I saw this ad today where they've officially deemed us all Nazis, big shock, a leftist organization calling everybody they don't agree with Nazis
TechCrunch Has Declared War on Poll
That's National Socialist to you shills
who gives a shit
They think that Sup Forums is one person. It doesn't matter to them that this is a vibrant, multinational board that celebrates free speech and has content espousing many diverse ideologies.
Or at least, that's how I see it.
Kek, this is actually true.
oh noes, what ever will we do.
wtf i hate whatever techcrunch is now
> They think that Sup Forums is one person.
and they choose that person to fit their agenda,thats why faggots should stop larping as nazis.
Enoch Powell, who was very angry about the appeasement policy of Chamberlain, was eager to fight against Hitler, and did so when the war came; but he also wanted to stop immigration and institute a system of voluntary repatriation in order return Britain to being a majority ethnically British country. According to the media, both Enoch Powell, and the 90% of the British people who agreed with him at the time, were "Nazis."
ITT: weeping little victim-complex Trumpcucks shocked to learn how little patience real Americans have with the "hey we're not ALL Nazis" excuse.
Yeah so we're fucking doomed because the eternal normie never going to stop being caring about the word nazi.
But Sup Forums's emblem is literally a nazi symbol
Really gets my mumble jumble
>literally who
Yeah but we're all desensitised to that, I'm not a neo Nazi or a white supremacist and my gf is black
>thinking tech is opposed to evolutionary humanism and not what will ultimately lead to its realization
Its budist symbol of love , tolerance and hugs
Taking down Sup Forums would be the worst mistake that these people ever made, excluding perhaps trying to take down Sup Forums as a whole, which would be the last mistake they every made.
>not winning the battle against white supremacy
Sounds like a puffpiece.
Thanks TechCrunch
What is techcrunch?
Good reasoning like wearing a klan outfit and stroll around Watts saying "no worry mates I'm desensitized to that and my right ha- girlfriend is black"
fuck off with your clickbait techcuck shill
That's seriously how Yanks pronounce it.
Do they not realise this is a containment board
We'd just spill out to every corner of the internet
gonna need a source on that
How do you buck toothed island niggers pronounce it?
literally who?
Faggots should stop LARPing as Nazi's because National Socialism is a failed 20th Century Utopian ideology based on German Autism.
People need to STOP endorsing shit tier political movements that think you can craft a perfect society. We just need a system that allows the weak to fail and the strong to flourish. Right now we have a dysgenic system that subsidizes the weak, poor and stupid at the expense of the smart, rich and smart. We need to STOP worshipping victims.