If your country isn't 1/3rd multicultural, your country is shit

Americans and Brits are welcome in this thread. Swiss too.

Why are all multicultural societies the strong and rich ones in this world, while the 99% monocultural societies are shittier poor or in civil wars?

hast du schon mal ueber selbstmord nachgedacht du vollidiot, tu uns allen ein gefallen und spring vom hoechsten gebaeude das du findest

I'm obviously an idiot cause I don't get it



Thanks for replying, dear Burger. It is good to see another multicultural flag. Are you above 50% still or below? Why is your country so strong?

>I'm obviously an idiot cause I don't get it
Hello, fellow multicultural friend. Israel is multicultural, isn't it? Among the Jews you have Ukrainians and non-Ukrainians, is that correct?

Please drop 10 redpills. Thank you.

i guess african countries are not welcome here then

It's a permanent refugee status with benifits like voting

>40 percent of under fives have a migrant background
>60 percent of under fives are white
>still whiter than the united states of 56%

Have fun faggots. You deserve it. Fuck Germany.

> Israel is multicultural
Definitions are important

> Among the Jews you have Ukrainians and non-Ukrainians
Our collection of Slavs is the envy of the world

Because corporations exploit the third world "DIVERSITY" for cheap labor.

>i guess african countries are not welcome here then

OP specifically included America in his post.

So citizenship.

At this point it really says alot more about Europe than the refugees

If your enemies don't replace you they win

>he thinks multicultural countries have migration
China has the lowest migration on planet. You are confusing free market with multiculturalism. Your government does not care about cultures, not even a bit, no laws have been passed to promote cultures, nothing at all.


Häng dich auf Mann. Säge.

>t. 1.2 fertility rate

at least american whites have children

>i guess african countries are not welcome here then
No, they are not. But your country is welcome.

Soon they will vote the Jews out of office.

Yes, your multiculturalism makes you strong. You are the best country in the Middle East, you have Western lifestyles and a lot of innovation. This is because your country includes cultures from all over the world. You are like America, just smaller.

This is a probable outcome

Flattery is nice, but I sense a hidden price.

>while the 99% monocultural societies are shittier poor or in civil wars?


>China has the lowest migration on planet. You are confusing free market with multiculturalism.
China is multicultural. They have different cultures in their vast empire, from Muslims to Cantonese to Mandarin to Tibetans to ocean people and desert people. Very multicultural.

yeah well.. can't stay, have to go to work to support wellfare checks for out new friends so they can at least buy comdoms for when they rape my sister. have a nice thread

it also takes in account half germans and europeans, it is bad but not so bad.

So instead of use making 'oy vey' jokes and making fun of you for sucking baby dicks and at the same time saying you are God's chosen Jews will be voted out and their heads sawed off with dull knives?
Are they meshugah?

Why are you faggots replying to his thread? He's obviously a Schulz shill and leftist

Migrant background also means other europeans and half blood germans.
still we all need to get our shit togheter asap

enjoy your bombs hanz

Causation works the other way around. Countries become strong and rich, then other people immigrate and the country becomes multicultural. There are a few poor multicultural countries, they are usually wracked by civil war and ethnic cleansing. Rwanda comes to mind.

China has cultures, Germany doesn't. Germany is capitalistic melting pot. China doesn't has interracial. Chinese cultures are different Chinese races, not Africans or Europeans. You don't have any definition for German culture, stop pretending you are anything else than sexual degenerate prostitute fucker of foreigner women.

>Flattery is nice, but I sense a hidden price.
No, I really mean it. I lived in Israel for 6 weeks in 2011 and I loved it. Good food, good weather, nice people from different cultures.

Compare that to the stale monocultural countries of Eastern Europe. I also lived in Poland for 3 weeks and it was dull and unoriginal - everything was the same, the people, the cities, the food, and everyone looked miserable. Their stories were all the same "Hi, I am xyz, I am Polish, my parents were Polish, my dream is to go to Britain or the US and leave Poland behind."

They stay in a country with Goy rule in it so....yeah, they be Meshugana


I hate you

Do you ever hit on muslim chicks though?
If you do what do they say?

Perhaps there is more cunning involved in this than I had previously thought.

Japan is in a depression. People do not start families any more. Many people withdraw from society altogether. This is a dying people.

>germanistan encourages mutlticultures
Fuck off Muzzie lover, nation die because of multiculturalism

>start strong
>invite millions of immigrants
>baby boomers/business owners die
>next generation drains society
>country breaks apart
In 15 years Germany will be gone.

