I have a theory that the generally accepted idea that "size doesn't matter'' is a leftist social construct...

I have a theory that the generally accepted idea that "size doesn't matter'' is a leftist social construct. Let me explain :
Leftists are individuals with an inferiority complex. They can't accept the fact that some people have superior traits (IQ for example) and I'll quote Kaczynski on that :
>The leftist's feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as [...] superior and other things as [...] inferior.

So even though admitting that a bigger penis is better makes perfect sense both biologically cause it allows to deliver the sperm further up the vagina giving the best chances of impregnation, and socially cause women have a history of choosing well-endowed men which led humans to have the largest penis amongst all primates (news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/04/130408-penises-science-evolution-genitalia-health-weird/)

Leftists can't accept that fact cause it suggests that some are inferior to others which fundamentally contradicts their belief that everyone is equal.

That's why if you do a quick research on the internet, you'll realize that the articles pushing the idea that size doesn't matter are leftist media outlet like Huffington post and GQ magazine

Stop being indoctrinated and reassured by liberal/leftist media, a bigger penis is always superior

Other urls found in this thread:



I have a theory that cock size is directly related to test production. I've seen a lot of cocks in locker rooms and with an rsquared of like .8 people who play contact sports have big cocks and faggy runners and crew fags have little worms

After reading Sup Forums I started to believe that there is an inverse dependency between IQ and a penis size.


It's exactly the opposite. They use the propaganda of big dicks in tandem to go hand in hand with bbc propaganda.
The idea is to eliminate a large portion of potential men that society tells them they shouldn't breed with. And it encourages them to look to other races.
Therefore they bring in hordes of people from other nations to fill that role.

Fuck off shill. The average vagina is between 5-6 inches deep.

8.5'' really is optimal

I mean sure if you've got a micro duck your out of luck. On the other hand if you have something very long you can literally kill your woman with a cervix laceration. I would guess anything above 8in and maybe even 7 and you'll have this risk, depending on the girl.

yes but women are supposed to be the property of man, married off by the father to whoever he deems fit.
So muh dik does not matter outside of porn

fuck you

>the reason classical statues have small cocks is because the artists preferred boys

Beyond retarded. If anyone's actually interested in the reason, it's because the social norms at the time in the ancient civilisations such as Roman were such that having a large penis usually made a man appear beastly, uncivilised, barbaric - basically closer to animal than man. The model men (such as those in famous statues) were portrayed with smaller ones to look as civilised and cultured as possible. It seems an unusual ideal today but that's only because our civilisation and cultural values have evolved so much we have a completely different perspective to it. Cultural history has all kinds of oddities like this that contract with contemporary society.

I'm only 6.5" but multiple girls I've had sex with have described it as "huge," "big," "nice," etc. And these were bar skanks who have probably seen a fair number of dicks. I think your chart is bullshit

>artists preferred boys
dude, are you just ignoring the fact that so many greek politicians were gay pedophiles?


>civiilized small penis meme
yea, but that's what the men cared about, the women in that age wanted big barbarian cock, they even had slaves with big cocks to fuck them. and you know how the men during that time treated women.

Bigger hips wider vagina, longer torso longer vagina.
Just fuck asians and stay away from latin girls if you're worried about having a pencil dick.






If you are going to fuck children or small dogs it is better to have a tiny penis.

>he takes girls being nice to him at face value
what the fuck do you want them to say?
>"oh, you're so average!, I love average cock!"

how naive are you user?

It's what they do with obese women, but they don't do this with dicks.
Dickwaving has always been cheeky banter to talk yourself up.


femanon here, anything above 5.5 inches is very pleasing, and anything above 7 is too big and honestly painful

sage fuck off

8 inches is perfect

>A whore's guide to penis size

There you have, now autosage.

It's the other way around.
Increasing muscle mass increase your natural test which helps you grow a big ol benis.
It's partly genetic, but having extra free test will help you grow as big as you are going to.


