They're practically calling for a civil war in America by stirring the pot. We've got to to do something about it.
This is George Zimmerman all over again.
They're practically calling for a civil war in America by stirring the pot. We've got to to do something about it.
This is George Zimmerman all over again.
You mean it's John Brown all over again
they are out of line; they are not the enemy tho
How are they not the enemy?
They have been fomenting violence by pitting Americans against each other.
And for what? Ratings?
They are. Nothing else needs to be said.
>not knowing all mainstream media is owned by jews
>not knowing jes are the enemy of humanity
you can kindly fuck off
it's like your misguided, insubordinate little sister
she's not your enemy but she does need to get in line, sit down and shut the fuck up, so you can fight the actual enemies (Jihadists, etc.)
They are a tool of the enemy, but most media members are just self-selected idiots who truly believe they are doing a service by spreading (((their))) talking points.
So how do you propose we solve this?
>George Zimmerman
What's Bob Dylan got to do with it?
State the facts.
Point out the liars for what they are.
Truth solves the lies.
There are infinite versions of lies. There is only one truth.
It doesn't take a genius.
They are the mouthpiece of the enemy so yes they are the enemy.
Half the media companies, including FOX, have significant ownership by Arabs, they are the enemy.
There is already civil war in the west; Cold Civil War.
It is a symptom of democracy which in itself isn't a bad thing but the symptom is exacerbated by rabble rousing media or rhetoric peddlers on both side.
...It is pretty clear which side is allowed to outright deny reality though....
Just the (((News))) doing what the (((News))) always do.
start here and don't back down
they will come at you with lies, emotional manipulation, ingroupism, basically anything but reason and evidence because they're wrong
they're also desperate because they're losing, they will lash out, get violent, etc. be prepared to defend yourself
ignoring them is also effective. leftists and media are in the business of attention whoring. don't take them seriously. dismiss their faux arguments as bullshit, and walk right by if you can.
the time for debate is over. they're not honest, they're not reasonable, there's no point
we're winning. let's roll
yes. german msm is rotten aswell. i know someone at zdf and they are cucked beyond goods. dont want to spread the truth. all they have to say is "trump is bad muh feelings muh tranny ban iz baaad". pathetic fucks
no, jews after money
>Is the Mainstream Media our Enemy?
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