My girlfriend's friend posted this, thoughts?
My girlfriend's friend posted this, thoughts?
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Time for a public lynching
Oh yeah? Well my second cousin's best friends girlfriend thinks your girlfriends friend should kill herself NOW.
>tfw you will have no choice but to exterminate people like this in the next civil war
>ywn be able to save them from their own stupidity
Bit harsh?
I just asked my wife's son's girlfriend's bull and he said the same.
Bit soft desu senpai
everybody has to constantly remind everyone that they are five different kinds of minority and victim because they think this will manipulate the world into treating them better and giving them better opportunities
it is the most selfish and despicable shit ever
Post gf's feet.
What is she trying to say?
There's like 0 substance and I don't speak abooboo.
"white men are evil"
We are in her nightmares.
>abo calling for empathy, would it only be for the innocent children
reminder it doesn't make the slightest bit of sense
And her rape fantasy's
he should join
If she's lacking energy, maybe she should look into fueling up with some petrol.
this whole faggot movement got way outta hand
>Kayla Tyson
I don't see an argument, just somebody's personal blog
Niggers man
Who gives a damn?
Redpill your gf to ditch these abo.
>white person larping as an aboriginal suffering from muh oppression due to their 1/64 abo blood
Bloke at my highschool shitposted his way into law degree at usyd (SUCCESSFULLY) because of his abo blood, literally had white skin and red hair. The white "abo" is more pathetic than the actual abo when it comes to harvesting sympathy and gibs.
>watch Trumps remarks
>sounds reasonable
>US media acting like Trump just said "kill all niggers" on live tv
What a silly country.
I'm so sorry.
Same sympathy trolling as we get from our blacks here in USA. Any sane person ignores it, and those who do it.
That show was shit kek.
You shut your fucking mouth
I'll be voting NO.
>stop persecuting me for huffing gas and sitting under trees and being a faggot
she should try sleeping in the road. I hear abbos find it very comfy.
oh yeah well i'm a demi-queen transqueer pangender twospirit asexual so pick my genderqueen boipussi
guy is British but yeah I get your point.
typical oppressed aboriginal.
Why are you in every thread
You girlfriends friend has mental issues and should probably spend the rest of her days in a padded or concreted cell.
My girlfriend's friend has nightmares about her cardigan getting stolen
Aboriginals technically aren't even human, most have an IQ in the range where they can't even learn written language.
She's not really an abo, is she.
I know this because she knows how to read and write.
adopt a trip so we can filter you
Theres worms in your poop ...
>I don't have an opinion but I am a victim and a minority in these X ways, please gib me pity attention ty
If only that kraut was a better shot
G'day Mate, kill her.
Getting free uni, free job, free housing, more dole, money for being about ... Must be so hard.
>lgbt, native and black family members
>The trifecta of oppression
Someone loves the idea of being a victim.
Nigga you coulda checked abo on the box same as her
What the fuck, any trace of aboriginal culture should be erased from this planet, we treated them too well
I'm part abo but because I'm not part of a 'tribe' I'm basically on my own. I can play didgeridoo and my dreams are always surreal, not addicted to drugs or huff petrol, study engineering at uni but because I'm not recognized by a bunch of fat lazy cunts that meet up once a week to talk about how to leech more benefits of centerlink I'm cast away into the shadows. Sometimes I think about killing myself because I'm not pure white and any kids I might have will have the same mudded genes as me. I bet the bitch in OPs pic is getting abstudy and numerous indigenous scholarships because she pretended she was abo for a few months. Meanwhile this abo right here is starving off suicidal thoughts while shit posting on a Kurringaian rock smashing board..
C'mon dad you sound like an Aryan. Don't be like that. Abos are just retarded, that's all. Remember the white man's burden?
>Australia lucky country
This shit was satire when it came out. How did it get memed to anything other.
i'm so fucking sick of these retards can't we just go back to the comfy 90s
*posted from iPhone paid for by the Australian taxpayer*
I'm part but not recongised too.
But I'm a big disgrace to the aborigine race - my boomerang won't come back.
A professional victim like her almost deserves the things she fears. Also
She's a prejudiced filled piece of scum. Honestly you shouldn't consider her an individual, for if you walked into a room it would judge you on nothing but the basis of your skin and the way you hold yourself and not consider you an individual. People that speak of injustice but actively participate in it and speak it loudly, aren't people.
just like your dad
Call her a cunt
Though that's true, most of the fathers of half abos are white.
What kind of fucking propaganda does it take to convince them that
>White men = baby murdering psychopaths.
Seriously. And everyone just thinks that's okay?
Like what if I said
>damn I'm terrified those fucking Jews are going to steal babies for blood sacrifice
Can you imagine the shit storm even though an identical sentiment is being stated.
White men have been labeled with blood libel.
What is the documentary that screenshot if from? Ive seen snippets before and it looks pretty based.
Fuckin boonga
Im so glad im off facebook
Empire of Dust.
Empire of Dust
>dating an abobo
user I....
What uni?
Why do these idiots always have everything set to public on Facebook
>I'm so scared of something that has literally never happened in my lifetime that I can't vote on an unrelated form
She's a lazy cunt who needs an excuse to not do anything and draw attention to herself
Newcastle why?
It's pretty revealing how many black people are butthurt about something that never even happened to them.