So when you handle their C-cup tits, do you tell them
>God I love your tits, they're so average
>I could bury my face in between these if me face was the size of a marshmallow
>hehe my nipples are bigger than yours, so sweet
Or do you compliment them to get them off quicker?

user, this is just pathetic

That's why you're supposed to dilate your manhole, sweetie

Who cares about women feelings??

I would never fuck a girl with STDs, or a roasty.

Cute young girls are tight usually.


No woman wants a cervix crusher. 5.5-6.5 depending on the women is the perfect length.

This Suka knows his shit. This is why romans loved small penises. Having a small penis in roman times was a good thing because you probably werent a dumb mongoloid fuck head.

Arent leftitst also cucks obsessed with nigger's muh dikk?


Wow OP you spent a LOT of time typing that up to compensate for your teeny little Trumpcuck nubbin, didn't you? Don't worry, little Trumpcuck. Give up on racism and treason, lose a few hundred pounds, and your pee-pee will stick out a bit more.

This thread is a literal cancer.

well someone has a lot of spare time to make up shit

I think you mean, the landwhales and tumblrites nobody want to fuck have tight pussies from never getting any dick

Back to back digits! Don't see that often.

May I tell you that that is a fucking myth?
I fucked a virgin when i was 16, she had giant meatflaps (she was 14) i fucked some drunk slut who probably had quite the mileage on her and her pussy looked like the wet dream of any pedo, pink, innie, hairless etc.

Pussies are different, every pussy looks different, the mileage doesnt have a lot do with it unless she takes 3 dicks a day for 10 years.

I have an normal 6'' penis and I've fucked every girl in my town.

Learn HOW to bond, and then fuck a woman, user. Stop giving a fuck about what people think of your penis, or your hair style.

>wanting a ham sandwich that is all bread
The filling is what makes a sandwich good.

I mean I don´t care what women want.

It has never been relevant till the cucks era we live on.

t.small benis poster

>Believing in memes

You worth the same as a nigger

I thought they liked small dicks because big ones are painful to be buttfucked with

only average anons make fun of micropenis
real big dick anons make fun of average dicks

Too true. I haven't left a woman behind yet. If the vaginal fuck isnt working flick the bean while fucking her. Some women simply cannot cum during vaginal sex.

Yeah I'm about the same and they've said ouch and had me back off a little cause I bottomed out. I once had a girlfriend that used a diaphragm and had to stop using it because the end of my dick would bang into it.

That shits from a women's magazine and is intentto be derisive more than anything.

If you look at the statues of all the Smart people they have small dicks and they werent seen as a bad things.
BTW OP if you're fat and you have a 5.5er lose weight. Every 20-30lbs you gain .5"

>they werent seen as a bad things.
by the men in that era...
the women however, wanted big barbaric cock

I don´t care how the pussy was, if pussy looks roastty, it isn´t that good.

wouldn´t ever put my dick in something like this.

complete misuse of the meme, chad isnt supposed to care about the woman's pleasure

that's such a virgin thing to say



>micro penis
>consider the WOMAN unlucky

oh wow how will you ever get dick again in your entire life

This is why women didn't have fucking rights man. Has shit not clicked with you yet? Zionist jews started feminism to destroy the family unit. Find jesus man he gives the true answers.

what? the poor girl has to either have a shitty fuck or put the guy down and tell him that he's just too small for her.

I don't have a small penis like you so I don't have to compensate by being angry at women.

Man. The Zionist propaganda has you fooled so hard. I feel bad for you. Your dick shouldn't matter anyways if you find a true christian girl your married too. Continue to let the zionist society dictate your actions with women.

Baby dick detected



best way to go


I have an 8 incher. i have been called big but havent caused to much pain with it unless when going in really hard and really deep while she's dry. your wodkadick isnt bullshitting anyone

>implying that women dont exagerate on penis size preference ,when they say 8 inches in reality is 6 inches.

6.1 long 6 inch thick.

