Debate me
Radical Centrist here
Why, so you can tell me that "it's my opinion"?
Pseudointellectualism needs to die. Go be dull somewhere else.
It's called being a sensible person and not a reactionary.
Why do you want to force your conversely right and left wing values on society? Is there a reason you feel the need to apply force through posting onto this site?
Radical libertarian here. I seek to leave alone, I seek to be left alone.
How am I applying force by posting here? I'm just trying to have a discussion.
You're pushing your centrist views, by discussing them you're persuading others to follow them meaning a form of light force.
No matter what vague ideology you espouse, it would still be force having it and telling people.
what is radical about you
he is most neutral of them all!
Isn't that the whole point of a board for the discussion of politics though?
Hypothesis: The right is only growing stronger because the left is pushing centrists to the right.
Another one: The left will eventually destabilize the US completely if the center doesn't intervene.
illiterate lazy cuck
I can kickflip 5 stairs.
you mean the most cucked?
I'm so libertarian it's impossible to be consistent and still exist here
more like radical faggot LMAO
Disagree. Personally I think that as people see right-wing extremists like those at the Charlottesville rally they will adopt more moderate positions.
>He thinks he can be left alone because people sign an arbitrary piece of paper
Only the force of a powerful state can keep the masses in line.
Well hello my highly logical skeptic intelligent gentlemen :D i knight thee my doctor who sherlock!
most likely, as he is denied brain damage by leftists, and truth by right side
The far right and left are the ones who think only with their feels.
The centrists are the ones who use reason to call you faggot out on all your bullshit.
What we're looking at is left and right definitions of the American political system. This differs in a manner of ways from traditional party formations. But for the sake of argument, we describe US politics exclusively.
For an alt-centrist party to emerge, you need to separate liberalism from socialism (which the Democratic party has been negligent to do) and then you separate liberalism from the evangelical elements of politics (which the Republican party has been negligent to do).
With these two (rather liberal) elements you create a centrist party and run it on the platform of generating an actually responsible government with american values (which are neither socialist nor christian values, despite what the socialists and moralists say). This will appease the silent majority and also clear up the problem that the parties are too alike.
>my opponents have brain damage
>my side is correct
You realise that both sides make this argument right?
why radical?
Centrists never accomplish anything other than maintain the status quo
>The far right and left are the ones who think only with their feels.
Far right views are based on scientific realism.
Nationalism is most muh feels. Yearning for what was. It's a very sentimental ideology and not very pragmatic in the modern world.
The thing is that the status quo is better than why extremists would replace it with.
I'd rather the status quo than the third reich or the Islamic caliphate.
Theres nothing to debate, communism is an ailment of a sick society with too many poor and poorly treated people
Fascism is the desire for control in a decadent society through self improvement and rejection of the societies flaws.
A centralist lies between these two points
I could close my eyes and pick out a random post on this board and 99% guarantee you it's some mouth breathing conspiracy theory with no basis in reality.
you realize only one side is right?
Not really. If it was objective there wouldn't be a debate.
It is indeed interesting that the partisans turn even moreso rabid than usual when the centrists are near.
What could you possibly have to fear from a neutral player?
Really makes the old brain tick.
Right now it seems that the status quo is radical retards from both sides chimping out in the streets.
it is objective
right side is right for a reason
left side should be called wrong, because they are, all the time
Still waiting for OP to name his ideas and what he means as "Radical Centrism".
If it's not European Social-Democracy with high public safety-net benefits like maternity leave, job protection, unempoyment and retraining benefits, public health option, public integrated schools, strong regulation for fairness and quality of service disavowing monopolies, he's LARPing.
you are not smarter or more knowladgeable
>tfw you lived long enough to fiinally see the rise of centrism on Sup Forums
Day of watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants can come soon enough for you people, and the alt left.
Why debate or even care what a centrist thinks?
They don't matter.
They look at everything and go..... meh...
Any idiot can do that. You just look at both sides. Pick your favorite parts and then sit back.... meh...
Then simply act like anyone that takes a firm stand on something and regard them as a moron.
It's a complete lack of moral character, Zero intellectual honesty, and a path for cowards.
Too bad faggot, you don't have a fucking choice in the matter
Either you act or you don't
You mean like a national socialist or something?
Now we're back at
>my side is right
>the other side is wrong
But I do have a choice. I choose not to support extremists.
> I choose not to support extremists.
Then why call yourself radical?
It's meme you dip.
Radical centrist is an oxymoron.
That's not true, leftist ideologues always end up shifting the Overton window to the left over time through incrementalism. Centrist don't maintain anything and neither do standard conservatives. The only thing that shift things back or radical right wing revolutionary movements. And yes there have been some like Spain in the 1930s
The centrist is more of a cuck than the leftist
Society was never more stable than it was under traditional monarchies yet somehow being a reactionary is insensible
>just wants to be left alone
Fucking nazi
What do you mean by "stable"?
Then if you choose to support neither, you will get cucked by one side. How exactly do you plan not to get fucked by demography?
Fellow Radical Centrist reporting in.
Left and right are not the only directions, someone who is not on the left or the right is not necessarily a centrist. He could n be north or south or anywhere in between.
A centrist is what ever the radical left and right decide it is
Your "opinions" are like the flag on a rope occasionally used in tug of war.
Yesterday's radical liberal is today's centrist tomorrow's centrist could be anything
Were you and your ilk not a source of grunts and a battlefield upon which the war of hearts and minds is fought upon your "opinions" could safely be regarded as worthless
Not really. Look at France. You have a radical centrist in power there.
For now
The problem of centrists is that they can't project themselves in the long term
But muh Overton window is so far left these things are constantly talked about in Legacy media.
Yes that's essentially what I mean: social democracy.
What do you mean?
the right isn't really helping either, not when you turn redpilling into some kind of moral crusade and fight us when we call you out, just like the left does
both sides are pushing and both will kill centrism, and the end result is civil war, spain went through that in the 30's
not only that, but both sides turned even more extremis during the war: leftists and socialists turned communists and anarchists, conservatives, carlists and the church joined fascism
>Centrist means you don't care about anything
The powers that be started this meme because it keeps you from thinking rationally. Instead you choose a side and a set of principles / morals, THEN retroactively try to come up with reasons why those ways and ideas are correct.
Meanwhile as a centrist I tend to look at ideas based on how they might be beneficial to my country and its people over other ideas. It's just a matter of me not giving a shit about identity politics and all the garbage that comes with it. The wellbeing of my people and their prosperity is what matters most.
>congress of Vienna
You see that Macron was elected and you think that all is good
The thing is that Macron being a radical centrist won't change anything, especially not demographic replacement. So while we haven't yet crashed on the ground, we are still falling to our demise
Most Centrists I have talked to absolutely refuse to consider what their country will be like in 50 years with an exponentially growing african/middle eastern population. It really sounds like they are convinced everything will stay the same as today, only with a little bit more of brown people
If nothing is done then our fate is already decided and our countries won't stay centrists for long, it will either go the way minorities want it to go (and it certainly not is centrism they're running after) or there will be a reaction against it by the radical right. Either way centrists get crushed
And what is your proposed solution to this "demographic replacement"?
What is inside here ?
Is this Cherry Cola ? What is it ?
1571 must commence again.
i'm telling you Dr. Pepper is Cherry Cola with spice