Looks like it was Obongo's fault.
We all lost hope when the Niggerjew took office.

Stop beating me, no!

depends on how you describe migrant. my grandpa migrated from austria to bavaria and fought in ww2. Am I german enough?

do you really belive that 4 out of 10 """germans""" are mudshits or nigger? how often do you leave your moms basement?

imo, most of this shit is a psyop to keep ethnic germans from opening their mouths.

Show me German race law, lets see you dumb Christian shit. Show me proof Germany got multiculturalism.

>He's obviously a Schulz shill and leftist
I am voting FDP, friend. I do not like Schulz because he wants to increase regulations and taxes. A multicultural society should be built with the USA as a role model - strong nationalism, lax regulation and low taxes.

do you realize that the problem here is mixing different religions, instead or just the cultures?

I would trash a mudslime pussy

We arent 1/3rd multicultral hans so fuck off

GDP has nothing to do with the standard of living.

>There are a few poor multicultural countries, they are usually wracked by civil war and ethnic cleansing. Rwanda comes to mind.
Rwanda is not multicultural. The Hutus and the Tutsis are the same people, they were just divided by the colonial powers based on some shade of skin color. But they have the exact same culture and heritage.

Based op

Multiculti is the future and there is nothing you will do about it. No, being a keyboard warrior on an anime forum does not count as doing something.

>USA has nationalism
>USA has multiculturalism
When will you Christian morons stop taking corporate money to spread your lies on internet? Stupid Jesus shit. We are under USA right now, what is NATO you Christian moron? Tell you Kike on cross worshipper. How is it that you haven't figured it out after 50 years of voting for Christians and having literal pastor for president?

Kraut here. Quick reminder, that Germany has the best economy because we have fucking inventors and our people are working 18h a day. Multiculti fucks us and Rapefugees are the only problem in our society.

>Do you ever hit on muslim chicks though?
>If you do what do they say?
I have in the past. I didn't even know she was Muslim, I just knew she looked Turkish/Kurdish. Turned out her dad was a Kurdish doctor who came to Germany in the 1970s as a young immigrant. She was still a Muslim and didn't eat pork, but otherwise didn't care much about religion. We went to a festival once and had sex a few times, but then I had to be on an assignment in France for 2 months and things died down - she moved on, I moved on.

Wouldn't a decline in population be a good thing considering how many jobs will be taken over by AI?

Importing millions of uneducated people doesn't seem like a good long term strategy in this regard.

1/5. See ya niggers im out!

>18h a day
Träum weiter Mann, die Japsen arbeiten länger als wir

Stop pretending to be black you retarded Christian moron. You are just a capitalistic whore that takes money from everybody and sells to everybody, don't pretend you are creating cultures.

You don't have the basic logic to figure out what is good or bad, not to mention stop sucking Jesus titties to create culture. You are sucking anus of American music and film industry, what the fuck do retarded Christians know about culture?

None of this happened in America. They started strong, invited millions of immigrants, imported slaves, had baby boomers, and now their society is even stronger than in the past. They are the last remaining superpower. Now look at Russia, a complete mono-cultural society (even the Chechens look and behave Russian), they lost their super power status and are dying out due to a low birth rate. Infrastructure is crumbling, corruption is high, democracy has been eroded.

Austria has a slightly different culture than Germany. You are also bringing a new culture to Germany and contribute to multiculturism.

I never said 40% of Germans below 5 are non-white, I said multiculturism makes a country strong.

Melting pot retarded Christians meet random people at pub and pretend they know shit about culture, figures you are a dumb Christian.

>I said multiculturism makes a country strong.
your country is stronger now than before after receiving all those refugees?

>GDP has nothing to do with the standard of living.
There are all kinds of problems associated with a dying, aging population and a reduced GDP, from long term stock market decline to taxation to dynamics in society.

A country needs to at least grow slowly in population or stagnate, a sharp decline isn't good.

Sure Pablo Jamal, you will teach about culture, but first you need to define what kind of retarded mestizo Christian shitlord you even are, then figure out what you culture is when your whole life exists of polishing Ameircan company anuses and listening to latest MTV pop music, while you stuff you retarded Kike on cross mouth with sausages like an unoriginal non-cultural degenerate prostitute fucker Christian you are.