The kind of SJW bitch that would actually read this and believe it is also the one the guy with the nine inch dick has no interest in fucking.

have an normal 6'' penis and I've fucked every girl in my town.

Learn HOW to bond, and then fuck a woman, user. Stop giving a fuck about what people think of your penis, or your hair style.

Also, the average woman's gave is around 4-6 inches deep. and if penis size does help, it's the circumference

>it's another girthcuck with a short dick


fyi the clit exists so a woman knows the guy loves her

it sounds faggy but if the dude is willing to work the clit then he probably cares about getting you off and thus cares about you; he wont leave when you have babies.

its either that or the clit was made for pedos who cant fit in the vag yet...

The statistics on this are way off.

i fucking love how the dutchies in this thread just accept this stuff as fact while the rest of Sup Forums gets triggered as fuck. i know know why all the african and american foreign exchange students are always so depressed, they just cant compete

Autism incoming:
As it turns out size matters, but not in the way most men think. According to this study:
> Women recalled model size accurately using this method, although they made more errors with respect to penis length than circumference. Women preferred a penis of slightly larger circumference and length for one-time (length = 6.4 inches/16.3 cm, circumference = 5.0 inches/12.7 cm) versus long-term (length = 6.3 inches/16.0 cm, circumference = 4.8 inches/12.2 cm) sexual partners.
Which is larger than average, but not by a huge amount.

This suffers from small sample size, so I supplemented that by looking at the best selling dildos on amazon.com, the average of the top selling 13 is:
However there are two clear outliers here, removing those gives:
Which is more or less average, if you wanted to be more precise you'd produce an average weighted by popularity. Now this might be informal, but it concords pretty well with the previous study. If we couple this with the fact that about 85% of women are satisfied with the size of their partners, but only 50% of men are (source: psycnet.apa.org/journals/men/7/3/129/), I've come to believe that:
>Big dicks are a niche female fetish
>Big dicks are a male fetish

Don't like that conclusion? Deal with, it's more likely to be true than some pictures taken from a cuck on Tumblr, also pic related.

what do you expect from dicklets
always memeing about how good the average dick is and how women prefer it. it's pathetic

especially this cuck

We're quite large compared to most countries.

dicklet is triggered af

I have 8 inches BPEL, feels good man.

I have 8 inches BPEL feels good.

not an argument

ideal size is good on paper, but it's about how you fuck

i'd rather have a shitty 4 inch and fuck like a normal person, than have an 8 inch and not know what the fuck I'm doing like a retard

Stop watching porn.
Tidy your room.
Go outside and socialise.

I used to club hop every weekend. I was fucking at least two new chicks every month. Never worried about my dick size. Wasn't the biggest, richest or sexiest guy at the club but I was the smoothest. Women do not give a Fuck about your dick as long as you make them feel special. Now get out there and get some pussy.

ITT Jamal implies big penis means more man, even though whites on average have the largest ones

Not an argument.

tfw 7.5, phew I guess I don't have to kill myself then

>Muh Dick

Kill yourself nigger

>n-not an argument

nigger I'm bald too. would be cool if I had hair again, but it hasn't cross my mind until I just mentioned it now. stop worrying about what people think, nigger. Would be quite nice if I earned an extra 10 cents an hour, but I don't lol

why would I worry? I got a 9 inch cock.
I'm golden


whatever mate, have fun with your 4incher and tidying your room while us real men reconquer the world.

I bet your asshole is sore

While I agree that size does matter, those sizes are complete horse shit (7.5 is decent guise) and I hope people don't believe that.

7.5 inches is the king of dicklets m8
8.5 inches or above is good
9 inches preferably

>sexually selecting

I have had the same experience. OP and those who agree with him have likely never had sex, why even listen to then anyway?

if that wasn't the case, women wouldn't be fucking all of the refugees in your country

as long as it isn't a thin as a hot dog, you're fine

more importantly, as long as you have good fucking skills

The mistake is caring about what women want in the first place.

who the fuck wrote all that faggotry?