the time to act is now, things could get much worse from this point on. now is the time to organize large scale operations.
Now is the time to act
no, it's too late. just try to make things comfy for yourself and let the world kill itself off
to make things worse or to reverse worsening?
to work towards the ultimate goal of European national socialism
You only represent a small part of Sup Forums
> You're a dead entity
> Unable to renew itself and its ideas
> Losing ground
what the fuck exactly you want to do then
I'm listening. What are you proposing?
more critical jewish studies
Fuck off faggot
You're trying to incite violence in order to give the media more stories and the traitors more reasons to clamp down on us
2 shekels have been deposited in your account
To achieve that goal we need to use this situation to our advantage, accelerate this madness and lets speed up the upcoming civil war
hello Dr. Murdoch....
Shall i begin construction on the nest for you?
When are you due to lay the egg?
Will suzette be available to sit on the egg until it hatches?
>organize large scale operations
Stop LARPing faggot
That the twitter useful idiots are trying to shutdown Sup Forums
Spread the meme 1376 > 1488
>13 colonies, 13 words(American children instead of white), 1776
>Its not for Sup Forums, it's for normies to read
The Alt right was doomed from the start
> No solid ideological grounds
> Too extreme for the majority
> Unable to moderate itself
most importantly is to redpill more people
then we have to show our numbers and use our influence to push our agenda
you don't need to be (((alt right))) to want white countries to be white and to stop degeneracy
Sup Forums and other newer conservative/libertarian venues boosted the Trump movement.
The CIA/DNC alt-Right which is all KKK and Nazi is the only group the public sees - and thinks everyone on the Right is fully supportive of the KKK and Nazis.
This is the first in many false flag operations. The Left is winning. They've moved on FoxNews, they are fighting to remove a president, and we are having major social upheaval.
This is Brennan/Clinton stuff. Toxic. It will pass.
nice digits Dr. Murdoch.
your nest is complete please report to bay 9 for egg laying duties.
The name allocated to you egg will be DEX.
Any questions?
We need redpill flyers in real life
never mentioned violence. nice try goldberg
print off flyers and leave them in public places nothing to off-putting just subtle redpills or signs that like minded people are in the area