>Multiculti is the future and there is nothing you will do about it.
Exactly. And I think it makes us stronger to have a Vietnamese engineer and a Muslim Arab secretary and an African bartender and a Norwegian teacher and a Russian plumber and a Polish economist here in Germany. It actually builds a German patriotism which in a mono-cultural society would not be possible.

>Polish economist

just another day in utopia, the marxoid social terrorists really need to die

They need to die

>German patriotism
no user, but sadly you will notice in a few decades

>Germany has the best economy because we have fucking inventors and our people are working 18h a day.

Germans work very few hours per year. Simply because we have lots of part time work and a strict 40hr max work weak and strong unions.

Multiculturism is why we still have a working industry. Go to any German manufacturing company and they will show you Ivan, Olga, Ahmed, Izturk, Adam etc. on the assembly line.

Your life of sausage, American companies and bible sure is exciting culture, it's like when you have 10 IQ and you see different skin, you get drunk and fuck with random niggers. You really invested time into culture, didn't you? Did you pray hail mary after you broken every bible law?

How many times will your capitalistic cheap labor hiring Christian traitor ass use word multiculturalism to excuse your degenerate greedy ass?

Raperates are skyrocketing, unemployment rate goes up but haha! We're multicultural!

>your country is stronger now than before after receiving all those refugees?
Our country was strong in 2014 because of multi-culturism and it is strong now in 2016 because of multi-culturism. That is what I am saying. Refugees by themselves may or may not make us stronger.

>Our country was strong in 2014 because of multi-culturism
how can you measure this?

YES, lets blame Communism for capitalistic ruler's created problems, lets blame Communism for voting Christian democrats for 50 years. Kike on cross worshipper holds no responsibility, he only fucks cheap prostitutes and drinks pee on hot nights out with his cultural brown friends he doesn't even knows where they came from.

>Raperates are skyrocketing, unemployment rate goes up
Source? Do you actually have a source that rapes per capita are going up? And that the unemployment rate is going up as a result of multiculturism?

Last I checked unemployment is at a low not seen since the 1980s.

Different colours of sausage, that's multiculturalism in Germany. Different rape penises is multiculturalism in Germany. But now it's time for you to return to USA.

It's better than citizenship, because on top of standard gibs you get an extra, so you don't have to work a day in your live.

>$1 deposited on German's account whenever he uses word multiculturalism instead of capitalism
>$2 for using word Commie when talking about economy

>A country needs to at least grow slowly in population or stagnate

That's insane.

You think a country can support, literally, an infinite number of people?

he does

Haha sandnigger doesn't know about western culture.

Because so called "multicultural societies" were founded by whites and chinks and, no one wants to move to a African shithole.

I approve this message. If i have to live in a multicultural shithole, the rest of the world better join me. Soon your wages will fall, taxes will rise, crime will skyrocket and you will finally live in multicultural paradise.

I have a better question, why are they in decline as the population of foreign cultures increases?

What Goy actually meant is:
A country USING CURRENT ECONOMIC STRUCTURES needs to at least grow slowly in population or stagnate OR DEVELOP ANOTHER TYPE OF ECONOMICAL STRUCTURE IN A LONG AND EXPENSIVE PROCESS (which no one picks because why think)

Because those countries in the past rampaged and pillaged and drained resources from other countries. They have enough shekels to live and do nothing for next 100 years.

Erster Beitrag, Bester Beitrag

>If your country isn't 1/3rd multicultural, your country is shit.

So every African and Asian country, then?

Look i took a pee that was different color, it's multiculturalism everybody! We are opening all American companies around the world so we all speak English, D'oh JAMAL PENIS, IT'S MULTICULTURALISM, MADE IN JESUS RETARD LAND. OH LOOK WE CREATED SOCIALISM BY TRANSFERRING ALL MONEY TO USA, WE ARE TRULY 99% POORER, DA MULTUCULTI, YES, DON'T EVEN BLAME CAPITALISTS, CHRISTIANS AND USA, THE DEFINITION OF MULTICULTURALISM.

>tfw we have slavs to beat up refugees for us
Basically niggers but if you speak Russian they like you.

wow this is fucking disgusting

R.I.P Germany.

>If your country isn't 1/3rd multicultural, your country is shit

Better shit than muslim!

Fuckity fuck off, Achmed Al-Berlinali

That means israel is shit. amirite?
They have walls to keep erryone out.


>germany is stronger and better than ever
>irrelevant mongolia: "OLOLOL RIP"
Such jealousy. Stay mad, breh. Stay very mad.