who don't even know history forget it?
And history is in books and shit, statues are just memorials.
Do we have to go through inquisitions every few years to reaffirm that the Earth isn't the center of the universe or something?
Those aren't books that criticize Islam and Communism. The only one that comes close to that is O'reily and he's a TV pundit. These aren't attempts at erasing history.
a book is a lot easier to forge than a statue
And a statue doesn't tell anyone the war wasn't about slavery. It isn't proof there was a war at all like Lady Liberty isn't proof that there was ever a giant lady holding a torch.
whats the blue bit in the background?
The Civil War was about slavery, but the South lost, and is sad. They had a way of life, an identity that is now gone. They lost a lot of people, too. Lee represents that. If they wanted to commemorate slavery itself, they'd have a statue of a slave.
If you tell them to get rid of Lee, what would you let them have that does the same job, that represents the identity that they lost?
The confederate flag?
I'd argue those who obsess with it are bound to repeat it.
>"b-but, they were not ideologically motivated, they just wanted to preserve history"
>I don't understand how
This should be the official motto of the millennial generation.